evince disappeared

Another example of your exceptional brilliance, just like your shitty sock comment.

If you think for even one second that I give a fuck about your delicate sensibilities then you're sadly mistaken. Who the fuck are you anyway, if you can't stand the heat then get an asbestos suit or fuck off, your choice!
How's your quarantine going? Oh, never mind.


In Tonypandy where he lives, they just tie a sheep to a lamp post and call it a leisure centre!
Evince is one of the most important posters in the history of this board.

Even posters who claim to hate her relentlessly read her threads, compose posts to her, think about her, gossip about her.

I guarantee you that posters who are genuinely boring, dim-witted, and mediocre do not attract that level of attentiveness.

I believe what causes the rightwing to be obsessed with Desh is how frequently she turns out to be right, even prescient. From the Iraq War Disaster, to the failed presidency of George Dumbya Bush, to the Great Republican Recession, to widespread GOP electoral malfeasance in elections by voter suppression.
Hello Miss Margot Frank,

Evince eats up these right wingers and spits them out.They fear her!

No she doesn't and no they don't. They would feed into one another's insecurities and perpetuate endless personal insult contests. That's shallow.

Guttural talk doesn't solve anything. It's immature. Taunting people with personal jabs is trolling. That's what dysfunctional people do. They are simply looking for a response, any response. That's not political discussion. It's just looking for somebody to unload on. It's shallow.

Evince is great at the nasty argument, calling people names.

Discussing politics doesn't have to be a nasty argument. Discussing politics is not about calling people names. Discussing politics is about the issues. Talking about other posters is not talking about the issues. It is a distraction.

Evince would make a very good political point, to the point about whatever the issue was, and then destroy her own argument by making it personal, name-calling, huge distraction from a good issue-oriented point. She would post a good link with pertinent information, and then insult somebody so badly that they would react emotionally to the insult instead of paying attention to her links.

The end result was to get people angry, stir up hatred, divide the nation. And that worked very well for Putin, who has the exact same goal.

Several times when new posters would show up, if they didn't agree with evince, she would bite off their head in a very nasty way. She was great at driving polite people away from our discussions and ensuring that the tone was kept at guttural level.

All of this tends to create a low-end discussion board. Political discussion should be about making the most convincing point, not the nastiest insult.

I hope evince is OK, but I have noticed that the forum is not quite so nasty without her posting.

Talking politics is what we are here for.
I also noticed that reagansghost has disappeared as well. That poster and evince had the same style of writing. I wonder...
Evince is one of the most important posters in the history of this board.

Even posters who claim to hate her relentlessly read her threads, compose posts to her, think about her, gossip about her.

I guarantee you that posters who are genuinely boring, dim-witted, and mediocre do not attract that level of attentiveness.

I believe what causes the rightwing to be obsessed with Desh is how frequently she turns out to be right, even prescient. From the Iraq War Disaster, to the failed presidency of George Dumbya Bush, to the Great Republican Recession, to widespread GOP electoral malfeasance in elections by voter suppression.

lol.... & she can lay down some real zingers :rofl2: