Evangelicals: You Need to Stop Believing In Stupid Things

You should be looking into why you choose to remain a stupid nigger.

No doubt as with Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of "serve the Pope or die" thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists, those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" patriot act & whatever this Veterans protect & serve lynching enforcement designation for coon & stupid nigger economic business dhimmitude servitude under color of law monopoly has been chosen just as climate deniers; even with rational thought presentations there's little cognitive reasoning in suicidal cross conditioned way beyond therapy super egos of homicidal sociopsychopathilogical Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia human farming survival of the fittest fascists more perfect union jihad crusade compulsive obsession.
No doubt as with Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of "serve the Pope or die" thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists, those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" patriot act & whatever this Veterans protect & serve lynching enforcement designation for coon & stupid nigger economic business dhimmitude servitude under color of law monopoly has been chosen just as climate deniers; even with rational thought presentations there's little cognitive reasoning in suicidal cross conditioned way beyond therapy super egos of homicidal sociopsychopathilogical Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia human farming survival of the fittest fascists more perfect union jihad crusade compulsive obsession.

Don't you ever get tired of proving what you are, BOY?
Don't you ever get tired of proving what you are, BOY?

Nah, it's more fun getting provided such Evangelical master race responses of one nation under God with equal justice under law from Christiananality pedophilia ChristHitlers super egos under color of law trying to surpass Nazi economics of the last century with some lynching enforcement national religion.
Nah, it's more fun getting provided such Evangelical master race responses of one nation under God with equal justice under law from Christiananality pedophilia ChristHitlers super egos under color of law trying to surpass Nazi economics of the last century with some lynching enforcement national religion.

No, it appears you have fun being a nigger? No one understands why someone would want to be known as one. However, it's your choice. When you baby mama told you to be good at something, I seriously doubt the ho meant that.
No, it appears you have fun being a nigger? No one understands why someone would want to be known as one. However, it's your choice. When you baby mama told you to be good at something, I seriously doubt the ho meant that.

Who'd of guessed there'd be such a thing as an all too dang lily brilliant white Evangelical black coon/nigger hole sucking up everything in sight as that Catholic Church megalomaniacal crusade dhimmitude servitude jihad where as before only black holes were off in outer space sucking up all the light, stars, planets & the such; but with a supreme swastika up Uranus court of a Christian Nation they can believe stupidly "man is God" fallaciously.
Who'd of guessed there'd be such a thing as an all too dang lily brilliant white Evangelical black coon/nigger hole sucking up everything in sight as that Catholic Church megalomaniacal crusade dhimmitude servitude jihad where as before only black holes were off in outer space sucking up all the light, stars, planets & the such; but with a supreme swastika up Uranus court of a Christian Nation they can believe stupidly "man is God" fallaciously.

Who would have ever thought a pussy like you would create another sock account. That's the sign of someone that knows he's exactly what he's been claimed to be.
Who would have ever thought a pussy like you would create another sock account. That's the sign of someone that knows he's exactly what he's been claimed to be.

As one man's law is another man's crime. Evangelical Christianity politics makes life heaven or hell just as for Kristallnacht making up the destruction of German synagogue artifacts & items for train rides to a better life with the Holocaust of 6 million + whom had no belief in a fabricated misnomer of immaculate conception. No different in one nation under God of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists of the USA claiming "man is God" to the extent of those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan in supposedly one nation under God where it's business has designated atheist.
As one man's law is another man's crime. Evangelical Christianity politics makes life heaven or hell just as for Kristallnacht making up the destruction of German synagogue artifacts & items for train rides to a better life with the Holocaust of 6 million + whom had no belief in a fabricated misnomer of immaculate conception. No different in one nation under God of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists of the USA claiming "man is God" to the extent of those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan in supposedly one nation under God where it's business has designated atheist.

