Enough Apologies

Actually read the speech, then comment. It is most definitely a heady over-intellectualized speech regardless of his quoting Kant in it. It will make your mind buzz. Instead of spending hours going on about a speech you have admitted to never reading all because you have heard he quoted Kant. There was actually a bit more to the speech than quoting Kant.

You may take on a whole different opinion of what he said... Who knows, you might even like the Kant quote.

I am taking it from this post and other things you have said, Mr. Damocles, that you have, in fact, read the speech. I haven't read the speech, I still haven't read the speech, I have skimmed the speech and I can now say with certitude and accuracy that the pope does not quote Kant in the speech, he refers to Kant 2 times in the speech (both times to refute him it appears) the first time is here, "When Kant stated that he needed to set thinking aside in order to make room for faith, he carried this program forward with a radicalism that the Reformers could never have foreseen. He thus anchored faith exclusively in practical reason, denying it access to reality as a whole." As you can see there is no quotation of Kant's here whatsoever, only a reference to Kant.

The second time he refers to Kant in his text he says this: "Behind this thinking lies the modern self-limitation of reason, classically expressed in Kant’s "Critiques", but in the meantime further radicalized by the impact of the natural sciences." Again we have the quotation of the conflation of the titles of the 3 Critiques of Reason, Practical Reason, and Judgment. The popes use of quotation marks here is an indication of style not a quotation, he could as easily have italisized the titles as I have done. Let's be clear, I have not read the piece even though I have quoted from it I have still not read it. But ever without reading it I now know that the Pope did not quote Kant, yet others here who claim to have read it still think he does quote Kant. For instance you write "regardless of his quoting Kant in it. It will make your mind buzz. Instead of spending hours going on about a speech you have admitted to never reading all because you have heard he quoted Kant. There was actually a bit more to the speech than quoting Kant...Who knows, you might even like the Kant quote." Evidently given what you say here you still think that he quoted Kant because not only do you refer to it three times, but you didn't fault me for being completely wrong about his quoting Kant. Yet he doesn't quote Kant. He refers to Kant as I have noted but he doesn't quote Kant. So...

Now let's proceed to a more alarming set of pronouncements. I know you think you know what I said and what I meant in my statements about the Pope and Kant. But you are just plain wrong, Damo. When I say I am not impressed by someone quoting Kant, even when they don't, I mean just that. There is a big difference between being unimpressed with someone quoting Kant and not likeing Kant. Do you understand that, can you get that through your head. I just went into my library and counted my books by Kant, I own ten books by Kant including two copies of The Critique of Judgment and 2 copies by different translators and publishers of the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, in addition I have no less than twelve books by different authors of criticism of Kant's major works. That doesn't impress me, does it impress you? Does this level of ownership seem indicative of someone who doesn't like Kant? Do you think anyone else here will believe after reading this that I don't like Kant. How many authors do you own ten books by? Are they authors that you "don't like"??? Most people would say I must love Kant.

I thought that Kant had been quoted by the Pope because I heard a bozo on television who couldn't read or evidently know what he read say that the piece was highly intellectualized and that the pope even quoted Kant. No one here said he quoted Kant, do I always have to restrict myself to what others have said about someone or something or can I discuss and add anything I want or do I have to clear all my additions with you before I post them. I admitted up front that I had not read but only heard about the Popes speech. Yet you wish to trash me for speaking of something that I haven't read in full. Others here talked about it too and I know they haven't read it either. How many people who are talking about Chevez's speech at the U.N. have read the whole speech???? or any of Chomsky's works???? In fact how many people who reply to the articles I quote here actually go back and read the whole article before responding???

Before you start insisting that You know what I mean and when I am backpedaling, you should first learn how to read, then learn to look up words in the dictionary when you don't know what they mean. For instance "unimpressed" doesn't mean "does not like," it means "not impressed"! Impressed means "cause to have a lasting effect or to make an impression on...the mind" for instance. My comment was about the Pope, not about Kant. I would not be impressed, for instance, if Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter quoted Kant either. It is entirely possible to not be impressed by the Pope's or other's use of Kant and still have a respect and admiration for Kant himself and his philosophical struggles. Perhaps this respect and admiration is the reason I have so many books by him and about him and his writings. Besides that he is a very difficult read, and stretches my meager ability to understand complex texts. I sometimes refer to reading Kant as weightlifting for the brain.

