Exactly what kind of SOCIOPATH is Kamala Harris?

No is taking my guns.

So you missed all the posts from your friends on here about how Kamala is going to take your guns? You might be familiar with it from the many times your side has raised the fear flag. Obama was gonna take your guns (never did, never even came close), Joe was gonna take your guns (Never did, never even came close). Bill CLinton was going to take your guns (never did, never even came close). The list goes on.

Whats it like for you people to be internally ecstatic that there's been another school shooting so you can whine about gun control

I'm not the one busy protecting the most efficient tools for achieving that goal. That would be you. You also don't vote to improve healthcare affordability or access to mental healthcare...so you use the mentally ill to avoid taking responsibility for YOUR TOYS.

while externally.hsvig to pretend you give a shit someone has been killed? How do you do it? You're just fucking nuts is that it?

Like you fuckin' care all your "Thoughts and Prayers". As if any of you fuckers give a flying FUCK if God hears any of those prayers. The only prayer you really care about is "GOD PLEASE PROTECT MY GUNS!"

We've tried it your way and we are now the most blood-soaked gun-addled developed nation on earth with an off-the-charts level of gun homicide and suicide.

How is that workin' out for you and your "Thoughts and Prayers"?
So you missed all the posts from your friends on here about how Kamala is going to take your guns? You might be familiar with it from the many times your side has raised the fear flag. Obama was gonna take your guns (never did, never even came close), Joe was gonna take your guns (Never did, never even came close). Bill CLinton was going to take your guns (never did, never even came close). The list goes on.

I'm not the one busy protecting the most efficient tools for achieving that goal. That would be you. You also don't vote to improve healthcare affordability or access to mental healthcare...so you use the mentally ill to avoid taking responsibility for YOUR TOYS.

Like you fuckin' care all your "Thoughts and Prayers". As if any of you fuckers give a flying FUCK if God hears any of those prayers. The only prayer you really care about is "GOD PLEASE PROTECT MY GUNS!"

We've tried it your way and we are now the most blood-soaked gun-addled developed nation on earth with an off-the-charts level of gun homicide and suicide.

How is that workin' out for you and your "Thoughts and Prayers"?
Uh oh someone has another emotional boo boo.
Fuck you and your guns.
Maybe your mommy can kiss that better for you.

And you know what? It's not that you cockroaches hate guns and want to get rid of them that really bothers me. I can live with the knowledge you don't give a shit about rights you don't like. What bothers me is how hypocritical you douche bags are.
can you say "triggered"

LOL. It's funny because it's just another loony lib who thinks that having to hear about yet another school massacre is NOT a good thing.

I'm sure I can be a REAL American some day. Maybe some day I'll be A-OK with all the blood and guts and murdered people all over the place. Until that time I'm just another triggered lib who doesn't think the sight of more slaughtered elementary school kids is funny.

How long did it take for you to start enjoying the non-stop news reports of yet another mass shooting?
LOL. It's funny because it's just another loony lib who thinks that having to hear about yet another school massacre is NOT a good thing.

I'm sure I can be a REAL American some day. Maybe some day I'll be A-OK with all the blood and guts and murdered people all over the place. Until that time I'm just another triggered lib who doesn't think the sight of more slaughtered elementary school kids is funny.

How long did it take for you to start enjoying the non-stop news reports of yet another mass shooting?
schools should not be soft targets. Kamala says it is racist to protect our children in school and it is racist to build a wall

Kamala is dumb. she has no good ideas. Neither do you
schools should not be soft targets.

They were for my childhood. You know what has changed the most since the 1970's? Yeah, the NRA helped reconfigure how the Second Amendment was interpretted and developed a campaign in which guns FLOODED this country.

People didn't become different animals since the 1970's. But they got a lot more easy access to guns.

Now YOU GUYS want schools to be armed encampments. Presumably you think churches and grocery stores should be as well.


Kamala says it is racist to protect our children in school and it is racist to build a wall

Kamala is dumb. she has no good ideas. Neither do you

I'd say the people who defend guns while barely able to give a fuck about slaughtered elementary school kids are evil.
those people are a figment of your imagination and a debate straw man.

Then you will be fine with establishing a registry for gun owners? You guys want one for the mentally ill, so presumably you want one for yourself.

IF you actually care about fixing the problem. But we know you aren't. ;). No you'll scream about "infringing" your right as if you think having rights means NO RESPONSIBILITY.

Sorry but you have responsibility. And if you think you don't then you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
Numerous mental health experts have said that Trump is a sociopath, and a narcissists, but none to my knowledge have said anything like this about Harris.

Total lie, and one doesn't have to be a mental health expert to see that kamala isn't working with a full deck.
She is fine. Your right-wing Trumpian filters make you crazy. She has no indication of mental problems. Trumps are screamingly obvious. So are yours.
Did you see his latest rally, a woman poses a question about jobs? He answers by rambling on about his award in Michigan, he never answers her question. It’s really a stark reminder that Trump has no business being President.

They were for my childhood. You know what has changed the most since the 1970's? Yeah, the NRA helped reconfigure how the Second Amendment was interpretted and developed a campaign in which guns FLOODED this country.

People didn't become different animals since the 1970's. But they got a lot more easy access to guns.

Now YOU GUYS want schools to be armed encampments. Presumably you think churches and grocery stores should be as well.


I'd say the people who defend guns while barely able to give a fuck about slaughtered elementary school kids are evil.
Not one of my guns (under my ownership) has killed anyone. The NRA has nothing to do with your unbridled incompetence.
Access to guns? Shit, it was far easier to purchase a gun 30-40 years ago and beyond, but you're too ignorant to see that.
We've created nothing of the sort. Maybe you should have brought your kids up like we were. We took our hunting rifles to school,
kept in unlocked cars & trucks and not one kid was ever shot.