Still proving what he's been claimed to be.^^^^^^
Still proving what he's been claimed to be.^^^^^^

Still doing your best Nuremberg Evangelical Nazi War criminal patriot act for the 21st century Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude national religion as :
Originally Posted by anonymoose said:
Never heard of ( negative entropy ) that so i looked it up. Looks like it has something to do with communication and no physical law, certainly not the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, therefore irrelevant.
Where geometrically multiplicative increasing negative entropy has space as the place for the human race, fried & freeze dried all over the place from Christiananality "man is God" Darwin - Mengele pedophilia survival of the fittest fascists mass extinction award added to your credits too....
Still doing your best Nuremberg Evangelical Nazi War criminal patriot act for the 21st century Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude national religion as :
Originally Posted by anonymoose said:
Never heard of ( negative entropy ) that so i looked it up. Looks like it has something to do with communication and no physical law, certainly not the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, therefore irrelevant.
Where geometrically multiplicative increasing negative entropy has space as the place for the human race, fried & freeze dried all over the place from Christiananality "man is God" Darwin - Mengele pedophilia survival of the fittest fascists mass extinction award added to your credits too....

Still proving what he is folks. ^^^^^^
Still doing your best Nuremberg Evangelical Nazi War criminal patriot act for the 21st century Islamophobia dhimmitude servitude national religion as :
Originally Posted by anonymoose said:
Never heard of ( negative entropy ) that so i looked it up. Looks like it has something to do with communication and no physical law, certainly not the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, therefore irrelevant.
Still proving what he is folks. ^^^^^^

Still working for Godvernment, especially with this USA Christian Nation's Evangelical Communism of Christianity while private property is defined as whatever their master race needs to maintain ethnic cleansing of anything defined not Christian; which in itself is Christiananality pedophilia resulting in an Islamidiotocracy of "death to the infidels" tautology to supplement that "serve the Pope or die" diatribe master economic plan.
I don't even bother to read his drivel. He makes about as much sense as fat Ox.

As that Islamidiotocracy master race of this USA Christian Nation of Christiananality pedophilia which dictates it's one nation under God with equal justice under law, yet for more than 24 separate incidents of hand scribed Israel old testaments stolen & in all probability burned seems contradictory two dozen crosses were not removed from the Islamophobia national religion Nazi economics due to some superior intelligence of just suicidal ethnic cleansing sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming under color of law.
You should be looking into why you choose to remain a stupid nigger.

As Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus court Bicentennial immaculate drug conception decision of it doesn't matter how many of Ike's personally presented old glories nor how many National Archives US Constitutions these suicidal super egos of an Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia mentality would self anoint as "man is God" dhimmitude servitude KKK churchstate lynching enforcement for a 9/11 patriot act as theft a US Constitution out of a Navy Hospital to burn on a cross just as theft of an old glory presented by Ike to one of his WW II Pentagon staff sergeants some 12 years earlier for yet some immaculate conception reasoning for born in Washington, D.C. as a dirty white boy. Way too dang lily brilliant white for me after all these years since those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" was still the same national religion cognitive dissonance in Islam instead of this Christian Nation interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law master race Islamidiotocracy.
As Rehnquist's supreme swastika up Uranus court Bicentennial immaculate drug conception decision of it doesn't matter how many of Ike's personally presented old glories nor how many National Archives US Constitutions these suicidal super egos of an Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia mentality would self anoint as "man is God" dhimmitude servitude KKK churchstate lynching enforcement for a 9/11 patriot act as theft a US Constitution out of a Navy Hospital to burn on a cross just as theft of an old glory presented by Ike to one of his WW II Pentagon staff sergeants some 12 years earlier for yet some immaculate conception reasoning for born in Washington, D.C. as a dirty white boy. Way too dang lily brilliant white for me after all these years since those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" was still the same national religion cognitive dissonance in Islam instead of this Christian Nation interpretation of one nation under God with equal justice under law master race Islamidiotocracy.

And your kind wonders why?
And your kind wonders why?

Since some self anointed Evangelical master race clues clucks duh clans KKK Federal Lynching churchstate of hate burning Bush's Al Qaeda flying carpet "death to the infidels" 9/11 healthcare diatribe to further a Catholic Church megalomaniacal master plan tautology in a "serve the Pope or die" baptize thine eyes by urinations contingent Freudian slip theft & subsequent burning of a bereavement memorial of a JFK presented old glory & old testament; have to take these new Holycosts with a grain of salt concerning survival of the fittest fascists condescending arrogance.