Enough about Politics


JPP Modarater
I'm completely disheartened by the entire thing at this point. I'm either going to get a war mongering apologist who'll drive the country into bankruptcy and eventual economic collapse while killing thousands of people in the process, or I will get a tax happy president who'll drive me into bankruptcy and/or a lower middle class standing.

having said that.......

where should I go for dinner?

Seafood or Thai food?
Definetly seafood.............

Thai is too hot and spicey..heartburn city...Go with a great calimari steak or halibut steak...to die for!;)
Keep you hailburton steaks.
Thai food is not a heartburn problem with me, I just flat out don't like it.
Curry mostly.
I virtually never have heartburn. don't think I have ever done any kind of hearburn stuff, even Tums.

Keep you hailburton steaks.
Thai food is not a heartburn problem with me, I just flat out don't like it.
Curry mostly.
I virtually never have heartburn. don't think I have ever done any kind of hearburn stuff, even Tums.

Whats with the 'haliburton' steak shit?...Halibut is one of the best cuts of fish...as for the heartburn on hot and spicey food...yeah right...you are superman..uh huh!
USC you're crazy! How could you not like Thai?! God sent his only begotten cuisine and its name is Thai food!

Cypress, I would do the pad thai, but that's so blahzay, that's for thai food beginners. Basil Noodles are pretty good and Pad Ga Prow is another one of my favorites. It will definitely be a shrimp dish. No need to abandon seafood all together....hmmmm decisions......
I'm completely disheartened by the entire thing at this point. I'm either going to get a war mongering apologist who'll drive the country into bankruptcy and eventual economic collapse while killing thousands of people in the process, or John McCain.

USC you're crazy! How could you not like Thai?! God sent his only begotten cuisine and its name is Thai food!

Cypress, I would do the pad thai, but that's so blahzay, that's for thai food beginners. Basil Noodles are pretty good and Pad Ga Prow is another one of my favorites. It will definitely be a shrimp dish. No need to abandon seafood all together....hmmmm decisions......

Yes I will admit to being somewhat crazy. but I am me and I know what I do and do not like.
Whats with the 'haliburton' steak shit?...Halibut is one of the best cuts of fish...as for the heartburn on hot and spicey food...yeah right...you are superman..uh huh!

I guess I might be superman as far as my stomach goes.
Never an antacid or purple pill type of thing has passed my lips.
Radishes are a good natural help for heartburn if you can believe it!
Hmm I love radishes, but have not eaten any recently....
Should get my garden plowed up in a few weeks. Can't wait for the fresh out of the garden veggies. I might have to make a greenhouse for next winter...
I ended up doing Seafood on Saturday and Thai on Sunday.

I know you've all been dying to find out.
when's sushi night LadyT? I'm doing my party to deplete the planet of blue finned tuna. I read in national geographic that the blue fin is being fished to extinction. :thup: