Evolution Is In Trouble - Detailed - Why So Many Scientist Are Saying So

What is 'morality'? If you use your sig as the definition, then evil people have a morality, it just differs from yours.

Buzzword fallacies. Go learn English.
no. lies and treachery do not build a high trust society.

they destroy trust, so they are not moral.

that's why eventually evil turns to totalitarianism and fascism.

when psychopaths can no longer conceal their behaviors and true thought they go totatalitarian and mass murdery, because people no longer trust them of their own FREE WILL.

this is also why totalitarians deny free will.
no. lies and treachery do not build a high trust society.
Irrelevance fallacy. I am using YOUR definition of 'morality' YOU gave in your sig. You made not mention of a 'high trust society'.
they destroy trust, so they are not moral.
You made no mention of 'trust' in your definition. Irrelevance fallacy.
that's why eventually evil turns to totalitarianism and fascism.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

Since fascism is government manipulation of markets, it takes cooperation (trust among government agencies) to get away with it.
when psychopaths can no longer conceal their behaviors and true thought they go totatalitarian and mass murdery, because people no longer trust them of their own FREE WILL.

this is also why totalitarians deny free will.
But they DO trust each other. That is, after all, what supports the 'elite' in the first place!

So I submit to you that your definition of 'morality' as given in your sig is wholly inadequate. Even you are disagreeing with it now.
Irrelevance fallacy. I am using YOUR definition of 'morality' YOU gave in your sig. You made not mention of a 'high trust society'.

You made no mention of 'trust' in your definition. Irrelevance fallacy.

Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

Since fascism is government manipulation of markets, it takes cooperation (trust among government agencies) to get away with it.

But they DO trust each other. That is, after all, what supports the 'elite' in the first place!

So I submit to you that your definition of 'morality' as given in your sig is wholly inadequate. Even you are disagreeing with it now.
coooperation and voluntary indicates high trust.

you have to not be an idiot to engage in conversations at this level, evil globalist fukstick.

But they DO trust each other. That is, after all, what supports the 'elite' in the first place!
but the rest of the people don't trust them because they're monsters.

they're moral to fellow psychopaths, and immoral to all others.

it's a called a cabal.

this is why Jesus says no bloody oaths, Masonic demon worshipper.
coooperation and voluntary indicates high trust.

you have to not be an idiot to engage in conversations at this level, evil globalist fukstick.
Mantra 1a ignored.

Gang leaders trust their inner circle. They cooperate to run the gang. That cooperation is mutually beneficial. Therefore, according to your own definition, gang leaders have morals. Yet, they are evil.
but the rest of the people don't trust them because they're monsters.
Not necessary. All that is necessary, according to your own definition of 'morals' is cooperation and mutually beneficial relationship between the gang leaders. Therefore, they have 'morals', and they are evil.
they're moral to fellow psychopaths, and immoral to all others.
So you admit they have 'morals'.
it's a called a cabal.

this is why Jesus says no bloody oaths, Masonic demon worshipper.
Jesus Christ never said any such thing. None of his prophets have either.

I am not a member of any Masonic lodge.
The Masonic lodge worships God, not demons. Originally, it worshiped only God and Jesus Christ, his Son. Today, God is not specified. The Masonic lodge has become essentially agnostic and confused, since their ceremonies stem from the construction of a Jewish temple. It also teaches trust in one another, as workmen must have, in order to complete the structure.

I find that Free Masons are generally good decent people, full of charity for their fellow man. Charity is a big thing in Masonic lodges.

They tend to be officious and 'secret' about it (the secret is long out!). The Masonic lodge started in Scotland. They tend to be community oriented.

Demon worship is mostly a characteristic of Shinto and related religions (including many American indians). The demons may be benevolent, mischievous, or evil. They inhabit objects, particularly those of odd shape or otherwise unexplainable character (such as air). Each is given it's own name.

The multiple god religions of Egypt, Rome, Greece, and the Norse did not have demons, but gods. They didn't inhabit objects per se as Shinto claims.
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Not necessary. All that is necessary, according to your own definition of 'morals' is cooperation and mutually beneficial relationship between the gang leaders. Therefore, they have 'morals', and they are evil.

So you admit they have 'morals'.

Jesus Christ never said any such thing.

I am not a member of any Masonic lodge.
The Masonic lodge worships God, not demons.
they have immorals.

they dont' treat enough people morally to be considered moral on balance.

they have evil conspirators.

what people need to ask themselves is: how are the elites treating ME?

are they trying to inject me with poison for profit, or are they being honest?
Not necessary. All that is necessary, according to your own definition of 'morals' is cooperation and mutually beneficial relationship between the gang leaders. Therefore, they have 'morals', and they are evil.

but if you are not a gang leader, they are not moral to you.

you could say they are moral to each other. but that doesn't serve those they consider victimes, everyone else.

