APP - Ending the moratorium on the machin gun registry

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I see you at least have a grasp of your problem.
Now if you would only work on improving your view.

As to the rest..........................Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :good4u:

improving my view.....maybe more like yours? where the government is your friend? your benevolent big daddy? always there to take care of you, because they know you can't?
improving my view.....maybe more like yours? where the government is your friend? your benevolent big daddy? always there to take care of you, because they know you can't?

NAH, just any imporvement on your part would be better.

Now show where I've said what you're professing, or else just go suck cock.
to go back to the OP, what could be tried is a person to buy an NFA weapon manufactured before may 19, 1986, then attempt to buy one manufactured after that date. A court would be hard pressed to come up with enough judicial jargon to call the hughes amendment a valid government power.
to go back to the OP, what could be tried is a person to buy an NFA weapon manufactured before may 19, 1986, then attempt to buy one manufactured after that date. A court would be hard pressed to come up with enough judicial jargon to call the hughes amendment a valid government power.

Go for it and let everyone know how it works out.
Seeing as how you have such a great way of presenting yourself; I'm sure that after you're processed for contempt of court, that we'll all be allowed to write to you. :good4u:
Go for it and let everyone know how it works out.
Seeing as how you have such a great way of presenting yourself; I'm sure that after you're processed for contempt of court, that we'll all be allowed to write to you. :good4u:

weren't you the one in another thread spouting bullshit about doing something to change the law? and when someone comes up with a suggestion, you just throw up ridiculous insults? you're so full of shit. go back to being a badge blowing authoritarian, k? thnks. :321:
weren't you the one in another thread spouting bullshit about doing something to change the law? and when someone comes up with a suggestion, you just throw up ridiculous insults? you're so full of shit. go back to being a badge blowing authoritarian, k? thnks. :321:

I wasn't suggesting that you shouldn't try to change the laws.
My comment was on the way you handle situations; but unfortunetly you're unable to see the forest, for the trees. :cof1:

Now, go suck off a militia group. :pke:
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