APP - Ex-Citigroup chief says removing Glass-Steagal was wrong s

They and Obama were left a few things to do when he first took office.

I think they were letting the fallout settle to see how things stood economically before they attacked the problem tpo see how best to go forward. The damage had been done already and taking time to watch the fallout settle very well may have been the best way forward.

We will see if they were right
They and Obama were left a few things to do when he first took office.

I think they were letting the fallout settle to see how things stood economically before they attacked the problem tpo see how best to go forward. The damage had been done already and taking time to watch the fallout settle very well may have been the best way forward.

We will see if they were right

Yes, they were.

Are you suggesting they are incapable of handling the country?

That is a bogus argument on your part... you blame the Reps for not doing anything (rightfully so) during the mess, then you say the Dems are waiting to see how it plays out first to determine a course of action????

IF as we both agree, the removal of GS was a huge mistake and as we both agree the Reps should have done something to correct the mistake... then HOW can you justify the Dems not doing anything?

GS would have taken a week to re implement. A week. A simple bill stating it would be put back in place coupled with a time restriction on the separation for banks affected by it. DONE.

Waiting serves NO purpose. It is blatantly obvious its removal was a mistake. There is NO need to wait around to see how bad things get.
I blame the Rs because they are the ones who insist that unfettered capitslism is the answer.

They are the ones who always work to dismantle regulations and fight to keep regulations from being implemented.

You really think anything the dems did under Bush would not have been vetoed?

You just keep ignoring that the bomb had already exploded by the time they had any power.

really....i'm shocked
They and Obama were left a few things to do when he first took office.

I think they were letting the fallout settle to see how things stood economically before they attacked the problem tpo see how best to go forward. The damage had been done already and taking time to watch the fallout settle very well may have been the best way forward.

We will see if they were right

Desh, you said earlier we already knew removing Glass-Steagall was a (big, huge) mistake so what did we need to wait for to figure out? The Dems in Congress have had three to see the fall out. How much more time do you think they need?
Desh, you said earlier we already knew removing Glass-Steagall was a (big, huge) mistake so what did we need to wait for to figure out? The Dems in Congress have had three to see the fall out. How much more time do you think they need?

try 10 months.

to allow the banks to stablize before acting may have turned ou to be the best thing.

I wanted it from day one but saying they have not done anything because they never plan to fix it is pretty silly
try 10 months.

to allow the banks to stablize before acting may have turned ou to be the best thing.

I wanted it from day one but saying they have not done anything because they never plan to fix it is pretty silly

They need 10 months on top of 3 years? So they need almost 4 years to try and figure out what to do?
try 10 months.

to allow the banks to stablize before acting may have turned ou to be the best thing.

I wanted it from day one but saying they have not done anything because they never plan to fix it is pretty silly

this is such a pathetic attempt at an excuse.

It would have added confidence to consumers to see that the 'too big to fail' banks were being broken down and re-regulated.

As for your 10 month line... yes... I know you feel the Dems were completely inept while leading both houses of Congress from 2007-2008... we get that. We agree. The Dems were inept leaders during that time.
What good would that do to free up loan money?

The peoples confidence doesnt get the banks to loan to them.
this is such a pathetic attempt at an excuse.

It would have added confidence to consumers to see that the 'too big to fail' banks were being broken down and re-regulated.

As for your 10 month line... yes... I know you feel the Dems were completely inept while leading both houses of Congress from 2007-2008... we get that. We agree. The Dems were inept leaders during that time.

Presidential veto power.

Would you waste time om something that would just be vetoed?

Again you forget , by the time they had a majority the bomb had ALREADY exploded
Why that would be both... as both voted for GS to be eliminated that CLINTON signed

I am fully aware of that.

The next time the Rs present a bill for deregulation with assurances that it will be great foor the economy I bet it wont get very many votes.

Phil Gram was immediately Hired by UBS after he got the dog passed the idiots (including Clinton) who voted for it.
Presidential veto power.

Would you waste time om something that would just be vetoed?

Again you forget , by the time they had a majority the bomb had ALREADY exploded

A. Politicians waste time on things all the time to score political points regardless of the outcome.

B. Bush was a lame duck President with low poll numbers. Even with that the Democrats in Congress had no ability to pass anything to get to Bush?

When you take a step back you seem to think pretty lowly of your party and what they can do when they are in office.
I am fully aware of that.

The next time the Rs present a bill for deregulation with assurances that it will be great foor the economy I bet it wont get very many votes.

Phil Gram was immediately Hired by UBS after he got the dog passed the idiots (including Clinton) who voted for it.

Robert Rubin was immediately hired by Citigroup after he pushed for Clinton to sign it.
Changing the topic won't buy you anything desh.....if Dems truly thought Clinton screwed up in signing away the Glass-Stegal bill, they could have changed the laws....they didn't....
Clinton stands by his decision to this very day.....along with other liberal economists....
so....go away.

75% of House D's voted YES and 84% of Senate D's voted YES....
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Presidential veto power.

Would you waste time om something that would just be vetoed?

Again you forget , by the time they had a majority the bomb had ALREADY exploded

without question... YES

You want to talk about the opportunity to stick it to Bush and the Reps... THAT was it. Had the Dems passed it and Bush and the Reps rejected it... the Dems would have had that to play for years.

Again... you pretend it would have taken a lot of time. It would not. They could have had the bill ready in a week and then had an up down vote on it.

Also... you are incorrect that the bomb had already exploded. They took control at the start of 2007. The bomb hadn't gone off at that point. You just want to continually point out how inept the Dem leadership was. On that we agree.

The fact that the uptick rule was removed in June of 2007 allowed the short selling that pummeled many of the banks that led to the consumer panics and runs on Indybank and WaMu etc... it was a chain reaction.

Did you ever notice that no matter how much power the Dems have.... you always claim it is not enough???

When the Reps are in the minority, you state they stop the Dems from doing what needs to be done.

When the Dems are in the minority, you state the minority doesn't have enough power to do anything to stop the Reps.

When the Dems control both houses of Congress, you state, well Bush would have vetoed whatever they did, so why bother?

When the Dems have supermajorities in both Houses of Congress AND they have a DEM President.... you state... well they are just waiting to see what they best approach might be... and by golly all that 'doing nothing' could work!

Bottom line... you CONSISTENTLY provide EXCUSES as to why the DEMS cannot get anything done. Further proof that they are inept.
I am fully aware of that.

The next time the Rs present a bill for deregulation with assurances that it will be great foor the economy I bet it wont get very many votes.

Phil Gram was immediately Hired by UBS after he got the dog passed the idiots (including Clinton) who voted for it.

92-8 vote in the Senate
362-57 in the House

I know you enjoy pretending that the authors bear more responsibility than all that voted for the bill... but you are wrong. Each vote is equal desh...

The Dems HAD THE PRESIDENT..... the REPS did not have a veto proof majority had the Dems held party lines.

I know... the Dems got 'tricked' again... didn't they?

Yet more proof they are inept.
What good would that do to free up loan money?

The peoples confidence doesnt get the banks to loan to them.

I'm sorry Desh. So I got to talk to a CEO of a Fortune 10 tonight. I briefly brought up politics beausse when you are in his position there is no time for partisanship. Obama, Hillary, McCain, W. they all call him and jock him.

he laughs at the policiticiansas. He laughs at the Republicans and laughs at the Demcrats.

Hey girl, i have his number. If you would like to set a Fortune 10 CEO/Chairman in place in person I can set it up for you. Represent girl for the Dem-o-crat-ics.