Enough about Politics

Actually I make better chili than all of you. I think I could even turn Damo the vegetarian to meat again.

And no, I don't use road kill in my Chili
I make better chili than you do. Both Green or Red chili, it doesn't matter which.
Extremely spicy food is for those without a sense of taste.
kind of like a hearing aid for the hard of hearing.
My healthcare costs are no where near 10% of my income. What in the world are you talking about?


Poor ladyT, six figure income, making more than 99.9% of the world's population, whining, about to go bankrupt because she has to feed poor people!

Oh the humanity! Have we no compassion in our hearts!
I have an off-topic thing to post, thanks for this space Tiana!

I got a new boss at work. I was out for a few days and here he is. I’m the outreach director and I work pretty much on my own and I attend a lot of off-site meetings, so I don’t have that much to do with him. Other than a few weekly reports I have to submit. But the last managing director was a woman who wore a bun to work every day and barely spoke to me, I rarely knew she was even here, nor cared. Now I walk in and get introduced to this guy, and he’s great looking. I mean, like drop-dead handsome. Now, I prefer to either work for the type I described above, my last boss, or, an average looking guy who I can use my sexuality against, just as it was meant to be, and I’m pretty sure it even says so in the bible? Though I’ve never read it so that could be wrong. Anyway, I’ve never worked for someone who I could be attracted to. I wonder what it will be like?

I just hope he doesn’t get the idea that he is the hot one and he’s going to start manipulating me, because I don’t see that working out well. , I will keep everybody posted on how this pans out.
darla, just ask him if he voted for bush, supports the iraq war, and watches Fox news. If he does, that should kill any nascent attraction. Well, it would for me anyway, with respect to the female gender.

Poor ladyT, six figure income, making more than 99.9% of the world's population, whining, about to go bankrupt because she has to feed poor people!

Oh the humanity! Have we no compassion in our hearts!

I've never stated my income on this site.
I have an off-topic thing to post, thanks for this space Tiana!

I got a new boss at work. I was out for a few days and here he is. I’m the outreach director and I work pretty much on my own and I attend a lot of off-site meetings, so I don’t have that much to do with him. Other than a few weekly reports I have to submit. But the last managing director was a woman who wore a bun to work every day and barely spoke to me, I rarely knew she was even here, nor cared. Now I walk in and get introduced to this guy, and he’s great looking. I mean, like drop-dead handsome. Now, I prefer to either work for the type I described above, my last boss, or, an average looking guy who I can use my sexuality against, just as it was meant to be, and I’m pretty sure it even says so in the bible? Though I’ve never read it so that could be wrong. Anyway, I’ve never worked for someone who I could be attracted to. I wonder what it will be like?

I just hope he doesn’t get the idea that he is the hot one and he’s going to start manipulating me, because I don’t see that working out well. , I will keep everybody posted on how this pans out.

You're more than welcome.

I've never been in that position either. Sadly, I kind of want to hear how it turns out.
I have an off-topic thing to post, thanks for this space Tiana!

I got a new boss at work. I was out for a few days and here he is. I’m the outreach director and I work pretty much on my own and I attend a lot of off-site meetings, so I don’t have that much to do with him. Other than a few weekly reports I have to submit. But the last managing director was a woman who wore a bun to work every day and barely spoke to me, I rarely knew she was even here, nor cared. Now I walk in and get introduced to this guy, and he’s great looking. I mean, like drop-dead handsome. Now, I prefer to either work for the type I described above, my last boss, or, an average looking guy who I can use my sexuality against, just as it was meant to be, and I’m pretty sure it even says so in the bible? Though I’ve never read it so that could be wrong. Anyway, I’ve never worked for someone who I could be attracted to. I wonder what it will be like?

I just hope he doesn’t get the idea that he is the hot one and he’s going to start manipulating me, because I don’t see that working out well. , I will keep everybody posted on how this pans out.

Today guys, I fell asleep in class.

I will keep everbody posted on how this pans out.