Evangelicals: You Need to Stop Believing In Stupid Things

Hello TOP,

Don't put words in my mouth.

I find that highly disrespectful.

I did not say what you just claimed about me, because it is not true the derogatory way you worded it.

My Signature PIP outlines the reasons people get placed on my Ignore List. And I think you are already well aware of my standards for mutual respect. I have made no secret of them but instead made them quite public so everybody understands. It is quite apparent for all here to see that I regularly talk to and enjoy the respect of many people with whom I disagree. It's all about the respect. Disagreement is to be expected. How that disagreement is handled is everything to me. I would advise you not to test me on this. Do not put words in my mouth again. I write my own posts, not you. The best advice would be to stick to the topic of discussion and don't EVER start talking about me, because I am not the subject, and you have a tendency to get too personal. That is not respectful.

Hopefully that totally clarifies how accepting I am.

If not, I know a way that should make it very easy to deal with.

So I was spot on...thank you for the confirmation...RESPECT...indeed;)
Listen to yourself...in the quiet you might be surprised at what ...or who...you hear....
“Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.”

― Maya Angelou
So this continuation of the Islamophobia pedophilia mentality super ego master plan is playing Klues Klucks duh Klans where really could care less for intellectually trite condescending arrogance of Evangelical Christiananality pedophilia's master race.

getting better.......you managed to slip a verb into that one......
I don't see anything wrong with coveting. Acting on what you're coveting is alright depending on the context.
As for the other rules, let's say they're good rules in most situations. That's still only four.

Jealousy is the ugliest of all emotions. It’s a gateway to so many more.
getting better.......you managed to slip a verb into that one......

Compared to what ? All this Christiananality pedophilia scriptures wasting energy from Evangelicals being cross conditioned way beyond therapy in saving fabricated misnomers with immaculate conceptions in some master race of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopaths crusade to insure space is the place to save the human race. Now there's a fish out of water scenario....
I don't see anything wrong with coveting. Acting on what you're coveting is alright depending on the context.
As for the other rules, let's say they're good rules in most situations. That's still only four.

Most freeloaders don't have a problem with it. It's what defines them as freeloaders.
Its not fear of what happens after death its fear of God in this life that is important. And of course, the ultimate Judge is God, so we should work our our salvation with fear and trembling.

Why should you fear an omnibenevolent and merciful god?
Compared to what ? All this Christiananality pedophilia scriptures wasting energy from Evangelicals being cross conditioned way beyond therapy in saving fabricated misnomers with immaculate conceptions in some master race of suicidal super ego homicidal sociopsychopaths crusade to insure space is the place to save the human race. Now there's a fish out of water scenario....

sorry....ran this through Google translate and it said it didn't know that language......
sorry....ran this through Google translate and it said it didn't know that language......

That all too familiar USA Christian Nation national religion language avoidance in compulsive acceptance of Evangelical survival of the fittest fascists master race obsession to rule the earth & destroy the world master plan.