uh, no.....I am contesting your position, which would be that all birds evolved into ducks because evolution effects the entire population of a species.....
Right now we are talking about your contention that no species share genes.
uh, no.....I am contesting your position, which would be that all birds evolved into ducks because evolution effects the entire population of a species.....
No, liar. I was not making a point about the multi regional hypothesis. I was pointing out how stupid your claim is that "no such (genic) network is visible for any other species of anything anywhere." It exists for every sexually reproducing species that has ever existed. This does not prove the multi regional hypothesis and I did not claim it did. You are fucking D-U-M-B dumb.
Right now we are talking about your contention that no species share genes.
odd, since that isn't my contention and never has been......polar bears share many genes with grizzly bears for example....
you claimed that homo sapiens evolved in multiple locations simultaneously......I asked why that would be true for humans when it isn't true for any other species......you said it WAS true for other species....I asked for an example.....you gave me homo sapiens....."A proves "A".......
Sure it is you said there was no network of genic exchange in any species anywhere ever. Do you not know what that means?
And this has nothing to do with sharing genes across species.
I said it is possible.
I have given you a list of nearly a dozen species.
It is true for us now. Our entire population is evolving in multiple regions.
and I said it was not......thus the argument began, remember?....
you gave me a list of domesticated animals and one pest.....all of which were bred and distributed by human interference with the process of evolution.....you have not given me an example of it happening through evolution because there IS no example of it happening through evolution........
lol, well perhaps that DOES explain liberalism......New England and California are evolving into a new species......we could call them homo takerus.....
once a species has diverged sufficiently that cross breeding is impossible there can be no sharing of genes across species.....as to sharing genes prior to that point I expect the genetic structure of polar bears is more than 99% identical to grizzlies.....what caused the difference is the isolation of the bears that evolved into polar bears from the bears that evolved into grizzlies......you deny that occurred and claim evolution effected all the earlier bears identically.....if so, how did we get the divergence?.......
/shrugs....and I am saying it is not.....hence, our argument.....when I am only saying it is possible
Now you are moving the goalposts again. Your original question gave no indication that domesticated animals should be excluded. I gave you an opportunity for you to restate your question and after going through your ignorant bit about hybrids you then let satand the assumption that you meant to exclude domesticated animals.
when it becomes an intentional breeding program it obviously is no longer evolution.....Human involvement has not stopped evolution in these animals.
You are full of shit. Link us up to where I denied this, you lying moron?
Evolution effected all the bears, but not identically.
/shrugs....and I am saying it is not.....hence, our argument.....
no, I merely pointed out that since you knew what I was asking and in fact gave me the words to say so I would ask the question the way you wanted, I merely stated that since you already knew the question there was no NEED for me to restate it.....there still isn't......answer it!.....
when it becomes an intentional breeding program it obviously is no longer evolution.....
did you not say evolution always effects the entire population?.......if that is so, the changes that resulted in polar bears should have effected all bears and thus, all bears would be polar bears......
lol....changing the goalposts is one thing.....changing the game from football to baseball is something entirely different......if they are different, its because they were not part of the same general population.......you've claimed the changes effected the entire population, not just the diverging strain.....
I have answered your question. If you want to rephrase it then do so. There is no reason to exclude domesticated animals. They certainly have evolved. There is no reason to exclude the common rat. The evolutionary course of all animals and plants are affected by other animals.
Intentional breeding obviously does not stop evolution. Many evolutionary studies have been done with intentional breeding and have included domesticated animals. You are plainly wrong and quite stupid. What you mean is that it does not proceed via natural selection.
Yes, evolution affects the entire population.......that does not mean that the changes.........should affect all bears.
If the gene pools are separated they evolve in divergent ways
lol.....if you know what I mean why do you still have a hard time answering it?......
no fair....that's my side of the argument, you can't have both sides......if this is now your position and you've abandoned the defense you raised, let's go back to the question that led to our disagreement......how do you explain the fact that homo sapiens is the only species that did not evolve in divergent ways?.......before you claimed the same was true of all creatures....now apparently you don't.....
Common rats are not domesticated or the product of human breeding.