You really should be careful about translations of languages. The '4th day' does NOT necessarily mean a 24-hour day.
In general, words translate, idioms do not.
There is no word for 'day' in Hebrew. The analogous word they use essentially means 'period', but is also used to refer to the 24-hour day. The period is UNSPECIFIED. It can be ANY LENGTH OF TIME. Even millennia can be a 'day'.
The age of the Earth is unknown.
Darwin did not discuss cells at all.
The Theory of Abiogenesis is a religion. The Theory of Creation is a religion. The Theory of the Big Bang is a religion. The Theory of Evolution is a religion. The Theory of the Continuum is a religion.
Darwin created NONE of these theories.
There is no Magick Decay Rate from the formation of the Earth.
At this point I am convinced that you have no idea what science is. You have so far confused science with engineering and again with religion.