Everyone that was negged to oblivion or possed to oblivion please post in this thread

No, actually I know that I'm not anywhere near cool. And as an aside, I didn't know you were a lady when we first "met". I apologize for being belligerent and offensive. I really only try to reserve that for males, and even in such cases, its mostly tongue in cheek.

That being said, it it bizarre to me when someone describes their pecker in my body.

That, no matter how sane you think someone is, is a weird, Freudian slip.

You guys certainly go for the crude first thing...didn't you start off with him by calling him a "dickhole??? and didn't he then play off of that?
Those who wish to see our Constitution defended should do so in ways enumerated within that same document.

The idea that we should destroy the union because of the deeds and wishes of a few is close to treason.

The Civil War was a horrible event. I am glad my beloved south lost, so the nation remained intact.

Southermen, expecting the rest of the world to stay out of our conflict just because it is an internal one is certainly not realistic. We have stepped into enough internal conflicts to make that very clear.

But since they have told us how wrong we have been, wouldn't them stepping in be just a little hypocritical and make them appear as bad as they say we have been?
You guys certainly go for the crude first thing...didn't you start off with him by calling him a "dickhole??? and didn't he then play off of that?

Don't sweat it.

They knew exactly what was occuring; but they had to climp up on their hypocritical high horse, so they could try to appear to be above what they themselves were involved in.

Their obvious inability to see acknowledge their own behavior, made it even more amusing.
Don't sweat it.

They knew exactly what was occuring; but they had to climp up on their hypocritical high horse, so they could try to appear to be above what they themselves were involved in.

Their obvious inability to see acknowledge their own behavior, made it even more amusing.

Same crap different day...:p
Don't sweat it.

They knew exactly what was occuring; but they had to climp up on their hypocritical high horse, so they could try to appear to be above what they themselves were involved in.

Their obvious inability to see acknowledge their own behavior, made it even more amusing.
Hey! Don't go blaming the horse. Beefs really isn't that acerbic, he's good people. You'll get used to him if you stick around long enough.
Actually, there are many throughout the US who would see this for what it is: Republicans who want to strip power from the Federal government to save the Constitution verses Democrats who have worked since the 1930's to usurp the Constitution by ignoring the enumerated powers and Madison's clear interpretation in Federalist 41 and 45:
Every person who has taken an oath to defend the Constitution would have to ask themselves which side they are on.

And again, since this would clearly be an internal conflict, NATO won't touch it, and certainly Canada wouldn't either. *shrug*

Its not an internal conflict, and I don't believe it was last time. I actually think states can secede, but obviously few agree with me. We can win without NATO, because you guys won't have any allies as it is, except probably N. Korea.

And everyone, especially soldiers, just need to remember this: Hamilton and the Federalists = Good, Madison and the Jeffersonians = Bad. Hamilton actually served in the Army, and his unit still exists today, while Jefferson was a pussy. I'll be sure to remind the troops of that.
Hey! Don't go blaming the horse. Beefs really isn't that acerbic, he's good people. You'll get used to him if you stick around long enough.

I just fouind it amusing that he used a "slur", in an attempt to denigrate, and when the tables were turned, his only out was to take the homophobia road.

After a while; you'll see that I find the majority of the insult atempts, to be nothing more then amusing.

Now, where did I leave my pointy stick?

Oh, there it is. :pke:
Its not an internal conflict, and I don't believe it was last time. I actually think states can secede, but obviously few agree with me. We can win without NATO, because you guys won't have any allies as it is, except probably N. Korea.

And everyone, especially soldiers, just need to remember this: Hamilton and the Federalists = Good, Madison and the Jeffersonians = Bad. Hamilton actually served in the Army, and his unit still exists today, while Jefferson was a pussy. I'll be sure to remind the troops of that.
So the CW wasn't a civil war, North Korea would side with capitalists, and you'll convince a lot of soldiers to fight for socialism because Madison and Jefferson were pussies. Wow. :rolleyes:
So the CW wasn't a civil war, North Korea would side with capitalists, and you'll convince a lot of soldiers to fight for socialism because Madison and Jefferson were pussies. Wow. :rolleyes:

Yes, N. Korea would side with the morally bankrupt side because they hate America (as does its potential ally). Its interesting that you speak of capitalism when the South of the old Confederacy was virulently anti-capitalist. I guess progress can occur, even down in looney land. Madison and Jefferson were pussies, and lousy ideologues, but lets not pretend that the Federalists were socislists, or that the Patrician States are socialist simply by opposing the Plebe States.

And no, the CW was not a civil war, but since everyone insists on referring to it as such, it is at least convenient.
Yes, N. Korea would side with the morally bankrupt side because they hate America (as does its potential ally). Its interesting that you speak of capitalism when the South of the old Confederacy was virulently anti-capitalist. I guess progress can occur, even down in looney land. Madison and Jefferson were pussies, and lousy ideologues, but lets not pretend that the Federalists were socislists, or that the Patrician States are socialist simply by opposing the Plebe States.

And no, the CW was not a civil war, but since everyone insists on referring to it as such, it is at least convenient.
Apparently you'd rather delve into nonsense and conspiracy theories before admitting that you are wrong and I'm right. *shrug*
Apparently you'd rather delve into nonsense and conspiracy theories before admitting that you are wrong and I'm right. *shrug*

Wrong and right about what? Just learn a little about the agrarian ideal, especially as preached by Jefferson, and you will see that the South was an anti-capitalist society. They decried the evil banks and industrial markets of the North constantly. They were also paranoid, because they believed that if they couldn't expand slavery into the West that it would die, and destroy their bankrupt way of life as well (basically what the agrarian ideal said about agrarianism in general - that without more land to spread the population onto, that the noble yeoman farmer would disappear and industry would triumph).
Wrong and right about what? Just learn a little about the agrarian ideal, especially as preached by Jefferson, and you will see that the South was an anti-capitalist society. They decried the evil banks and industrial markets of the North constantly. They were also paranoid, because they believed that if they couldn't expand slavery into the West that it would die, and destroy their bankrupt way of life as well (basically what the agrarian ideal said about agrarianism in general - that without more land to spread the population onto, that the noble yeoman farmer would disappear and industry would triumph).
So Democrats are racists and elitists and have no concept of modern economic theory. What else is new? *shrug*
So Democrats are racists and elitists and have no concept of modern economic theory. What else is new? *shrug*

LOL The failed economics of the Confederacy is one thing that has not changed one degree in the last 150 years in the Democratic Party.

It took the GOP all the way into the 1970s to finally force capitalism on the South, but who knows how long that will last with populism on the rise these days?