So you admit they have 'morals'.

Jesus Christ never said any such thing. None of his prophets have either.

the golden rule would say gangseters only treating gangsters well and treating others as victims is not a full implementation of the golden rule moral system.

I am not a member of any Masonic lodge.
The Masonic lodge worships God, not demons. Originally, it worshiped only God and Jesus Christ, his Son. Today, God is not specified. The Masonic lodge has become essentially agnostic and confused, since their ceremonies stem from the construction of a Jewish temple. It also teaches trust in one another, as workmen must have, in order to complete the structure.

They tend to be officious and 'secret' about it (the secret is long out!). The Masonic lodge started in Scotland. They tend to be community oriented.
masons are demonic.

jesus said no bloody oaths.
they have immorals.
They do according to YOUR OWN DEFINITION.
they dont' treat enough people morally to be considered moral on balance.
You never specified how many people are benefited by their morals.
they have evil conspirators.
Which means they mutually benefit from their conspiracy.
what people need to ask themselves is: how are the elites treating ME?
I don't consider anyone 'elite'.
are they trying to inject me with poison for profit, or are they being honest?
What is the point of this contrivance?
but if you are not a gang leader, they are not moral to you.
I own a company that manufactures instrumentation for industrial, aerospace, medical, and entertainment uses. That makes me a gang leader. My employees are my gang.
you could say they are moral to each other.
So you admit they have morals.
but that doesn't serve those they consider victimes, everyone else.
You never specified any 'victim' in your definition. My claim still holds: Your definition of 'morals' is wholly inadequate.
the golden rule would say gangseters only treating gangsters well and treating others as victims is not a full implementation of the golden rule moral system.
It certainly is, according to YOUR OWN DEFINITION. BTW, you never mentioned any 'golden rule' in your definition.
masons are demonic.
Nope. They worship God, not demons. Look to Shinto for those that worship demons.
jesus said no bloody oaths.
Jesus Christ never said any such thing. Neither did any of his prophets.
They do according to YOUR OWN DEFINITION.

You never specified how many people are benefited by their morals.

Which means they mutually benefit from their conspiracy.

I don't consider anyone 'elite'.

What is the point of this contrivance?
morality is to extend to everyone.

selective morality is not good enough.

and organized crime figures don't treat each other as well as you portray, idiotic dipshit.

morality is to extend to everyone.

selective morality is not good enough.

and organized crime figures don't treat each other as well as you portray, idiotic dipshit.
No one can please everyone. Nothing about your definition mentioned everyone.

Organized crime figures DO treat each other for mutual benefit, since the cost of betrayal is quite high. So according to YOUR DEFINITION, they have morals.
but if you are not a gang leader, they are not moral to you.
I am using YOUR definition. According to it, they have morals.
you could say they are moral to each other. but that doesn't serve those they consider victimes, everyone else.
the golden rule would say gangseters only treating gangsters well and treating others as victims is not a full implementation of the golden rule moral system.
Your definition does not mention any golden rule. There is no 'full implementation' of the 'golden rule moral system'.
masons are demonic.
Nope. Free Masons worship God, not demons. Look to Shinto for those who worship demons.
jesus said no bloody oaths.
He never did. Neither did any of his prophets.
They don't HATE so much as they become confused by your gibberish. Didn't you forget to include the words "Nazis" and "oligarchs"? You might very well have created your own brand of WOKE.
no they hate being called immoral because they are.

the truth Hurts, doesn't fascist suck up boy?
No one can please everyone. Nothing about your definition mentioned everyone.

Organized crime figures DO treat each other for mutual benefit, since the cost of betrayal is quite high. So according to YOUR DEFINITION, they have morals.
but they treat everyone else like victims.

morality goes to everyone.

you don't have to please everyone, but you can NOT victimize them.

that's what it is to be moral.
@Truck Fump / h1b @Into the Night

It's always entertaining two watch the conservative and liberal sides of morality debate. One side (conservative) believes that morality is comes from a voice in a whirlwind and is embedded in the world by the creator of the universe. The other side (liberal) takes the approach that morality is all relative, so while we may believe that forcing women to live in cloth bags and forced clitoridectomies are immoral, that's really just a cultural thing and ultimately just a word game based on what we believe is good and bad.

Two sides of the same failure coin.