Let's clarify, It's not ME who is using 1776 language, it was the people who penned the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't insist on it, that's how it was written by the people who wrote it at the time, it has nothing to do with me. The term "well regulated" does not mean that government should enforce a bunch of regulations on it, that is a modern misinterpretation of "well regulated" that simply doesn't apply to the original intent by the people who wrote the Constitution.
Now, let's correct a few more misconceptions. There is NO STATE which doesn't mandate background checks (and waiting periods) on gun purchasers. To my knowledge, "mentally deranged" people are not allowed to purchase firearms. In fact, Adam Lanza had attempted to buy a gun and was rejected, because he had a relatively mild history of mental health issues. He had not been diagnosed as "mentally deranged" and was not institutionalized.
What IS an "assault rifle?" Can you explain it to me? Is it a gun that has a certain "look" about it? It is a gun that is able to fire every time you pull the trigger? My shotgun does that, is it an "assault rifle?" Is it because the ammunition is housed in a magazine instead of internally? What exactly makes it an "assault" rifle?
There are two things which make me happy. One is a complete ignorance of drugs and the other is an ignorance of guns. My ignorance, however does not stretch to the effect that both have on society.
Regarding the semantics of your multi amended constitution I would not know what was intended since I was not there at the time. Neither were you so your opinion must be just that, an opinion. I gave you the Latin derivation of the word and Latin did not change between 1776 and the present day. If American people of 1776 were as ignorant of the English language as their modern counterparts I am surprised you bestow upon your constitution even the slightest credibility.
Anyway we are unlikely to agree. I agree with Morgan. I agree with Obama. I agree with most intelligent people about guns in America. If you wish to be the only person marching in step enjoy your brief life and when it is nearly over reflect on how you and people like you have worked against the sanity of the US and the rest of the world.
Your name isn't Phelps is it? You are just as loony but less significant.