Exactly what kind of SOCIOPATH is Kamala Harris?

Not one of my guns (under my ownership) have killed anyone.

But when you buy lots of guns and all your 2A buddies buy lots of guns because they can it increases the probability of those guns getting stolen or otherwise diverted into the hands of someone who might.

SUre you're gonna howl that your guns are super-duper secure. But you aren't really understanding the point. The point is that statisticallly more guns means more and easier access to guns and an increased chance of them making it into the "wrong hands".

Yours is the only right that apparently carries ZERO responsibilities. Just whatever you guys FEEL like doing.

The NRA has nothing to do with your unbridled incompetence.

They are responsible for the shift to a more "guns-as-compensation-for-a-small-dick" from the previous view of them as a tool. Now guns have become somewhat of a religion and a paraphilia for many gun owners.

Access to guns? Shit, it was far easier to purchase a gun 30-40 years ago and beyond, but you're too ignorant to see that.

I'd try to explain statistics and probabilities to you but I'm guessing it would miss the mark.

We've created nothing of the sort. Maybe you should have brought your kids up like we were. We took our hunting rifles to school,

I grew up hunting. At NO POINT IN MY ENTIRE YOUTH would I have EVER taken a hunting gun to school. My dad would have beat me half to death. The authorities certainly wouldn't put up with it.

But then I grew up in the rural midwest in a small agricultural town, so what would I know?

kept in unlocked cars & trucks and not one kid was ever shot.

Your school sounds like it was inhabited by the very people who chose not to take the mandatory gun safey and proper handling classes that I took.

Guns in unlocked cars was NEVER acceptable.

Maybe in "IMagination Land" where you went to school, though it was different.
But when you buy lots of guns and all your 2A buddies buy lots of guns because they can it increases the probability of those guns getting stolen or otherwise diverted into the hands of someone who might.

SUre you're gonna howl that your guns are super-duper secure. But you aren't really understanding the point. The point is that statisticallly more guns means more and easier access to guns and an increased chance of them making it into the "wrong hands".

Yours is the only right that apparently carries ZERO responsibilities. Just whatever you guys FEEL like doing.

They are responsible for the shift to a more "guns-as-compensation-for-a-small-dick" from the previous view of them as a tool. Now guns have become somewhat of a religion and a paraphilia for many gun owners.

I'd try to explain statistics and probabilities to you but I'm guessing it would miss the mark.

I grew up hunting. At NO POINT IN MY ENTIRE YOUTH would I have EVER taken a hunting gun to school. My dad would have beat me half to death. The authorities certainly wouldn't put up with it.

But then I grew up in the rural midwest in a small agricultural town, so what would I know?

Your school sounds like it was inhabited by the very people who chose not to take the mandatory gun safey and proper handling classes that I took.

Guns in unlocked cars was NEVER acceptable.

Maybe in "IMagination Land" where you went to school, though it was different.
What did I tell you, asshole? Guns were far easier to obtain years ago than they are today. There was no background check years ago. DUH!

Then tell us why we didn't shoot other kids, while kids today, do. I'll give you a hint, we were taught responsibility.
What did I tell you, asshole? Guns were far easier to obtain years ago than they are today. There was no background check years ago. DUH!

Then tell us why we didn't shoot other kids, while kids today, do. I'll give you a hint, we were taught responsibility.

Here's where your limited intelligence gets in the way. The REASONS for the shootings are nothing new in human experience. The ABILITY to enact horrible mass slaughters IS IMPROVED now that we have more and more guns.

There are going to be disturbed people everywhere. Studies find that the rate of mental illness is not significantly different between us and other developed nations. Yet only WE have mass shootings like we do. And the ONLY real difference is our lax approach to gun ownership.

If you want to blame the mentally ill then you'll gladly campaign for a surcharge on all gun and ammunition purchases to go to a major mental health initiative in our government. But you and I both know you would NEVER stand for that. You just want to have a scapegoat so no one looks at your guns.

My greatest hope is the before I shufffle off this mortal coil that you lose the 2A altogether. But I know that won't happen. I'll settle for you guys being forced to take responsibility for you hobby.
Well, let's see...

Here's a list of basic sociopathic disorders...
  1. Lack of empathy for others
  2. Inability to feel guilt or remorse
  3. Antisocial behavior
  4. Criminal history
  5. Sadistic tendencies
  6. Lack of interest in societal norms
  7. A focus on personal gain at the expense of others
  8. Alienated type: Problems empathizing with others.
  9. Disaffiliated type: Inability to connect to others.
  10. Hostile type: Consistently angry, violent, and aggressive.
  11. Disempathetic type: Able to feel an emotional connection to a restricted group of people.
Which ones apply to Harris, or Trump?
Heh. That depends on who you ask!
No one's coming for your guns, sweetie.
Blatant lie.
Besides, you guys already won! America decided years ago that guns were more important to us than the lives of our children and fellow citizens.
Guns protect the lives of children and fellow citizens, dummy.
In a rational world when it got to the point that you couldn't go to the grocery store, church or the theater without getting shot,
I go to the grocery store, church, and theater without getting shot, Mr. Paranoid.
that country would severely limit access to guns.
Unconstitutional, and not possible.
But we stood FIRMLY AGAINST THAT. America loves guns and is more than willing to put up with random death for doing common household shopping runs.
I go the grocery store and other stores without getting shot, Mr. Paranoid.
We love guns so much there's now more guns than people here! And we're getting even more!
Yup. And almost all of those guns are being used to shoot up shopping malls or schools.
YOU GUYS WON! ENJOY THE VICTORY! The blood is flowing sufficiently now is it not?
Not for you. You keep calling for civil war.
Anybody with sufficiently diminished wisdom
to support the pigfucking vulgarian Donald Trump
is really in no valid position to be assessing the wisdom of anybody else.

