
but you get a teaching supply credit on the federal tax form.

last year the wife spent $700 on nurse insurance, $500 on nurse uniforms, and $200 on a new stethoscope.

LOL $250 credit will NEVER cover what a teacher spends yearly...and $250 is the limit one can claim.
The induced stupidity of many Americans is an amazing thing to behold.

Money spent on education is evil.

Money spent on war is good.

Money in the pockets of educators is greed.

Money in the pockets of CEO's is honest.

The difference in education Obama offers is getting serious about educating our children.

I call that "patriotism"

False dichotomies and strawmen. It's not binary.

I am not for throwing more money at education. But money spent there is good. It's not the money, it's the system.

I am totally against war spending. Only spending on basic defense is of any value.

Money in anybody's pocket is honest if they've gotten it through the free choices of their employers/customers.
Possible but not likely. Parents' are often blinded when it comes to their children, and I highly doubt that anyone would want a teenager determining the outcome of their livelihood.

Uh huh, translation "our customers are too stupid to be trusted with judging product quality." Big part of what's wrong with education in this system.
bottom line is teaching is a relatively comfortable job.. yes its hard honest work for 180days a year.. but you get paid well, great job security, have a shit load of days off, a phat pension, and union to give you regular pay increases regardless of if your an outstanding teacher or just average.

people dont go into teaching for money.. they go there because they want to make a difference of because they want lifestyle of summers off.

And the lifestyle of security. This is a primary motivating factor of those who enter government and heavily unionized industries.
False dichotomies and strawmen. It's not binary.

I am not for throwing more money at education. But money spent there is good. It's not the money, it's the system.

I am totally against war spending. Only spending on basic defense is of any value.

Money in anybody's pocket is honest if they've gotten it through the free choices of their employers/customers.


And the lifestyle of security. This is a primary motivating factor of those who enter government and heavily unionized industries.

Most right out of school don't enter teaching because they are motivated by the lifestyle of security, but because they are idealistic and want to make a difference. It's those that STAY in it that are motivated by that lifestyle. The others become too frustrated by the system in general. In Texas the majority of new teachers leave the profession for another field completely within the first 5 yrs. The focus needs to be the retention of quality teachers and not just the luring in.
stringdouche, you wound up saying my position
Pay way more to start and then pay for performance.
You like a lot of programers don't know how to related, ya moron.
The induced stupidity of many Americans is an amazing thing to behold.

Money spent on education is evil.

Money spent on war is good.

Money in the pockets of educators is greed.

Money in the pockets of CEO's is honest.

The difference in education Obama offers is getting serious about educating our children.

I call that "patriotism"

You are a lot off there my brother.

Paying teachers more money is not bad. Putting money into education is not bad. What IS disturbing is the quality of our education system and how it is not improving. Thus the call for changes other than just money. You're a smart man I know you can understand that. Ideology may make you think one way but deep down you know our system needs improvement.
You are a lot off there my brother.

Paying teachers more money is not bad. Putting money into education is not bad. What IS disturbing is the quality of our education system and how it is not improving. Thus the call for changes other than just money. You're a smart man I know you can understand that. Ideology may make you think one way but deep down you know our system needs improvement.

I don't disagree with you on some points .. however, better money attracts better people. Would you want to live on a teachers salary? . I don't.

It's not just salaries but the conditions of our schools mirrors the condition of our infrastructure. Both is desperate shape.

If education is our priority, then money shouldn't be the obstacle.

I agree the system needs change and although I have a reaction to vouchers, I'm open to the idea put forth by Obama on their use .. which preserves the importance of public education.
and what is this in response to?
What I posted about their pay how it is backended and increases over time. However, her link only shows what happens if all things remain equal. Most that remain get higher degrees, make even more money.

It also didn't include back end pay. Their retirement programs are almost invariably better than those of us in the private sector. It is based on how long you stick with it though.

Now as for how they decide what the lowest pay is, it is contractual. A percentage of all pay goes to those who are starting, this increases over time. What ends up happening, is those longer in the union (that endured the low pay) invariably are the ones making and debating new contracts. The reason the NEA always wants us to believe teachers are so under paid is that if we increase the budget enough to get the new teachers paid well, their pay increases as well as it is based no percentages of budgeted pay by contract.
The induced stupidity of many Americans is an amazing thing to behold.

Money spent on education is evil.

Money spend on education is good, however wise people ensure that they are not throwing good money after bad. Increase the money we spend on education, based on results and merit.

Money spent on war is good.

Depends on the war.

Money in the pockets of educators is greed.

Nobody said this, this is a negative extrapolation based on a stereotyped belief system.

Money in the pockets of CEO's is honest.

Nobody said this either, see: "Nobody said this, this is a negative extrapolation based on a stereotyped belief system."

The difference in education Obama offers is getting serious about educating our children.

I call that "patriotism"

The difference he offers is no more than many have offered before. I call that repetition.
Most right out of school don't enter teaching because they are motivated by the lifestyle of security, but because they are idealistic and want to make a difference. It's those that STAY in it that are motivated by that lifestyle. The others become too frustrated by the system in general. In Texas the majority of new teachers leave the profession for another field completely within the first 5 yrs. The focus needs to be the retention of quality teachers and not just the luring in.

Yes, you have a good point there. The system weeds out those motivated by good things and leaves only those interested in security. Big corps are often similar.
stringdouche, you wound up saying my position
Pay way more to start and then pay for performance.
You like a lot of programers don't know how to related, ya moron.

Nope, what I have been saying all along and what you fail to understand, is that the pay for performance is key. I have no problem increasing starting pay. But without fundamental change in the ways teachers are evaluated, given raises and FIRED if necessary, then this will achieve nothing significant.
Then yes we are on the same page, except if we just do as you want were fucked for decades.
You have to raised the pay to get better than shitwaiste applying, and of course pay for performance.
But pay for performance enforcing toughness from a dogshit salary can be more negative than positive.
If education is our priority, then money shouldn't be the obstacle.

Education is one of many priorities and therefore money is always an obstacle to some extent. However, I don't think money is the primary obstacle, but rather a socialized education system is.

I am for testing out the left's healthcare plans in education. Let's implement a single payer education system (and otherwise remove government from the system) and see how things work. :)
It's a major obsticle when tons of education majors often the brightest do something besides teach because the pay is so shitty.
It's a major obsticle when tons of education majors often the brightest do something besides teach because the pay is so shitty.

Do you think that is happening out of college or do you agree with TexasMeg that the best are dropping out after getting abused by the socialized system?
I think more are prob getting good jobs before even starting a shit teaching job, but still a lot of teachers change careers prior to turning 30 when they see how hard buying a house is on that low of a salary.