You have talked a lot about my assumptions and how I make them, maybe you better take a quick check in the mirror.

Gotta go!!!!

Have a Nice Day!!!
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Before you start insisting that You know what I mean and when I am backpedaling, you should first learn how to read, then learn to look up words in the dictionary when you don't know what they mean. For instance "unimpressed" doesn't mean "does not like," it means "not impressed"! Impressed means "cause to have a lasting effect or to make an impression on...the mind" for instance. My comment was about the Pope, not about Kant. I would not be impressed, for instance, if Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter quoted Kant either. It is entirely possible to not be impressed by the Pope's or other's use of Kant and still have a respect and admiration for Kant himself and his philosophical struggles. Perhaps this respect and admiration is the reason I have so many books by him and about him and his writings. Besides that he is a very difficult read, and stretches my meager ability to understand complex texts. I sometimes refer to reading Kant as weightlifting for the brain.

You have talked a lot about my assumptions and how I make them, maybe you better take a quick check in the mirror.

Gotta go!!!!

Have a Nice Day!!!

You too. This doesn't mean much. That you finally read parts of the speech is finally evident... Now this focus on Kant is yours alone and I still don't really care if quotes from Kant "impress" you or not. You introduced it as some reason to determine that the speech itself was less than worthy of your attention.

You, in this particular thread, are the only one to make any assumptions whatsoever. The only thing I am guilty of is believing you when you stated "I never read it" then the fact that you proceeded to make assumptions about a speech you never heard or read. The only thing that makes happen is somebody looks like an ass, and it is usually the person who started waxing "eloquent" on a subject that had no actual knowledge of other than reports of Kant quote sightings... That is truly a sad and silly obstructionist assumption based entirely on reported information without actual knowledge of the subject.

All I have asked is that you read the actual topic of discussion and get off your Kant horse that is really an attempt at distraction and to make you "appear" knowledgeable and able to "dismiss" the topic without regard to actual knowledge or even an asserted opinion. (Other than the one that Kant quotes fail to impress you). So far the only person who cares whether or not he quoted Kant is yourself, and you used it to dismiss what you had no actual knowledge of.

That type of assumption fails to impress me...

I noticed, as I predicted, that you would bring up something about the dictionary even after I noticed my own mistake, owned up to it, then corrected it. You are one who can obfuscate with the best, assume with the worst, dismiss because you presently want to and add excuses for all of it...

I am, so far, unimpressed with your performance in this thread. It is easy to dismiss the opinion of one who admits to never have heard or read the topic at hand. Either get on topic or stop trying to wax eloquent on a subject to which you admit no knowledge other than reports of Kant Quotes...
You too. This doesn't mean much. That you finally read parts of the speech is finally evident... Now this focus on Kant is yours alone and I still don't really care if quotes from Kant "impress" you or not. You introduced it as some reason to determine that the speech itself was less than worthy of your attention.

Still wrong! I know you think you know what I did and why I did it, in fact you know all there is to know about me. Or maybe not. I introduced the fact that the Pope quoted Kant to show that I understood that he was being intellectual in the speech, in other words agreeing with your statement that the speech was "heady" after your initial post that clamed it was intellectualized but I also added that I wasn't impressed by the Pope quoting Kant, in other words that the intellectual qualities whatever they might have been were not enough to get me to read the speech. In short I don't gave a fuck about the damn Pope or what he has to say, no matter who he quotes. That was my point, then it is still my point now. Not that I wouldn't read him because he quoted Kant, but that I wouldn't read him even though he had quoted Kant.

You, in this particular thread, are the only one to make any assumptions whatsoever.

Wrong again you are still assuming what I meant and what I was saying, in fact you still are in the previous paragraph; it's there for all to see no matter how vehemently you deny it.

The only thing I am guilty of is believing you when you stated "I never read it" then the fact that you proceeded to make assumptions about a speech you never heard or read.

I felt then and I still feel that I had enough information about the speech and its contents and the violence practiced by the Catholic Church to comment on it without reading it, that you don't agree with me is fine, I don't necessarily have to hold myself to your standards. I certainly do not expect you to hold yourself to my standards, nor have I ever demanded it.

