

In a liberal's mind, there is never right or wrong. :palm:

Before something is considered wrong I want to see proof. I want to see verifiable consequences.

That's also a main problem with laws today. Before laws are passed, before restrictions are placed on people, lawmakers should be a required to produce verifiable evidence a certain behavior is detrimental.
In fact many in the transgender community push for just that kind of understanding- The point they wish to make, however, is that those choices are driven by preference. I posted a psychiatric link to a noted psychiatrist who thinks the greatest disservice to homosexuality has been this intolerance towards helping homosexuals who do not wish to prefer homosexuality-but want help overcoming that preference. The years lost in research and therapy can never be regained. Yes, folks, there really are a large number of homosexual persons who would like to change their sexual preferences and who believe that it can be accomplished.

Doesn't it beg the question, "Why would someone want to stop doing what they enjoy?"

Usually alcoholics or drug addicts, while enjoying what they do, realize the detrimental effects (job loss, financial problems, etc). What detrimental effects can be attributed to homosexuality other than bigotry and prejudice on the part of others?
Before something is considered wrong I want to see proof. I want to see verifiable consequences.

That's also a main problem with laws today. Before laws are passed, before restrictions are placed on people, lawmakers should be a required to produce verifiable evidence a certain behavior is detrimental.

Now you've really fucked up, calling homosexuality a "behavior". You forgot the liberal mantra, that people are born that way.
I don't understand some of the responses to this thread. I'm for gay marriage and I don't care if someone decides they're gay, but I also don't care if someone decides they're not gay anymore. There are many factors behind homosexuality and it's none of my damn business which lifestyle one chooses. I am surprised and frankly quite appalled by those who have chosen to criticize this man's decision to no longer associate with the gay lifestyle. Why is it okay for someone who lived the straight lifestyle to decide they're gay, but not the other way around? Why is it that when a gay person comes out of the closet, they are met with praise and support from the left; but when someone decides they weren't gay after all, they're met with scorn and contempt? I have observed this for years and I'm no closer to understanding it. The only thing that comes to mind is that most people who turn away from the gay lifestyle do so in response to a religious conversion. That, I believe, may be the source of the left's disapproval.

The reason for the scorn and contempt is due to the following. (Excerpt) “Homosexuality came easy to me, because I was already weak,” he wrote in the opening line of an article for the far-right Web site, WorldNetDaily.com. He went on to renounce his work at XY and Y.G.A. “Homosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic,” he claimed. In a second WorldNetDaily article a week later, he said that he was “repulsed to think about homosexuality” and that he was “going to do what I can to fight it.” (End) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/m...end.html?_r=1&pagewanted=1&ref=general&src=me

Imagine a straight person "turning" gay and then writing about the straight lifestyle saying "Homosexuality Heterosexuality came easy to me, because I was already weak....Homosexuality Heterosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic,”....he was “repulsed to think about homosexuality heterosexuality" and that he was “going to do what I can to fight it.”

Scorn and contempt? I think if the situation was reversed most people would simply ignore the individual including not posting any of his rants in any paper. The person would be considered a nut, a crackpot.
Imagine a straight person "turning" gay and then writing about the straight lifestyle saying "Homosexuality Heterosexuality came easy to me, because I was already weak....Homosexuality Heterosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic,”..
Poor logic. The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women. Some of these men can't find a woman who wants sex as much as he does, so they turn to other horny men.
FACT: for some, they can and do choose. for others, it is not a choice.

It is not a fact and you have not offered evidence you prove it. The only proof of this statement would be for you to admit that you left your gay lifestyle after being born again. Since you are clearly unwilling to tell the truth about yourself, shutup.

The OP is right wing propaganda, nothing less, nothing more. Your participation in this thread proves you are naught but a right wing hack.

The more often you repeat your self serving lie about homosexuality being a choice the more you besmirch yourself.

The only choice involved in homomsexuality is whether to practice it or not.
Poor logic. The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women. Some of these men can't find a woman who wants sex as much as he does, so they turn to other horny men.

You discredit Mr. Eastwood's good name by using his picture. Do you have his permission to represent yourself so?
Poor logic. The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women. Some of these men can't find a woman who wants sex as much as he does, so they turn to other horny men.

Are you claiming that men "turn" gay because they are horny and can't find a woman who wants as much sex????
What if (yeah, this is conjecture based on curiosity) they find that hormone rebalancing could "correct" homosexuality? Would there be a pill or would people fight that?
What if (yeah, this is conjecture based on curiosity) they find that hormone rebalancing could "correct" homosexuality? Would there be a pill or would people fight that?

Probably both. I'm sure some would want to take the pill, and some would be offended that their life would be called an illness by some.
What if (yeah, this is conjecture based on curiosity) they find that hormone rebalancing could "correct" homosexuality? Would there be a pill or would people fight that?
The research team that developed the pill would be attacked and ridiculed, and the company that markets it would be boycotted.
Now you've really fucked up, calling homosexuality a "behavior". You forgot the liberal mantra, that people are born that way.

Still, they act....actions. They behave a certain way....behavior.

There wouldn't have been any laws against homosexuality if homosexuals didn't act/behave a certain way but I do see your humor. :)
Poor logic. The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women. Some of these men can't find a woman who wants sex as much as he does, so they turn to other horny men.

Poor logic? You have to be kidding. How many magazines and videos depict homosexuality compared to heterosexuality? How many gay prostitutes are there compared to straight ones? Call services? Strip clubs?

If anything is praying on weak, young minds it's heterosexual hanky-panky.
Poor logic? You have to be kidding. How many magazines and videos depict homosexuality compared to heterosexuality? How many gay prostitutes are there compared to straight ones? Call services? Strip clubs?

If anything is praying on weak, young minds it's heterosexual hanky-panky.
You've missed the point entirely. *shrug*
Poor logic? You have to be kidding. How many magazines and videos depict homosexuality compared to heterosexuality? How many gay prostitutes are there compared to straight ones? Call services? Strip clubs?

If anything is praying on weak, young minds it's heterosexual hanky-panky.

Apple, I believe DY is trying to make the point that young men "turn gay" because they have a high sex drive and either their girlfriends/wives don't or they can't get a woman.