What riot? There was none. They were acting uppity. What happened to them is far closer to legal lynching than Thomas suffered when he was questioned over the Supreme Court seat. The Repubs were actually talking about changing to firing squads and hanging for capital punishment. Some suggested hanging from a tree.
Proof the Tennessee Republicans are racist assholes....IOW, solid members of the Party of Trump.
FWIW, arguing with irrational people is an irrational act. Jus' sayin'.![]()
Seriously? On Easter Sunday no less.They support Zelinskii whose side are nazis. That should probably count.
A picture of Democrats.
The Democrat Party has been a stain on the nation since its founding in 1828 by a racist Andrew Jackson. It was the party of slavery, supported the KKK for over 9 decades, promoting antisemitism, religious persecution, and xenophobia. and promulgated cultural Marxism. Woodrow Wilson undermined the Constitution, remolding the US into a "modern administrative state" (i.e. Socialist) and FDR was enamored with and utilized Fascist principles in his "New Deal".
First, today's Democrat Party is 2nd only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate are framed in imaginary racism.
Second, just like the Nazis in the 1920s and early 1930s who relied on street riots, property damage and violence using their military cadre, the Democrat Party of 2020 acquiesced to street riots, property damage and violence with Antifa and BLM.
Third, when a fire broke out in the Reichstag (Congress) Building of Nazi Germany, the Nazis (Hitler) blamed it on Communist agitators as being a violent coup. Nazis rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute their political adversaries. The Democrat Party similar to the Reichstag riot proclaimed Jan 6 as an armed insurrection set up as being a violent Trump coup. Thus, Democrats rushed to arrest and harshly prosecute those in attendance to intimidate their political enemies just like the Nazis did.
Fourth, antisemitism was foundational principle of Nazism. Antisemitism, through the Democrats' nine-decade alliance with the KKK, has long been foundational in the Democrat Party. Today, many elected Democrats (including the squad) openly denigrate the state of Israel, glorify the Palestinian terrorists, and claim that Jews are disloyal. Virtually the entire Democrat hierarchy bows at the feet of America's most virulent anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan.
Fifth, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, or speech they did not fully support. They were determined to destroy the family structure, replacing it with the state, (Hillary, it takes a village). The Democrat Party will and has shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology. They're in league with the teachers' unions, hellbent on programming America's youth and destroying the family structure replacing it with the state.
Sixth, Nazis indoctrinated the citizenry through propaganda and "fake news." This strategy continues with the democrat Party, whether it is the Russian collusion hoax, the so-called armed insurrection on J6, climate change as an existential threat to mankind, suppression of voting rights, white supremacy running rampant, necessity of COVID lockdowns etc.
Seventh, The Nazis blamed the Jews and wealthy capitalists for their economic woes. Beginning in 2009 the Democrat Party blamed so-called "white supremacy" and wealthy capitalists for income and inequality in order to foment class envy and resentment.
Eighth, Hitler was an avowed communist who eventually joined the National Socialist Party, later renamed the National Socialist Workers (NAZI) Party, which is what Party Bernie Sanders belongs to. In short, it adopted extreme nationalism and government-controlled capitalism. The latter half of the 20th century the Democrat Party began to fully embrace an American version of the Marxism/Socialism that underpinned the Nazi Party.
The greatest threat to the survival of the United States as founded is not of offshore but within its borders: the Democrat Party.
What riot? There was none. They were acting uppity. What happened to them is far closer to legal lynching than Thomas suffered when he was questioned over the Supreme Court seat. The Repubs were actually talking about changing to firing squads and hanging for capital punishment. Some suggested hanging from a tree.
What riot? There was none. They were acting uppity. What happened to them is far closer to legal lynching than Thomas suffered when he was questioned over the Supreme Court seat. The Repubs were actually talking about changing to firing squads and hanging for capital punishment. Some suggested hanging from a tree.
I want to see you and people like you die. Understand that.
I want to see you and people like you die. Understand that.
You're right, mostly. There are republicans who are in on this too. If you only blame democrats you'll never rid us of these nazi rats.
they walked right into that one huh ?
You're right, mostly. There are republicans who are in on this too. If you only blame democrats you'll never rid us of these nazi rats.
Proving you have gone insane, Gullie. Watching violent terrorists die is okay. Non-violent Americans? Not so much.
Tell me why that matters. Do you think your simple right-wing hate and repeated childish threats and insults matter? You wasted time typing that post.
Oh sure, there are the usual RINOs and or deep staters that do indeed follow along with the dem's continual use of their Nazi like behaviors, but lets
get real by understanding that this current dem party and especially this current dem administration is hell bent on breaking down our democratic
republic in every way imaginable, as clearly outlined by the OP. And if the American people don't wake the f**k up by electing a Republican president
be it Trump or anyone else in 2024...you can kiss our country goodbye. Today's dem party does everything it and its dependents can do to criticize,
downplay, insult, and destroy everything our nation stood for, and stands for now as laid out by our Founders and our Constitution. Plus, they (the dems)
are immoral to the core and anti Christian to the core.
There is no such thing as a 'democratic republic'. The United States was never a democracy. It was organized as a federated republic.
A democracy is government by popular vote. I has not constitution and no representatives. A republic is government by law (in other words, a constitution). That constitution defines what representatives exist, their power and authority, their term of office, and the procedure used for electing them.
A federation is layered government. In the case of the United States, each city, county, and State also have their own constitutions. They are also republics.
The term 'democratic republic' is an oxymoron. A republic is not a democracy, and a democracy is not a republic.
Democrats have and continue to commit election fraud, causing elections to fault. This happened in the 2020 election, and continues to happen in the 2022 election (which caused faults in AZ and PA).
The 2024 election is already taken a dirty new direction with the indictment and pending trial of Trump, based on no definable crime.
The Democrats don't want a republic. They deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. The Democrats executed a coup in place of the 2020 election and installed Biden as Chief Puppet. Obama is the real power, effectively executing a '3rd term', which is as unelected as Biden is. Democrats want an oligarchy. That is a dictatorship by committee. This is the same path the Nazis took.
I travel across the States fairly regularly. I talk to people in every region of the States. The Constitution isn't dead. It is held in honor by the people across the States. They want to see the government to once again honor the constitution that defines it. The only exception I find are hard core Democrats.
Frankly, I don't see how civil war can be avoided now. Consider:
If Trump wins, the Democrats will go ape and begin the war.
If Trump loses, the Democrats will to ape and implement tyranny, starting the war.
Already, many Democrats (including many here) are rushing to claim 'innocence' and 'victimhood' in trying to deny what they've done and what they plan to do.
The American Constitution, even if well-intended, created the most inefficient government on the face of the planet.
Inefficiency, however, isn't its only shortcoming. If only it were.
Its litany of foolish compromises also helped create one of the most polarized nations on the face of the planet as well.
It's a "D" paper in a first year law school class at best.
And the heartbreaking part is that many progressive liberals revere it as much as dimwitted conservatives do.
I, obviously, do not.