As far as I am concerned any ignorant religious leader whose flock in America has abused so many young boys that over 20 percent of his churches are bankrupt as a result of lawsuits connected with that sexual abuse has a lot of damn gaul talking about violence and religion. And I really don't give a damn what some bastard who refused in the middle of that scandal to take any responsiblity for it or acknowledge it has to say later no matter who he quotes or doesn't quote. That was my point 30 some posts ago and it remains my point now. But you still keep saying that I used his quoting of Kant to dismiss the speech, that is wrong, I used the fact that the damn speech was the Pope's to dismiss it no matter who he quoted, even Kant. In fact, I don't care if he quotes every major philosopher from Plato to Heidegger, I'm still not reading it and I'm still calling him a fucking hypocrite if he is claiming what others say he is claiming.

The only thing that makes happen is somebody looks like an ass, and it is usually the person who started waxing "eloquent" on a subject that had no actual knowledge of other than reports of Kant quote sightings... That is truly a sad and silly obstructionist assumption based entirely on reported information without actual knowledge of the subject.

See above!!!

All I have asked is that you read the actual topic of discussion and get off your Kant horse that is really an attempt at distraction and to make you "appear" knowledgeable and able to "dismiss" the topic without regard to actual knowledge or even an asserted opinion. (Other than the one that Kant quotes fail to impress you). So far the only person who cares whether or not he quoted Kant is yourself, and you used it to dismiss what you had no actual knowledge of.

Wrong Again!

I'm so glad your're not making any assumptions here because this sure sounds like an assumption to me, especially the bolded part: "So far the only person who cares whether or not he quoted Kant is yourself, and you used it to dismiss what you had no actual knowledge of." I will say it again, I said the Pope was quoting Kant to show that I understood it was intellectual but that I still wouldn't read it no matter how intellectual it was. The Catholic Church has a long history of violence and is one of the most violent institutions on earth. And any pontiff has a lot of gaul pointing a finger at any other religious institution and claiming that they are violent. If the pontiff is making that claim that's pure hypocricy, writ large. I don't need to read what he has to say to make that claim.

That type of assumption fails to impress me...

I noticed, as I predicted, that you would bring up something about the dictionary even after I noticed my own mistake, owned up to it, then corrected it. You are one who can obfuscate with the best, assume with the worst, dismiss because you presently want to and add excuses for all of it...

If you don't know the difference between dislike and unimpressed then you do need to consult something, if you don't want to consult the dictionary then consult a damn Ouiji Board, I don't care what you consult, just try to get the basic meanings of words correct before you start telling me what I am doing and why based on your fallacious readings.

I am, so far, unimpressed with your performance in this thread.

Do you really think that I am trying to impress you??? Wow, you need to spend more time at the temple seeking humility if that is what you think.

It is easy to dismiss the opinion of one who admits to never have heard or read the topic at hand.

I admitted I didn't read it but I also said what I had heard about it. In fact, I started out agreeing with you that it was an intellectuialized speech but I tried to assert that even knowing that about it wouldn't get me to read it. Because I was abused enough at the hands of the Catholic Church to last me a fuckin' lifetime and I don't give a shit what the goddamn Pope has to say, now or ever, no matter who he fucking quotes. Do I need to be any more clear or explicit with you. Fuck the Pope and fuck that god damn Catholic Church. See, you had it all backwards. Have you gotten turned around now?????
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I admitted I didn't read it but I also said what I had heard about it. In fact, I started out agreeing with you that it was an intellectuialized speech but I tried to assert that even knowing that about it wouldn't t get me to read it. Because I was abused enough at the hands of the Catholic Church to last me a fuckin' lifetime and I don't give a shit what the goddamn Pope has to say, now or ever, no matter who he fucking quotes. Do I need to be any more clear or explicit with you. Fuck the Pope and fuck that god damn Catholic Church. See you had it all backwards. Have you gotten turned around now?????

I can see you are angry at the Pope and his Church for what others, also associated to that Church, have done to you. I can even understand that, someday we should get into a conversation about what the Pentecostals do to their young...

This thread has officially taken a weird turn, I wonder where it will go from here...
I can see you are angry at the Pope and his Church for what others, also associated to that Church, have done to you. I can even understand that, someday we should get into a conversation about what the Pentecostals do to their young...

This thread has officially taken a weird turn, I wonder where it will go from here...

