You should be more appreciative.
Nope. You are preaching your religion. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is religion and not any sort of rational analysis. I have pointed out some of the egregious logic and rhetorical errors you made so that you can make a stronger argument.
KJV is the standard.
Genesis 1:14-19 (KJV) - And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Objection, your honor, relevancy. Sustained.
Objection, your honor, argumentative. Sustained.
Nope. Charles Darwin wasn't dwelling on origins. You assured me that you already knew this but it seems that you revert back to assigning bogus theories to Darwin every few minutes.
Charles Darwin's theory is of evolution, i.e. life changing ... not of its origins. Your continued discussion of life's origins in conjuntion with Darwin's theory is a waste of time.
You should hang it up. Darwin's theory has nothing to do with life's origins. All you're doing is broadcasting that you have never read the theory that you are attempting to refute and that you have no clue what you are talking about. Don't be totally shocked when you get pummeled in short order.
Nobody respects the guy who has relegated himself to assigning bogus positions to others so that he'll at least have something to attack. By pretending that Darwin's theory is something entirely other than what it is, and by making it out to be a horrendously bogus theory just so your religious view looks reasonable by comparison, you are being "that guy."
... and this is a completely uninformed opinion. Charles Darwin's conclusions all stem from his observations, all of which are documented in his book. The one with the problem is you. You can't specify even a single point of Darwin's with which you disagree, because you haven't read it. You've already killed any authority you might have otherwise had if you had only brushed up on "The Origin of Species" before wasting your time pretending to refute a bogus theory to which you assigned the label of "evolution."
... or you could brush up on radioactive decay, find out that I am correct and thank me for the information.
Radioactive decay is a stable process that remains unaffected by temperature, pressure, and chemical environment. You're welcome.
Oh, I'm just exhausted now, but I'll humor you with this. Alright, here goes:
1 In the beginning, God apparently decided to start his DIY project on the universe, creating the heavens and the earth.2 Now, the earth was just a mess - formless, empty, darker than my sense of humor, and the Spirit of God was just hovering around like a helicopter parent over some primordial soup.3 Then God said, "Let there be light," and voila! Light showed up. Must've been easier than finding a light switch in my house.4 God saw the light was good, probably because it was the only thing there to see, and he split it from the darkness.5 He called light "day" and darkness "night." And there was evening, and morning -
the first day. Wow, timekeeping in its infancy.
What I was trying to point out, for those playing at home, is how this story basically lines up with science. Interesting, right? I didn't say it's a photocopy, I only said I find it interesting. But let's not forget, even the KJV isn't exactly a direct translation from the original. If you know anything about Hebrew, you'd know that the "days" in Hebrew are about as meaningful as a chocolate teapot. They don't really start distinguishing days until the last two, but who's keeping track, you don't believe me, I'm fine with that, you can go find out for yourself. I already know
Speaking of which, let's talk about Darwin, shall we? The guy wasn't just writing about evolution; he was exploring everything from races to emotions, to the bizarre thoughts about plants . I've probably read more of his books than you've had hot dinners and I'm guessing you were still shitting yellow. I might've paraphrased a bit, but the gist is there. This isn't rocket science, it's
common sense - if either of us have any at this ungodly hour.
I know of over 30 of Darwin's books, I'm guessing but there's likely 50-75, not one. Many dive deep into his observations. Maybe you're just proud of skimming through one. And, no, I'm not going to dig through my basement; I remember what I've read, and I don't care who thinks they've mastered a subject with a single book. Apparently, you have a thing for him, which is fine, again, I don't care.
And let's get this straight before I crash again: this isn't a courtroom, it's the internet. My opinions? I think they're clear enough for anyone with
Common Sense. Notice, I love those words. People that posses it, understand it, so I'm not going to apologize for that at all. Those that don't understand will likely never understand, and I'm fine with that. You want to call me ignorant or misguided or a shitstain, I don't give a runny shit. lol really, I mean that, not to diminish your brilliance at all.
Oh, my OP was a gripe about how scientists should preface their spiels about the Earth's 4.5 billion year history with "we believe" or "the theory" because, you know, humility is so last century. And evolution? It's on its last legs, according to me, backed by some "facts", of course. The second thread is about how so many things (in my opinion, and others I've shared with) point to the reality that evolution theory is dying. I prefer theory, sue me
Lastly, the age of the Earth has no bearing on the Bible's story, just so that's clear, but I bet you'll disagree or not, or someone will jump in without thinking it through. And your little quip about radioactive decay? Oh, please, you've got some thinking to do. I'm trying to teach you, not the other way around. I asked you, how you know decay rates are constant, not for a high school chemistry lesson.
Let's keep it light, shall we? I'll give you one more round for insults to even the playing field, then maybe we can have an adult conversation. Let's not descend into a mudslinging match any more, just a thought, Your turn.