Exactly what kind of SOCIOPATH is Kamala Harris?


Verified User
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.
Kamala is a lot like Barack, she will drop bombs until we run out while foreclosing on millions of American families. This is dem policy that goes back to bring me a suitcase of cash LBJ. Look at Obama's house on Martha's Vineyard. Kamala will be the first female potus. Get used to it or continue to expose these filthy neolibs.
Kamala is a lot like Barack, she will drop bombs until we run out while foreclosing on millions of American families. This is dem policy that goes back to bring me a suitcase of cash LBJ. Look at Obama's house on Martha's Vineyard. Kamala will be the first female potus. Get used to it or continue to expose these filthy neolibs.
fuck getting used to it.

stop being such a fucking doormat.

bending over isn't edgy anymore.
Well, let's see...

Here's a list of basic sociopathic disorders...
  1. Lack of empathy for others
  2. Inability to feel guilt or remorse
  3. Antisocial behavior
  4. Criminal history
  5. Sadistic tendencies
  6. Lack of interest in societal norms
  7. A focus on personal gain at the expense of others
  8. Alienated type: Problems empathizing with others.
  9. Disaffiliated type: Inability to connect to others.
  10. Hostile type: Consistently angry, violent, and aggressive.
  11. Disempathetic type: Able to feel an emotional connection to a restricted group of people.
Which ones apply to Harris, or Trump?
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.
The retarded kind
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.
where’s that palm emoji. I am
Literally laughing out loud at this.
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.

No one's coming for your guns, sweetie. Besides, you guys already won! America decided years ago that guns were more important to us than the lives of our children and fellow citizens.

In a rational world when it got to the point that you couldn't go to the grocery store, church or the theater without getting shot, that country would severely limit access to guns. But we stood FIRMLY AGAINST THAT. America loves guns and is more than willing to put up with random death for doing common household shopping runs.

We love guns so much there's now more guns than people here! And we're getting even more!

YOU GUYS WON! ENJOY THE VICTORY! The blood is flowing sufficiently now is it not?
Anybody with sufficiently diminished wisdom
to support the pigfucking vulgarian Donald Trump
is really in no valid position to be assessing the wisdom of anybody else.

Every single voter who casts a vote for Trump is casting a vote for fascism,
and fascists have NOBODY at whom to look down.

Not terrorists.
Not child molesters.
Not even scabs.
Anybody with sufficiently diminished wisdom
to support the pigfucking vulgarian Donald Trump
is really in no valid position to be assessing the wisdom of anybody else.

Every single voter who casts a vote for Trump is casting a vote for fascism,
and fascists have NOBODY at whom to look down.

Not terrorists.
Not child molesters.
Not even scabs.
You make so many stupid remarks that's it's difficult with anyone having common sense to take you seriously.
If you can (which I doubt) tell us how voting for Trump is a vote for Fascism? How is Trump a fascist?