End Of DADT Means More Gay Rape In The Military

Ad hom, as predicted. :)

I notice you are not addressing the facts I have presented that show Mr. Sprigg's research is bogus.

He basically threw out 1,280 reorted sexual assaults in order to make the homosexual assaults present a larger percentage.

And you advocate we base national military policy on that sort of nonsense?

And if you are going to use the Logical Fallacies, try and avoid them yourself.
I'm still pondering the 1,280 reported sexual assaults that Mr. Spriggs discarded in order to raise the percentage of homosexual assaults.

If that doesn't destroy the last vestige of credibility he has, I would be surprised.
That is what he claimed. In his report (in the link you posted) he used only 1,643 reported sexual assaults in 2009.

But the DoD says there were 2,923 reported sexual assaults. So Spriggs, in order to make a better case, threw out 1,280 reported sexual assaults.

In other words, he cooked the books. The sexual assaults are all on record.

Does he also work for those promoting "Global Warming"?
FRC has reviewed the
“case synopses” of all 1,643 reports of sexual assault reported by the four branches of the
military for Fiscal Year 2009 (October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009). Our
startling finding was that over eight percent of all military sexual assault cases were
homosexual in nature.
This suggests that homosexuals in the military are about three
times as likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals are, relative to their

A similar figure was reported by the New York Times in a news article on the release of
the Pentagon’s sexual assault report in March—but was virtually ignored in the debate
over the law on homosexuality in the military. Citing a telephone interview with Kaye
Whitley, the director of the Pentagon’s sexual assault prevention and response office, the
Times reported, “Of all the assaults, . . . 7 percent were male on male.”
(FRC’s analysis
showed that 7.55% of all cases were male on male, and an additional 0.61% were female-
on-female, adding up to a total (with rounding) of 8.2% which were homosexual in
Homosexual Assault in the Military


Actually, I was mistaken. The figures I quoted were from 2008. The numbers for 2009 are even higher.

"Both categories rose in 2009, the Pentagon's report showed — with restricted reports numbering 837 in 2009, compared with 753 in 2008. Unrestricted reports rose to 2,516 from 2,265."

If you combine the restricted and the unrestricted, there were 3,353 reported sexual assaults in the military in 2009.

So your "researcher" tossed out 1,710 reported sexual assaults. And you want to use this to make policy????
FRC has reviewed the “case synopses” of all 1,643 reports of sexual assault reported by the four branches of the military for Fiscal Year 2009 (October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009).

Just a little hint, when someone shows you that the numbers in a study are bogus, continuing to quote those same numbers in from the same report is pointless.

We all know you want these numbers to be accurate.

But the Pentagon has the reports on file.
Sorry southern girl, I still ain't buying it.

Given the physics involved with forcible sodomy, and given that men in the military are supposedly trained to physically defend themselves, I can't see any actual red-blooded heterosexual male actually being "victimized" by these alleged crimes.

Given that your own homophobic researcher says that alcohol was involved, my conclusion is that these "assaults" involved gay-curious, toe-tapping republican social conservatives who merely engaged in some of their deepest, subconcious homoerotic fantasies, and then they later cried "rape!", when they looked back on the affair with shame.


Oh, and some of us are cold-blooded, btw!!
How many have “case synopses”?

"FRC has reviewed the “case synopses” of all 1,643 reports of sexual assault reported by the four branches of the military for Fiscal Year 2009"

All of them will have a case synopses.

But that is beside the point. Your "researcher" claims that he reviewed the case synopses of all 1.643 reports of sexual assault reported by the four branches of the military for fiscal year 2009.