No, its standard practice for anyone who wants to make a well-substantiated and reasoned argument.
This country has a wealth and over-abundance of institutions that provide non-partisan, fact-checked, and/or peer-reviewed information. I don’t know why Cons routinely have to rely on Op-Ed pieces or position papers from rightwing think tanks. Unless of course, it’s because scrutinized and fact-checked findings don’t typically support wingnut positions.
Personally, I rarely ever post links to left wing blogs or papers from left wing think tanks. I’m prone to using stuff from mainstream news organizations, from scientific sources, or from non-partisan entities. aka, Organizations that are required professionally or legally to have their crap reviewed and endorsed by multiple people who don’t necessarily share the same agenda as the author – either through well established channels of professional journalistic fact checking, technical peer review, administrative review, or scientific peer review.
There are about a billion sources of information in this country that come from entities or individuals who have their work fact checked and scrutinized by multiple sources. It’s not a chore to find them. It’s a total sign of weakness to have to rely on rightwing think tanks, position papers, and Op-Ed columns. That’s just a fact, jack. I’m currently peer reviewing a proposed journal submittal from a professional peer. And I’m professionally obligated to fact check and look for weakness. Maybe I should tell him to web-publish it, or put in on a think tanks website? It’d be easier, and he wouldn’t have to get his sh*t fact checked. But, he would probably laugh in my face, and I don’t think he would consider his work professionally valid and substantiated unless it were scrutinized through well-established fact checking channels.
Use rightwing blogs and opinion pieces if you must, but in my book doing so is an automatic deduction of ten points in debate grading. Good luck!