ewwwwww - crazy animal rights activists

It's slow genocide. I Prefer chaos, freedom and life to fear of chaos, totalitarianism, and death. These are my admittedly arbitrary values. what are yours?

Freedom is a often misused term. What do you mean by it?

Do I value life over death? I'm still here....

You prefer chaos to what, order?

And stating that we should keep an eye on human overpopulation isn't genocide of any type. Genocide is the extermination of a particular race or ethnic group.

Or do you consider condoms to be weapons of genocide? Are you extending the abortion debate to pre-conception?
It's slow genocide. I Prefer chaos, freedom and life to fear of chaos, totalitarianism, and death. These are my admittedly arbitrary values. what are yours?

Freedom is a often misused term. What do you mean by it?

Do I value life over death? I'm still here....

You prefer chaos to what, order?

And stating that we should keep an eye on human overpopulation isn't genocide of any type. Genocide is the extermination of a particular race or ethnic group.

Or do you consider condoms to be weapons of genocide? Are you extending the abortion debate to pre-conception?

So what do we call decimation of ALL of humanity? If it's indisciminate does that mean it's not genocide, or that's it's just not morally wrong?
So what do we call decimation of ALL of humanity? If it's indisciminate does that mean it's not genocide, or that's it's just not morally wrong?

No, genocide is the extermination of a particular ethnic or racial group.

Decimation means the removal of one in ten.

Those nutters who call for humanity to be exterminated to resolve climate problems (ie the group Damo linked to) are not nihilists. Nihilists believe that meaning and value are man-made, eradicate man and you have no meaning or value. The Earth might recover from man's actions, but that would have no value because there would be no humans to value it.
So what do we call decimation of ALL of humanity? If it's indisciminate does that mean it's not genocide, or that's it's just not morally wrong?

No, genocide is the extermination of a particular ethnic or racial group.

Decimation means the removal of one in ten.

Those nutters who call for humanity to be exterminated to resolve climate problems (ie the group Damo linked to) are not nihilists. Nihilists believe that meaning and value are man-made, eradicate man and you have no meaning or value. The Earth might recover from man's actions, but that would have no value because there would be no humans to value it.

Couldn't one decimate an ethnic group? What's wrong, one out of ten not enough for you?
SO genocide which isn't focused on a particular group is called what? Mass murder? Would you be happier to be called a mass murderer?
Couldn't one decimate an ethnic group? What's wrong, one out of ten not enough for you?

I am pointing out that the terminology you are using is misleading. I am not arguing that those who wish to exterminate the human race to 'save the planet' are right.

I am pointing out that they aren't nihilists.

You might also consider that these are such a fringe group that aren't taken seriously, calling them a global elite is flattering them.
So what do we call decimation of ALL of humanity? If it's indisciminate does that mean it's not genocide, or that's it's just not morally wrong?

No, genocide is the extermination of a particular ethnic or racial group.

Decimation means the removal of one in ten.

Those nutters who call for humanity to be exterminated to resolve climate problems (ie the group Damo linked to) are not nihilists. Nihilists believe that meaning and value are man-made, eradicate man and you have no meaning or value. The Earth might recover from man's actions, but that would have no value because there would be no humans to value it.
This is secondary usage and not current Decimate means:

1. to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague.


2. to select by lot and kill every tenth person of.
This is secondary usage and not current Decimate means:

1. to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague.


2. to select by lot and kill every tenth person of.

I guess IM using meaning 1.
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Right, genocide is just an ATTEMPT at creating the extinction of another.

No, genocide is the attempt to exterminate a particular racial or ethnic group....
Right, genocide is just an ATTEMPT at creating the extinction of another.

No, genocide is the attempt to exterminate a particular racial or ethnic group....

What if it's an attempt to exterminate TWO specific racial groups, like hispanics and africans? IS that genocide?
What if it's an attempt to exterminate TWO specific racial groups, like hispanics and africans? IS that genocide?

No, that would be genocides.

Just say extermination. lol
What if it's an attempt to exterminate TWO specific racial groups, like hispanics and africans? IS that genocide?

No, that would be genocides.

Just say extermination. lol

SO if you were machine gunning a room full of hispanics and negroes, it would be two instances of genocide?
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SO if you were machine gunning a room full of hispanics and negroes, it would be two instances of genocide?

No that would be racially motivated (probably) multiple murder.

Genocide is an attempt to exterminate an ethnic group (not just some members of it), in the manner that the Nazis attempted to exterminate the world's Jews in the 30's and 40's.

If someone wished to exterminate the entire human population, I guess that would be speciesicide??? lol
"creating the extinction of " and "exterminate" are the same, and they both mean "refudiate".

Yes, but genocide means exterminating or creating the extinction of an entire racial or ethnic group.

For example, it is the extermination of THE Jews, not the extermination of SOME Jews....
Yes, but genocide means exterminating or creating the extinction of an entire racial or ethnic group.

For example, it is the extermination of THE Jews, not the extermination of SOME Jews....

No. It's genocide against the jews, but extermination of merely SOME jews.

Is genocide worse than extermination?
Is genocide worse than extermination?

I don't know, ask the Joos they are age old hands at extermination. They killed ALL who did not flee before them when they moved back into the "promised land".
I challenge this notion that somehow extermination is somehow more acceptable if it crosses racial lines. Equal Opportunity Pogrommer.