Eight Ways the Democrat Party Emulates the Nazi Party

The Democrat Party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a racist Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery, supported the KKK for over 9 decades, promoting antisemitism, religious persecution, and xenophobia. and promulgated cultural Marxism. Woodrow Wilson undermined the Constitution, remolding the US into a "modern administrative state" (i.e. Socialist) and FDR was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his "New Deal".

First, today's Democrat Party is 2nd only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate are framed in imaginary racism.

Second, just like the Nazis in the 1920s and early 1930s who relied on street riots, property damage and violence using their military cadre, the Democrat Party of 2020 acquiesced to street riots, property damage and violence with Antifa and BLM.

Third, when a fire broke out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building of Nazi Germany, the Nazis (Hitler) blamed it on Communist agitators as being a violent coup. Nazis rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute their political adversaries. The Democrat Party similar to the Reichstag riot proclaimed Jan 6 as an armed insurrection set up as being a violent Trump coup. Thus, Democrats rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute those in attendance to intimidate their political enemies just like the Nazis did.

Fourth, antisemitism was foundational principle of Nazism. Antisemitism, through the Democrats' nine-decade alliance with the KKK, has long been foundational in the Democrat Party. Today, many elected Democrats (including the squad) openly denigrate the state of Israel, glorify the Palestinian terrorists, and claim that Jews are disloyal. Virtually the entire Democrat hierarchy bows at the feet of America's most virulent anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan.

Fifth, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, or speech they did not fully support. They were determined to destroy the family structure, replacing it with the state, (Hillary, it takes a village). The Democrat Party will and has shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology. They're in league with the teachers' unions, hellbent on programming America's youth and destroying the family structure replacing it with the state.

Sixth, Nazis indoctrinated the citizenry through propaganda and "fake news." This strategy continues with the democrat Party, whether it is the Russian collusion hoax, the so-called armed insurrection on J6, climate change as an existential threat to mankind, suppression of voting rights, white supremacy running rampant, necessity of COVID lockdowns etc.

Seventh, The Nazis blamed the Jews and wealthy capitalists for their economic woes. Beginning in 2009 the Democrat Party blamed so-called "white supremacy" and wealthy capitalists for income and inequality in order to foment class envy and resentment.

Eighth, Hitler was an avowed communist who eventually joined the National Socialist Party, later renamed the National Socialist Workers (NAZI) Party, which is what Party Bernie Sanders belongs to. In short, it adopted extreme nationalism and government-controlled capitalism. The latter half of the 20th century the Democrat Party began to fully embrace an American version of the Marxism/Socialism that underpinned the Nazi Party.

The greatest threat to the survival of the United States as founded is not of offshore but within its borders: the Democrat Party.


This is just a thought,
but what do you think about suspending the 1st Amendment just long enough
to lethally inject Libhater for this post alone?

I know it could be a hard sell,
but I'll use this opportunity to vote YES right here and now.

Anybody have a problem with this?
If you've got a link that shows anything remotely like "Hitler was a communist", LET'S SEE IT.
No need. Hitler, like Democrats today, used government to manipulate markets (fascism) and nationalized some industries (communism). Hitler was a socialist, and both a fascist and a communist.
He didn't want Stalin's version of communism, he wanted his own...so he started a program to eradicate his competition from Germany.
Your source can't even get his facts straight.
Everything in the OP is true.
Hitler joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' Party) in 1919 when he was a low-level agent of military intelligence (he was still in the army). A year or two later THAT became the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). If it was "socialist" in anything but name, why did big industrialists like Fritz Thyssen start giving it money? They wanted a communist takeover, you think?
Fritz was an early supporter of the Nazi party, but broke with them later when he realized what they really were.
Today, the same thing happens with several CEOs of companies in America today, supporting the Democrat party, at least until they figure out what they really are. Some have broken away like Fritz did, namely Elon Musk.

