Equal Healthcare For All

Don't even think about it, you stupid fuck.

You Russians have no sense of humor and are so aggressive. You have no shame. You have to make your quota of incendiary threads and posts every day. You seem to be keeping up.
Besides healthcare, what else is provided with universal healthcare? well, you can try a new job and not have to worry about a healthcare gap while waiting for new job to start coverage. You can also try running your own business without fear of a health disaster. You can live a less nervous life with less tension . A medical disaster can take down nearly anyone beliow the 1 percenters. Our medical prices are so high that you can go through millions with a serious injury or illness. We can take that all away and save a ton of money. Not spend a ton like you lie about. not taking rubles from your pockets. But providing complete coverage and return many millions to help retire the debt.
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You Russians have no sense of humor, blah, blah, blah.

Glad to see you are backing down from that bullshit. Many lefties have tried to use the general welfare clause to get their hands on other peoples money without having to work for it. We all know that the general welfare clause was not about free food stamps and free healthcare, but lefties will do anything to get their hands on other people's shit for free.
I have no problem helping the disabled who can’t help themselves. However there are too many that are able bodied that don’t want to work.
I don’t believe the Bill of Rights covers laziness of Americans.
Jesus helps those that can’t help themselves.

Obviously you are not satisfied with the amount the government takes out of your pay. I’m assuming you work.
Give more of your money to the poor.
Get off your dead ass and volunteer down in the intercity.

What do you actually do to better someone’s live. You like to write what others should do but what do you do.
I have no problem helping the disabled who can’t help themselves. However there are too many that are able bodied that don’t want to work.
I don’t believe the Bill of Rights covers laziness of Americans.
Jesus helps those that can’t help themselves.

Obviously you are not satisfied with the amount the government takes out of your pay. I’m assuming you work.
Give more of your money to the poor.
Get off your dead ass and volunteer down in the intercity.

What do you actually do to better someone’s live. You like to write what others should do but what do you do.

What a lot of vacuous nonsense! Arrange a decent Health Service and get decent treatment as a right - and you'll find it comes hugely cheaper. It is silly for any country to risk people's lives and health for a silly political fantasy, surely? It is bad enough being ill, without turning it into a financial crisis.
What a lot of vacuous nonsense! Arrange a decent Health Service and get decent treatment as a right - and you'll find it comes hugely cheaper. It is silly for any country to risk people's lives and health for a silly political fantasy, surely? It is bad enough being ill, without turning it into a financial crisis.

Healthcare isn't a right. When you freeloaders claim something as a right, you immediately come up with ways for someone else to pay for it on your behalf.

If you know of situations where someone is in a financial crisis due to a lack of healthcare, there's an easy solution. Personally pay their bills for them.
Every lefty here has expressed interest in equal government health care for all, but none have expressed interest in equal funding of this healthcare. That's what this thread is about.
What this thread is about...

...is about 8 pages too long.

We are the richest country on the planet...and our healthcare system is one of the worst...third-world at best. No industrialized nation pays more...and none gets less return for its money.

We pay more...MUCH MORE...per capita for our healthcare...and we get much worse results.

We ought all to be ashamed of ourselves for this...but the assholes of the American right are determined to keep us as a third-world nation in this area.

Gotta wonder why.
Lefties want a system where they have equal access to healthcare benefits without having to pay an equal share of how much it costs. That's what lefties mean when they say "equal" healthcare for all.

Lefties want to turn this nation into a Fascistic third world shit hole. ;)
Glad to see you are backing down from that bullshit. Many lefties have tried to use the general welfare clause to get their hands on other peoples money without having to work for it. We all know that the general welfare clause was not about free food stamps and free healthcare, but lefties will do anything to get their hands on other people's shit for free.

Did not back down . That clause has been used in the Supreme Court. It has legal standing and is even precedence useful. It is fact the poibnt where our founders described us as people with mutual responsibilities. Since those things did not exist back then, of course they were not enumerated. It is the concept of general welfare that is the theme. That is one thing you do not care about.
I have no problem helping the disabled who can’t help themselves. However there are too many that are able bodied that don’t want to work.
I don’t believe the Bill of Rights covers laziness of Americans.
Jesus helps those that can’t help themselves.

Obviously you are not satisfied with the amount the government takes out of your pay. I’m assuming you work.
Give more of your money to the poor.
Get off your dead ass and volunteer down in the intercity.

What do you actually do to better someone’s live. You like to write what others should do but what do you do.

No there are not too many people who are not working and collecting. I suppose you were in one of your many comas when we passed laws forcing anyone collecting help to work or show they are trying to get a job. You are still back in the 1950,s meme that should be long dead. The majority of welfare are children.
Not going to tell you what I do to help. None of your business.
The richest country demonizes the poor. People are stupid enough to think the poor are why the middle class is struggling. Sorry, as usual you are looking in the wrong direction. It is the wealthy who are taking your wealth as theirs. Production in America has shot up the last few decades while wages have been stagnant. Profits are at all time highs. Can you figure out where that wealth went? Nope, you think some poor person took it. It is in the hands of the billionaires., and you are too ignorant to understand . The rightys are teaching you well.
Every lefty here has expressed interest in equal government health care for all, but none have expressed interest in equal funding of this healthcare. That's what this thread is about.

Equal funding for all? Yeah, Gates should pay the same as a fast food clerk. That makes sense to you?
Most of this horse shit I have no idea what you are talking about.

Which billionaires are you talking about. Of course only the republican billionaires right. You are a clown.
Look it up, wages are not stagnant but apparently you can’t read.
Dip shit 74 million get free healthcare at the tone of taxpayer dollars in the sum of 545 billion.
There can never be equal funding of healthcare. There are too many that don’t work or can’t offered the premiums the last president said would be reduced.

And yes Gates should pay the same as a fast foot clerk for the same coverage. Does that make sense to you. Oh my god
How stupid to think Blue Cross/Shield would charge Gates more for the same coverage because he is a billionaire.
Dip shit 74 million get free healthcare at the tone of taxpayer dollars in the sum of 545 billion.
There can never be equal funding of healthcare. There are too many that don’t work or can’t offered the premiums the last president said would be reduced.

And yes Gates should pay the same as a fast foot clerk for the same coverage. Does that make sense to you. Oh my god
How stupid to think Blue Cross/Shield would charge Gates more for the same coverage because he is a billionaire.

Sorry but the healthcare will be paid by taxes like it is in civilized countries and those that care about the health and welfare of the people. No the taxes should not be the same. We have had graduated tax system for along time. You should read up on it. It not about paying for services rendered, That is a marketplace system that wioud simply eliminate healthcare for those not rich.