End police unions?

It’s the police unions that are the biggest barrier to police reform. So rather hard to give the unions a pass when they are defending the bad cops and fighting to keep them on the force.

They defend their members - that's what thy're for. Can you really reform a gang of racist killers?
Of course not. That's their political core, now that globalism has destroyed America's manufacturing base and thinned the middle class to near extinction.

That is an exaggeration but the middle class is certainly in big trouble. I was taught young that we cant have a stable country without a solid middle class, and look at us now.
Even prostitutes should be unionised. The question is whether you need your current police. Your police sound a trifle too murderous to be useful, as far as most of us can see. Their unions could look after their pensions when they get out of prison.

You live a rich fantasy life.
No need to end police unions, just negotiate the contracts better. Police should have to pay a portion of lawsuits that their actions cost the city. That might make them think before they cream some person they are arresting or pulled over. Perhaps they can carry liability insurance. They should pay for their illegal actions. I read about one Detroit cop that had 5 million dollar plus payouts for the city.