Since you bring it up, this is ANOTHER similarity between Democrats and Nazis.
So you're saying that anyone who uses the abbreviation of the word liberal, i.e. 'lib' is to be taken as or seen as being stupid?
So all liberals who choose to abbreviate their political ideology (liberal) to the shorter version of 'lib' are fucking stupid? Hey,
looks like we agree on something. I suppose being called a lib is a little less embarrassing than being called a NAZI, even
though the two have so many similarities as proven from the OP.

He can't present any counterargument to anything in the OP, so he tries for a semantic fallacy instead. What losers.
Wrong, Nazism leans right, Democrats lean left, you don’t understand history

Fascism is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.
Communism is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.
Slavery is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.

Racism and bigotry is a problem mostly with DEMOCRATS. They enslaved black people. They put them on modern 'plantations' in misery (the inner cities) with the full intention of keeping them there. They attack whole groups such as Christians, Jews, blacks, indians, asians, women, etc. just for a genetic trait they have or a certain religion they have. They still do.

Now they hate children. They abort (murder) them for convenience, they encourage them to mutilate themselves, they create 'gun free zones' AND the psychotic fucks that shoot up schools, they do everything they can to indoctrinate any survivors (including keeping them illiterate), they force them to wear masks (increasing the incidence of bacteriological and fungal infections), they pump them full of experimental drugs by force, they use psychoquackery to justify taking them away from their parents, they make the cities they live in unsafe to be in, and on...and on...and on.

And Democrat fucks have the GALL to say they support black people, or support children. Fuck you.
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They backed trump and repeated all the election lies he spewed
Illiteracy: Proper names are capitalized, even if you hate the man's guts.
You cannot just make all that evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear. You cannot make people's judgement of that evidence just disappear either. Lest we forget:

* the mathematical improbability of all Biden votes in after hours counting.
* the after hours counting, complete with no observers present.
* the affidavits filed by both Republicans and Democrats witnessing election fraud occurring in election offices.
* the unconstitutional changing of election laws DURING the election.
* the unconstitutional election voting over several days, adjusted DURING the election no less.
* the videos of election workers filling out ballots and running ballots through the machines several times, all after hours WITH NO OBSERVERS PRESENT.
* the videos of election workers pulling suitcases out from under their desks filled with ballots and counting them after hours. WITH NO OBSERVERS PRESENT.
* the mules.
* changing election procedures without authorization.
* demonstrated weakness in voter machine software.
* conflict of interest (which was a direct cause of the 2022 governor election in AZ to fault).
* votes for republicans that disappeared DURING counting.
* dead people 'voting'.
* people finding out they already 'voted' when they didn't.
* failure to certify votes for electors by proper authority as specified in the Constitution of the United States.
* failure to choose electors in multiple States.
* sham 'votes' by 'electors' that didn't exist being filed and counted, despite protest by State legislators.
* radical inconsistency with rally turnout vs voting pattern.
* persecution of Trump before, during, and after his Presidency, with a hatred and vitriol Democrats could muster.
* voting machines in republican held districts that mysteriously fail on election day in those districts (even though they had already been tested).
* Democrats encouraging the increasing centralization of counting, rather than using local and smaller jurisdictions that are better monitored.

These bits of evidence (along with others) you can't just make go away. You can't make people's judgement of them just go away either.
Under oath even Fox owner and staff admitted those were all lies
American thinker sides with the enemies of America
Inversion. YOU are the enemies of America. You and other Democrats. American thinker does not side with you. YOU and the Democrats discard and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. YOU and other Democrats despise capitalism, the only economic system that creates wealth, despite the fact the your socialism requires capitalism to steal from. YOU and other Democrats are the bigots, and the racists that hate. You hate blacks, you hate children, you hate Christians, you hate Jews, you hate...and hate...and hate. It is YOU and other Democrats that support the burning, looting, and sacking of cities. It is YOU and other Democrats that support create the homeless camps, the drug problems, the crime in the cities, and devastate whole economies, creating even the economic depression we are currently in.

