Another moot point.
How do you explain: "these figures suggest that homosexuals in the military are about 3x as likely to commit sexual assaults as heterosexuals are."?
That is quite simple to explain.
First of all, the genders are segregated in the military. The access is much more limited for straights, so there would be much less sexual assault.
Second, research has consistently shown that "date rape" is severly under reported, so the balance may not be nearly as skewed as is claimed.
Much of the reason for the higher numbers has more to do with the differences in the way the sexes act and the segregation.
If a group of women go out and one of them gets drunk, the others are far less likely to let her be alone in public than a group of men would be. Also, the article mentioned that many of "attacks" happen to a sleeping victim. Men rarely have access to sleeping women.
Also, being "Outted" as a homosexual is a good way to get a discharge from the military. For someone on the front lines, especially with the number of reservists we have overseas, that may be a way to get home.
When you look at the huge number of veterans coming home with serious emotional and psychological problems, it is not surprising that some would behave in ways they never would have in a normal situation.
But all in all, the report is lacking facts to back up the suppositions.
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