Elton John is right, marijuana legalization was a ‘great mistake’

Pot is already regulated.

It is a pretense. Criminal elements still bring the crap in to get the young addicted to drugs. Eventually it always leads to more dangerous drugs.

Your justification for not considering alcohol as the same or worse danger than pot is pure special pleading.

Alcohol is actually very strictly regulated and criminal elements don't find it profitable. Drugs, well that's where they make their money.
My thoughts on pot remain the same as they always have been. I cant stand the stuff. I think it reeks terribly. I can smell it all over a pot smoker and it stinks like hell. IMO it is bad for society,..." YES booze is too" . I think people that smoke pot are so used to the smell that they don't even know that they are walking around in public stinking and its offensive smelling.


Having said all that,.....if people wanna smoke dope,....have at it, its your life. No skin off my ass. Just make sure you spray yourself down good with Lysol before coming within 10 feet of me or I'll probably bring it up and embarrass you. You wanna walk around smelling like you just dropped a load in your pants go ahead,..just keep away from me... :)

You missed the topic. This is about governments making its use legal based on lies and a desire for more tax revenue and finding out the harms to society after the fact.
I'll bet that folks thought the same thing after the 21st Amendment was passed. Yeah, freedom is annoying and sometimes even dangerous as even adults sometimes make poor decisions. It doesn't change that I prefer the state of freedom to that of annoying idiots with parent fetishes wanting to run my life.
I am amused that you believe this is about freedom. If that is the case, legalize all dangerous drugs and let society have at it. We've seen the wonderful results they have.

That's the fallacy of libertarian thought processes; they tend to be very naive about human nature and psychology.
You misunderstand (not surprising given your limited attention span).

I'm saying that if weed is bad enough to ban and keep illegal, then alcohol, BY DEFINITION, a MUCH WORSE MORE DANGEROUS DRUG, should also be banned and made illegal.

You cannot support banning one and allowing the other. That is called HYPOCRISY.
Yes, you can. The reasons weed is more dangerous were explained in the article. But you had to read beyond the first sentence to grasp the reality.
I am curious where you got that. Because this study

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2017 Jan 12.

Found the following:

"More conclusive findings and less extensive methodological limitations in the literature on lung, testicular, and head and neck cancers allowed the committee to conclude that there is moderate evidence that there is no statistically significant association between cannabis use and the incidence of lung or head and neck cancer, and limited evidence that there is a statistically significant association between current, frequent, or chronic cannabis use and the incidence of non-seminoma-type testicular germ cell tumors. "

So I'm really curious what studies you are relying on.

I'm not saying that smoking pot doesn't run the risk like smoking tobacco, just that you seem to be making it sound like it is so much more carcinogenic and I'm not seeing the data to support that point.

LITERALLY NO ONE SAID OTHERWISE. But alcohol still holds the championship for automobile fatalities.

But if you want to keep pot illegal you MUST BY DEFINITION also demand alcohol be made illegal since it is EASILY far more dangerous and PROVEN TO BE SO.
It's not 2017 anymore and that article was more of a justification than education.
I have never been in support of legalizing psychotic inducing drugs and never bought into the bullshit from the left that Marijuana is harmless. We are getting more facts on this and the outcome has not been good for this nation.

Elton John is right, marijuana legalization was a ‘great mistake’

Like a “candle in the wind,” Elton John extinguished the contemporary positive chatter surrounding marijuana legalization in an interview with Time Magazine published last week. He claimed efforts to legalize the drug were a huge societal error. Apparently, he finally realized what anti-weed proponents have known for quite some time: Marijuana is harmful.

“I maintain that it’s addictive. It leads to other drugs,” said Time Magazine’s “Icon of the Year” for 2024. “And when you’re stoned — and I’ve been stoned — you don’t think normally. Legalizing marijuana in America and Canada is one of the greatest mistakes of all time.”

John’s epiphany on marijuana represents, shall we say, the “circle of life” of many marijuana legalization proponents. First, they use the drug. Then, they support legalizing the drug. Then, after enough harmful things have occurred as a result of using the drug, they realize marijuana was terrible all along. Then, they acknowledge it should have never been legalized.

But while many marijuana enthusiasts might tell the rock and roll Hall of Famer to “don’t go breaking my heart,” they should heed his advice. Despite its rebranding in pop culture as a kind of benevolent drug, studies have found that the regular use of marijuana has been linked to many harmful health conditions. One of the first was published shortly after Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize the recreational use of cannabis in 2012.

Consider this study by Northwestern Medicine in 2013, which found a link between regular marijuana use by adolescents and “abnormal changes in their brain structures related to working memory and performed poorly on memory tasks.” Moreover, damage to the brain includes memory-related structures that “appeared to shrink and collapse inward,” with a possible decrease in brain neurons, according to the study. Additionally, these abnormalities became synonymous with “schizophrenia-related brain abnormalities.”

Never met anyone around this world who actually did anything productive with their lives as stoner's. None.