Evidence that proves masks stop viruses

Evmerto get handed the proof and says he gets no proof. He can and will say whatever he wants, but this system of lies is getting old. Masks work and this is another lying thread.

Nobody has handed me proof. Stop perpetuating the notion that masks stop viruses.
Viruses spread through host fluids, troll boy. A mask doesn't let them escape, it's that fucking simple. If one is so dense they can't figure that one out they might as well put on a loincloth and start pounding rocks. I've seen Kindergarteners that can put that together. You wear a mask to stop you from transmitting. Protection for you is only slight if you're wearing a mask but an infected person isn't. It's called being a humane, decent, and a responsible human being.

Vape water vapor demonstrated passing right through a variety of masks.
Try harder.

Vape water vapor demonstrated passing right through a variety of masks.
Try harder.

I like this video, since there are no special effects. If you look at the video in post 176, it is showing stuff that we shouldn't be able to see. It is obviously fake. Your video is pretty hard to dispute.