Evil Corporations

But not a gatekeeper that tells a business that is operating legally that it cannot exist. That certainly goes against the societal values that you think we should follow.

Legally means the government it tells it it can exist. Illegally is only a pen-stroke away at any given time. Why Hillary was gonna kill coal after all, so the parties are equal opportunity offenders.
That is a good reason to fight increased government power. If the government is controlled by the rich and powerful (a somewhat simplistic view) then a more powerful government only benefits those in control and any program government administers serves the interest of those in control.

Government food programs benefit farmers, truckers, food processing companies, and super markets (and now fast food places). Medicare and Medicaid benefit doctors, hospitals, medical supply houses and medical equipment manufacturers, and drug manufacturers. All are examples of "corporate welfare."

Which we as a society have no problem with. It's only when "welfare" and programs we all pay into go to the unsubstantial people that the caterwaling arises from the corporate state.
And we certainly do not want more power concentrated in our government. We have a choice to patronize corporations. We have no choice with government decisions.

yes you do asshole

you don't like Democracy MOVE THE FUCK AWAY
I often hear lefties referring to big corporations as evil. Would you like to see the top 1% of all corporations disappear?

When humans act in a way that places money and power over human lives that is evil

when corporations act in a way that places money and power over human lives that is evil

evil is evil

corporations only exist to create money

Money was created to give the possessor of it power

so inherently corporations are capable of evil and need to be policed

get it

or are you too dense
When humans act in a way that places money and power over human lives that is evil

when corporations act in a way that places money and power over human lives that is evil

evil is evil

corporations only exist to create money

Money was created to give the possessor of it power

so inherently corporations are capable of evil and need to be policed

get it

or are you too dense
Would you like to see the top 1% of all corporations disappear?
they are evil though huh

which means we have to watch them really closely and punish them when needed huh
For some reason, we accept that corporations reason to exist is " maximize profits'. That is asking for trouble. There is nothing about doing no harm. There is no responsibility to the country, the environment or employees. Just max those priofits. it is a blueprint for cheating and spoiling the envirionment. It is asking for a company to cheat the employees out of everything they can. American capitalism is flawed and by definition creates a tension between them and the country. It is an adversarial system where the government has to fight them to do the right thing.
That is exactly what the government should be able to tell a corporation. They need that power to stop corporate crimes. Corporations run nuclear plants. They run many businesses that could do real potential damage. The government should have ultimate power.

We already have extensive regulations for nuclear power plants and criminal laws for prosecuting corporate crimes. To want to shut down Amazon or similar corporations is just crazy. And, since many posters believe the rich and powerful are running the government, any actions would be benefiting them at the expense of the public good. They want to give more power to those they already think are not doing a good job. As it is, many government regulations already serve the purpose of reducing competition or establishing secure markets for certain interests.
Legally means the government it tells it it can exist. Illegally is only a pen-stroke away at any given time. Why Hillary was gonna kill coal after all, so the parties are equal opportunity offenders.

A pen-stroke away is arbitrary government power we should never have. A criminal government is no better than a criminal corporation.
A pen-stroke away is arbitrary government power we should never have. A criminal government is no better than a criminal corporation.

A government with no power to control is pointless. Might as well be two cave men throwing pebbles at each other.
Which we as a society have no problem with. It's only when "welfare" and programs we all pay into go to the unsubstantial people that the caterwaling arises from the corporate state.

The corporate state is benefiting from all that government largesse--they are not the ones caterwailing.
A government with no power to control is pointless. Might as well be two cave men throwing pebbles at each other.

Power to control is not the same thing as arbitrarily wanting to shut down Amazon like some of the posters from this thread. And, who has that control and why are they making that decisions. Again, if one adopts (the somewhat simplistic) view that the rich and powerful and corporations are controlling the government, won't they use that power for their own benefit?
We already have extensive regulations for nuclear power plants and criminal laws for prosecuting corporate crimes. To want to shut down Amazon or similar corporations is just crazy. And, since many posters believe the rich and powerful are running the government, any actions would be benefiting them at the expense of the public good. They want to give more power to those they already think are not doing a good job. As it is, many government regulations already serve the purpose of reducing competition or establishing secure markets for certain interests.

No we don't. they are sham. They are not regulation for the people but for the company. Every regulation gets passed by politicians who get money from the industries. The also get corporate lobbyists pressuring them. Real regulation that would protect us is extremely rare and under great pressure by the corporations.
Power to control is not the same thing as arbitrarily wanting to shut down Amazon like some of the posters from this thread. And, who has that control and why are they making that decisions. Again, if one adopts (the somewhat simplistic) view that the rich and powerful and corporations are controlling the government, won't they use that power for their own benefit?

See you think they must be stopped from stopping them which is a completely arbitrary position. I think they should be stopped because they are bad for the environment and the worker, and business in general.

Congrats, you were able to respond correctly to the opening post!

why would you think anyone would[

A magic wand that you can wave to make one of the top 1% of corporations disappear is obviously just a hypothetical and fun thing, but I suspected that many lefties might enjoy using it. I have noticed over the years that lefties often refer to big corporations as evil, but I was wondering if lefties would actually use it if they had a chance. Looks like I was mistaken.

I would like to see them taxed and regulated in a way that profits the entire nation

If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you would be ok with keeping them in place AS THEY ARE NOW, but you would like to see legislation that would make them into workhorses that would generate wealth to redistribute to the non productive class. Is this correct?
Congrats, you were able to respond correctly to the opening post!

A magic wand that you can wave to make one of the top 1% of corporations disappear is obviously just a hypothetical and fun thing, but I suspected that many lefties might enjoy using it. I have noticed over the years that lefties often refer to big corporations as evil, but I was wondering if lefties would actually use it if they had a chance. Looks like I was mistaken.

If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you would be ok with keeping them in place AS THEY ARE NOW, but you would like to see legislation that would make them into workhorses that would generate wealth to redistribute to the non productive class. Is this correct?

You have no right to speak for the left. You can barely defend the right. We want corporations well regulated. They are capable of doing great harm.
Love corps, Trump is your man. what he did to net neutrality is designed to make the righties happy. I bet all you righties are still celebrating that corporate give away. Trump FCC is an arm of telecoms. Isn't that special.
A pen-stroke away is arbitrary government power we should never have. A criminal government is no better than a criminal corporation.

No such thing as a pen stroke. Regulation is passed in congress after a debate. Also after lobbying pressure has been exerted.