Evangelicals: You Need to Stop Believing In Stupid Things

Ahhh, what's wrong simpleminded one? Being shown you're immature irks you? Maybe you should at least act half your age...but you won't. You have a history of acting like a 4 yr. old, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Another White Knight,who can't let Toxic stand up for herself.
Butt out asshole breath!
Have you ever been anything but a dumb fucking nigger?

Well seems being a Washington, D.C. born American believing in one nation under God with equal justice under law where thieving old glory presented by Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors for business excellence arsonists condescending arrogance certainly leaves little doubt now......that for a Christian Nation of those way too dang lily brilliant Evangelical white crusade where the cross is higher than the US flag, the US Constitution & whatever else their suicidal Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming dhimmitude servitude believes in prayer.
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Well seems being a Washington, D.C. born American believing in one nation under God with equal justice under law where thieving old glory presented by Eisenhower to Holocaust survivors for business excellence arsonists condescending arrogance certainly leaves little doubt now......that for a Christian Nation of those way too dang lily brilliant Evangelical white crusade where the cross is higher than the US flag, the US Constitution & whatever else their suicidal Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming dhimmitude servitude believes in prayer.

It's clear your answer to the question is no.
you don't extend these niceties to sworn and obvious enemies and abusers.

Ever notice how OwlWoman and those like here talk a lot of caring for the "less fortunate" yet their plans to help always involve taxing someone else to fund it?

A bleeding heart Liberal is someone that has no problem spending someone else's money then claiming credit as if it came out of their own pocket.