As I've related before, I used to work as a cook in a county jail with a fairly large population (300+ at any given time) of inmates representative of that jail's outside community. IOW, most of the inmates were white and almost every one put down "Christian" as his/her religion on the intake forms. We knew this because we would get a daily print-out of that day's inmate population, which included their age/race/religion/unit/status within the jail (i.e., inmate, weekender, inmate-worker, etc.) I got into a spat with my boss one time because she always honored the Muslims' request to be given non-pork meals, but she refused to honor the 2-3 Buddhists' requests for a vegan diet. She claimed that Buddhism wasn't a "real" religion. Yet she had us prepare vegan meals for the lone Seventh-Day Adventist inmate that once graced the place.
At any rate, I think the inmates were doing just what you stated: Putting down a religious preference just because Xtian was what they grew up with. As you might imagine, a lot of them "found Jesus" while in jail. lol
I think Xtians like RB, Stretch, PMP, etc. are strident, fearful, and angry because they know that they are a dying breed. So desperate that they embrace the most god-less venal POS POTUS we've ever been cursed with.