Let's be very clear, at least about this. When one is a platoon leader in combat one is responsible for the safety of his or her platoon, and it is the Platoon leader's responsibility to make sure that everyone in that Platoon returns safe and sound at the end of the day. Is the head of the Church any less responsible for his charges than a Platoon leader??? He assumes responsibility for the Chruch and he assumes responibility for the condition of that Church and the people in that Church. When he starts openly apologizing and accepting responsiblity and making changes that will ensure that everyday his charges return safe and sound and making speeches regarding a general reorganization and housecleaning so that nothing like this ever happens again then I may rethink my position. But not before, and I have the distinct impression that this guy has washed his hands of the whole sordid affair, so fuck him.
Let's be very clear, at least about this. When one is a platoon leader in combat one is responsible for the safety of his or her platoon, and it is the Platoon leader's responsibility to make sure that everyone in that Platoon returns safe and sound at the end of the day. Is the head of the Church any less responsible for his charges than a Platoon leader??? He assumes responsibility for the Chruch and he assumes responibility for the condition of that Church and the people in that Church. When he starts openly apologizing and accepting responsiblity and making changes that will ensure that everyday his charges return safe and sound and making speeches regarding a general reorganization and housecleaning so that nothing like this ever happens again then I may rethink my position. But not before, and I have the distinct impression that this guy has washed his hands of the whole sordid affair, so fuck him.
I don't disagree. I was all up on the Church when it came out about the abuse of children. This is definitively off-topic in this thread though.

I used examples of other religions, or specifically one religion, where Priests are celibate but abuse is unknown, mostly because they immediately report to the authorities any illegality such as that as well as strip them of all titles and robes. Shoot they'll do that for far less.
I believe the Catholic Church caused their own problems when they decided to protect these felons within their midst. These particular type of felons talk and know that if they become priests in that Church they will be protected...

Basically taking that stance actually was basically recruiting such people... It was a horrific call for more priests that will do such things.
BTW, you can change your own Title in your UserCP so that "Junior" would no longer show. Change it to whatever you wish.
The Catholic church finds it significantly harder to declare any faults because of its tenuous position, fighting not just other branches of Christianity but secularism as well.

It seems to see any admission of error as a sign of weakness that will adversely alter the perceptions of potential recruits. Ironically, it is this refusal to deal with the fundamental errors that have adversely altered perceptions in a manner far more than if they had dealt with them.

The Catholic church is in a weak (and growingly weaker position) in the first world which explains the efforts it has made in the third world (particularly Africa) to recruit.
I can even understand that, someday we should get into a conversation about what the Pentecostals do to their young...

OK. when I was 9 I was sent to church camp. Kangaroo court was held, I was punished for making too much dust with a jump rope.
I was shown a car battery being emptied into a container and light bulbs being broken. I was then blindfolded and force fed corngflakes and vinegar and told it was the acid and glass.
Absolutely true, happened at the AG camp in Crestwood KY.
Fine christian folks they are.
Not related to churches etc but I had a kangeroo court when I was in the army. In Northern Ireland we used to write to lots of young ladies as penpals.

My kangeroo court occurred because one girl I was writing to sent me a photo and she was a bloater.

I was egged to buggery.....
Not related to churches etc but I had a kangeroo court when I was in the army. In Northern Ireland we used to write to lots of young ladies as penpals.

My kangeroo court occurred because one girl I was writing to sent me a photo and she was a bloater.

I was egged to buggery.....

so did ya marry the gal ? :)
My court was held by preachers not peers.

It was my eye opening that some preachers and self professed christians were not christians at all. Those who I had held in unquestioning respect had failed miserably, so who to believe ?
The devil did not pull me from church, the churchies did.
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What does the fact that shes a fat girl have to do with being linked with anal sex.

Or am I speaking American instead of English?
so did ya marry the gal ? :)
My court was held by preachers not peers.

It was my eye opening that some preachers and self professed christians were not christians at all. Those who I had held in unquestioning respect had failed miserably, so who to believe ?
The devil did not pull me from church, the churchies did.

And you did the right thing! Especially after that experience!

I had a terribly sheltered yet moderate life I guess? I had no idea that other religions of Christianity were even like THAT out there....

And I am eating my words on telling Anyold that there are not Christian Schools that promote killing as the Madrasas Schools, after seeing a clip of that tape of those kids being taught!

I still don't think this type of stuff is happening in the majority of Christian Denominations, but it is shameful that it is going on at all, in the name of Christ, in my humble opinion... :( Maybe Brent was raised this way and it is not his fault that he comes off the way he does sometimes?

btw, where the heck is Brent, he just disappeared after an argument with me :( and I am feeling guilty I guess, but has anyone seen him on other political sites?
