Ewwwww Fish Rash

The fact that America allows this fool to become a lawyer (or lawyer's clerk??) says more about the American legal system than anything else. Would you like to be represented by one so immature that he thinks a walking cannabis leaf is an adequate avitar?
He certainly would not get a job here and, believe me, we have more than our fair share of tossers in the legal profession.



a general insult; "jerk", "asshole". Literally: one who masturbates. See toss.
That guy is always bugging me. He's such a tosser!
See more words meaning: to masturbate


Tosser! LOL. Yep pretty much sums it up.
Am i supposed to excrete an admonishment?

You see, Yurt, this is why people think you're a mental.

it just shows how intellectually dishonest you are....you always claim its me doing this or that while completely ignoring what others do and proclaiming them winners of some weird challenge you've cooked up in your head

if you actually called others out for the things you whine about with me, you would have some credibility, instead, you just show you're a spazz with a hard on for dear ol' yurt
it just shows how intellectually dishonest you are....you always claim its me doing this or that while completely ignoring what others do and proclaiming them winners of some weird challenge you've cooked up in your head

if you actually called others out for the things you whine about with me, you would have some credibility, instead, you just show you're a spazz with a hard on for dear ol' yurt

As i say please, please, please, with fucking (sorry DQ) loads of fucking (sorry again DQ) sugar on top, put me on ignore to save us both a hell of a lot of shite (sorry again DQ)
As i say please, please, please, with fucking (sorry DQ) loads of fucking (sorry again DQ) sugar on top, put me on ignore to save us both a hell of a lot of shite (sorry again DQ)

lol...what a spazz, seriously

if its so bad having discourse with me, then why don't you ignore me? its comical how much of a cow you're having over some internet poster you've never met....

you take the interwebs way, way to seriously
lol...what a spazz, seriously

if its so bad having discourse with me, then why don't you ignore me? its comical how much of a cow you're having over some internet poster you've never met....

you take the interwebs way, way to seriously

It's against my religion, but i know you already have Zurt on ignore because you tell him/her in every post that he/she makes so it shouldn't be that much of a bother to add me to the list should it?
It's against my religion, but i know you already have Zurt on ignore because you tell him/her in every post that he/she makes so it shouldn't be that much of a bother to add me to the list should it?

nah...i only had him on ignore that day and i tell him because he spazzes out every time....i know you saw his posts to each time i told him, it was a freakin spazzisode

lighten up space cadet, you'll live longer and we won't have to witness your embarrassing spazzisodes
nah...i only had him on ignore that day and i tell him because he spazzes out every time....i know you saw his posts to each time i told him, it was a freakin spazzisode

lighten up space cadet, you'll live longer and we won't have to witness your embarrassing spazzisodes

To be honest, this place wouldn't be the same without your hysterics.

Your a fucking stupid cunt, but you're kind of alright.