APP - EPA tells states to consider rising ocean acidity

in a word - evolution

did you read the article from wiki?

ps it is not the amount of CO2 in the air, as how quickly that amount changes

The amount has not changed quickly though, that's the thing. It has changed relatively little over the course of the last 100k years. When it was higher, it didn't cause extinction in the oceans, or we wouldn't be here right now!

You've still not given any demonstration of how 'rate of change' causes some chemical reaction that wouldn't occur otherwise. It's a preposterous supposition. All you have is speculation which is contradicted by logic and fact. This stuff is being peddled to you by people who have a vested interest in continued funding grants... billions of dollars worth... to keep churning out 'studies' which indicate big bad evil corporations must be taxed and regulated more, so we can 'save' the planet. Wake up and smell the coffee! You're being played for a fool! Either that, or you are willingly accepting this absolute ignorance, because this isn't at all about saving the planet or helping the environment, but rather, bringing down capitalism. Which one is it? Are you stupid, or a Socialist Marxist?
I think I finally have these warmers figured out.

If you are not a climate scientist, you can't have an opinion.
When a scientist/study is linked, you're simply a cut-and-paste hero.
Only church of climate people may speak of climate and they may cite NGOs without the need to source the data and methodology
The amount has not changed quickly though, that's the thing. It has changed relatively little over the course of the last 100k years. When it was higher, it didn't cause extinction in the oceans, or we wouldn't be here right now!

You've still not given any demonstration of how 'rate of change' causes some chemical reaction that wouldn't occur otherwise. It's a preposterous supposition. All you have is speculation which is contradicted by logic and fact. This stuff is being peddled to you by people who have a vested interest in continued funding grants... billions of dollars worth... to keep churning out 'studies' which indicate big bad evil corporations must be taxed and regulated more, so we can 'save' the planet. Wake up and smell the coffee! You're being played for a fool! Either that, or you are willingly accepting this absolute ignorance, because this isn't at all about saving the planet or helping the environment, but rather, bringing down capitalism. Which one is it? Are you stupid, or a Socialist Marxist?

i disagree with your major premise
Don't get sucked in to the false debate that carbon dioxide is "pollution!" It's simply NOT pollution, it's a natural element found prevalently in our universe. In fact, carbon itself, is the basis for all life as we know it. Now... sulfur dioxides, formaldehyde, mercury, lead, arsenic, radioactive waste... those are pollutants, and I'm all in favor of enforcing strict regulations on industries who create them, and making them clean up their mess.

This has become the 'go-to' argument for the Warmers, they rail on and on about CO2, then cleverly switch the debate to 'pollution' as if we can lump a natural element in with all the rest, and generate an emotive response! Many-a-dumb ass just accepts this at face value and nods in agreement. It's a dishonest tactic at best.

You're right.