And you have the GALL to try to project YOUR problems and evil on anybody else.

Fuck you.
Trump organized the whole thing. he picked the speakers. he held it at the exact same time the EC votes were being certified and as close to the capitol as was possible. You are really not well.

Not a crime to hold a rally, dumbass.

DEMOCRATS were attacking the Capitol building even before Trump ended his speech!
So you're saying that anyone who uses the abbreviation of the word liberal, i.e. 'lib' is to be taken as or seen as being stupid?
So all liberals who choose to abbreviate their political ideology (liberal) to the shorter version of 'lib' are fucking stupid?

No liberals call themselves "libs", you lying Trumptard asswipe.

None that I've ever seen.

Dicksucker said:
looks like we agree on something. I suppose being called a lib is a little less embarrassing than being called a NAZI,

Nothing said by right-wing Trumper idiots is embarrassing to anyone but themselves.

Sadly, you fucktards aren't intelligent enough to be embarrassed by the stupid shit you say.

Dicksucker said:
though the two have so many similarities as proven from the OP.

The OP proved nothing other than what I said about how fucking stupid you and your fellow Trumpsucker Nazi shiteaters are.
Fascism is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.
Communism is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.
Slavery is a form of socialism...DEMOCRATS.

Racism and bigotry is a problem mostly with DEMOCRATS. They enslaved black people. They put them on modern 'plantations' in misery (the inner cities) with the full intention of keeping them there. They attack whole groups such as Christians, Jews, blacks, indians, asians, women, etc. just for a genetic trait they have or a certain religion they have. They still do.

Now they hate children. They abort (murder) them for convenience, they encourage them to mutilate themselves, they create 'gun free zones' AND the psychotic fucks that shoot up schools, they do everything they can to indoctrinate any survivors (including keeping them illiterate), they force them to wear masks (increasing the incidence of bacteriological and fungal infections), they pump them full of experimental drugs by force, they use psychoquackery to justify taking them away from their parents, they make the cities they live in unsafe to be in, and on...and on...and on.

And Democrat fucks have the GALL to say they support black people, or support children. Fuck you.

Wow, you nailed just about everything that is wrong, destructive and immoral about this current demorat party.
....annnnd the bulverism. Doesn't change the argument, twit.

Another thing about these idiots that rely on attacking the American Thinker. Not only do they attack THE THINKER because they have zero
argument or defense of any or all of their radical un-American leftist issues, but they fail to realize that THE AMERICAN THINKER has dozens
upon dozens of individual authors who post facts concerning the state of our union, so, attacking the name of the site does nothing to address
any particular author's thoughts and or facts on any given issue. In other words, they (libs) resort to brain dead attacks that have nothing to
do with the subject at hand.
No liberals call themselves "libs", you lying Trumptard asswipe.

None that I've ever seen.

Nothing said by right-wing Trumper idiots is embarrassing to anyone but themselves.

Sadly, you fucktards aren't intelligent enough to be embarrassed by the stupid shit you say.

The OP proved nothing other than what I said about how fucking stupid you and your fellow Trumpsucker Nazi shiteaters are.

You already made this semantics fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting).
They didn't.
Tennessee ejected two of three Democrat representatives for fomenting a riot in the capitol chambers.

What riot? There was none. They were acting uppity. What happened to them is far closer to legal lynching than Thomas suffered when he was questioned over the Supreme Court seat. The Repubs were actually talking about changing to firing squads and hanging for capital punishment. Some suggested hanging from a tree.
What riot? There was none.
Blatant lie.
They were acting uppity.
Blatant lie.
What happened to them is far closer to legal lynching than Thomas suffered when he was questioned over the Supreme Court seat.
Apparently you don't know what the word 'lynching' means either.
The Repubs were actually talking about changing to firing squads and hanging for capital punishment.
Some suggested hanging from a tree.