APP - Ending the moratorium on the machin gun registry

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no it's not, unless you're claiming that our founding fathers were morons.

our 'standing armies' might do their job in keeping us free, but that doesn't mean they can't expand their 'duties'.

Care to explain what you mean by your comment of "expand their duties"; because otherwise it could be seen as a possible desire for them to come and clean your office.
oppressing civil and constitutional rights. like confiscating firearms in new orleans for an example.

So you cite a handfull of examples and that means that all Military decisions are bad.

OH-WAIT, of course you do; because you thnk all Police are dirty also.
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forest for the trees.

seriously, do you really think it makes a difference whether its a member of the military of a FBI agent driving the tank that busts through your walls?

I see you at least have a grasp of your problem.
Now if you would only work on improving your view.

As to the rest..........................Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :good4u:
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