Every single voter who casts a vote for Trump is casting a vote for fascism,
and fascists have NOBODY at whom to look down.

Not terrorists.
Not child molesters.
Not even scabs.
Trump is a capitalist, moron. Redefinition fallacy (capitalism<->fascism). Fascism is a form of socialism, like what DEMOCRATS want.
Trump and his supporters are using rhetoric not heard in politics since 1930s Germany.
What's your level of education, Libby?

Please don't tell me that you went to college in Boston.

you are.

you're talking about trumpers like they're Jews.

you baby killer / vax mandaters have always been the Nazis.
I actually think the Second Amendment might be OK if it weren't being interpreted to be a right without responsibilities.
It is an inherent right. Like any choice, you are free to make that choice. You are NOT free of the consequences of that choice.
You are responsible for the storage and use of any of your weapons.

If some gang member wants to shoot at a rival gang member, he is responsible for that murder.
If someone wants to shoot up a school (note the 'gun free zone here!), they are responsible for those murders.
If someone stabs another to death with a knife, they are responsible for that murder.
If someone manufactures an explosive, they are responsible for the use and storage of that explosive.

What is so hard for you to figure out here?
Not many people who support the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris's boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people's homes to inspect their weapons and who openly insists that she'll sign laws to make "assault weapons" illegal was breathtaking. Add in the fact that Kamala's statement showed real fear that her gun stance isn't selling in America.
I don't think she is ready for prime time. She's all over the place.
Here's where your limited intelligence gets in the way. The REASONS for the shootings are nothing new in human experience. The ABILITY to enact horrible mass slaughters IS IMPROVED now that we have more and more guns.

There are going to be disturbed people everywhere. Studies find that the rate of mental illness is not significantly different between us and other developed nations. Yet only WE have mass shootings like we do. And the ONLY real difference is our lax approach to gun ownership.

If you want to blame the mentally ill then you'll gladly campaign for a surcharge on all gun and ammunition purchases to go to a major mental health initiative in our government. But you and I both know you would NEVER stand for that. You just want to have a scapegoat so no one looks at your guns.

My greatest hope is the before I shufffle off this mortal coil that you lose the 2A altogether. But I know that won't happen. I'll settle for you guys being forced to take responsibility for you hobby.
Your own hoplophobia is YOUR problem. It is YOUR paranoia. YOU choose to live under that.
But when you buy lots of guns and all your 2A buddies buy lots of guns because they can it increases the probability of those guns getting stolen or otherwise diverted into the hands of someone who might.

SUre you're gonna howl that your guns are super-duper secure. But you aren't really understanding the point. The point is that statisticallly more guns means more and easier access to guns and an increased chance of them making it into the "wrong hands".

Yours is the only right that apparently carries ZERO responsibilities. Just whatever you guys FEEL like doing.

They are responsible for the shift to a more "guns-as-compensation-for-a-small-dick" from the previous view of them as a tool. Now guns have become somewhat of a religion and a paraphilia for many gun owners.

I'd try to explain statistics and probabilities to you but I'm guessing it would miss the mark.

I grew up hunting. At NO POINT IN MY ENTIRE YOUTH would I have EVER taken a hunting gun to school. My dad would have beat me half to death. The authorities certainly wouldn't put up with it.

But then I grew up in the rural midwest in a small agricultural town, so what would I know?

Your school sounds like it was inhabited by the very people who chose not to take the mandatory gun safey and proper handling classes that I took.

Guns in unlocked cars was NEVER acceptable.

Maybe in "IMagination Land" where you went to school, though it was different.
Many decades ago firearms weren't something to be feared and locked up. Instead, people, often starting with children, were taught how to be responsible and properly use them. That doesn't happen today. There are few schools, as one example, that have a class on firearm safety and even fewer that have some sort of program to teach children how to properly use a firearm.

As we've demonized firearms, demanded more and more that they be locked away, and instilled a level of fear of them in people, the amount of criminal usage of firearms has increased not decreased. The number of gun ranges, clubs, etc., has steadily been whittled down to nearly nothing. Again, with fewer people being familiar with firearms, comes the problem of misuse when they have one.

The other thing that has changed is society today has more access to EVERYTHING. A century ago, easy access to many things we take for granted today wasn't possible. That goes for things like groceries and fresh foods as much as firearms and everything else. Many of the firearms criminals in New York City and Chicago use were bought and transported there from Southern states where purchasing a gun is easier to do. 50, 100 years ago, driving say 500 to 1000 miles was a herculean task. It would take a week or more to do it at a minimum. Today it's easily done in a day or two. That gives criminals far more access to weapons than they had years ago.
Here's where your limited intelligence gets in the way. The REASONS for the shootings are nothing new in human experience. The ABILITY to enact horrible mass slaughters IS IMPROVED now that we have more and more guns.

There are going to be disturbed people everywhere. Studies find that the rate of mental illness is not significantly different between us and other developed nations. Yet only WE have mass shootings like we do. And the ONLY real difference is our lax approach to gun ownership.

If you want to blame the mentally ill then you'll gladly campaign for a surcharge on all gun and ammunition purchases to go to a major mental health initiative in our government. But you and I both know you would NEVER stand for that. You just want to have a scapegoat so no one looks at your guns.

My greatest hope is the before I shufffle off this mortal coil that you lose the 2A altogether. But I know that won't happen. I'll settle for you guys being forced to take responsibility for you hobby.
Who the fuck are you to say my intelligence is limited? I've had guns my whole life and never thought about shooting anyone because I was taught responsibility, respect the proper use and safety of firearms.

I am responsible for my hobby. I've been responsible for over 50 years.

I guarantee you will NOT take my 2A rights away without a fight. Guaranteed.