Exactly what kind of SOCIOPATH is Kamala Harris?

Arby was much too cowardly to join the military,but he literally brags about shooting cats

He has red dawn fantasies

f you ask those who insist they must own one or more assault rifles and
semi-automatic pistols with high capacity magazines, the answer you’ll
hear over and over again is: I want to be ready to defend America
against the Commies, the terrorists, the immigrant invaders, the United
Nations, and yes, even the government of the United States of America.
That’s the Red Dawn fantasy.
it's not a fantasy,

but your fucking globalist "people" are forcing the issue it seems.

fuck around, find out.
Not one of my guns (under my ownership) has killed anyone. The NRA has nothing to do with your unbridled incompetence.
Access to guns? Shit, it was far easier to purchase a gun 30-40 years ago and beyond, but you're too ignorant to see that.
We've created nothing of the sort. Maybe you should have brought your kids up like we were. We took our hunting rifles to school,
kept in unlocked cars & trucks and not one kid was ever shot.
Every gun luster can say the same thing, until it does kill someone. The kids who shoot up schools use their parent's guns which had shot nobody, until then. And they were introduced to guns while they were young and were taught all the safety measures. The proliferation of guns through American society guarantees that a lot of innocent people and children will get shot.
Every gun luster can say the same thing, until it does kill someone. The kids who shoot up schools use their parent's guns which had shot nobody, until then. And they were introduced to guns while they were young and were taught all the safety measures. The proliferation of guns through American society guarantees that a lot of innocent people and children will get shot.
There are millions and millions and millions of "gun lusters," (as you call them) who have not, and won't, shoot anyone.
You seem to group all gun owners as potential killers, when in fact, they aren't. This society has had firearms as a part of
our culture since the birth of this nation. Yet, only in the last few years, one particular firearm has been blasted all over the
media as the "go to" gun for idiots to use to kill innocent people. You keep screaming guns are easier to get today than they
were years ago, but that is a lie. No one needed to go through a background check when I bought the bulk of my firearms
years ago, and no one used them to shoot up schools. That is on you and your ilk for not providing the education we received
as young adults. You anti-gun and PETA fanatics have driven reasonable firearm safety and hunting classes from schools It's you...
Arby is literally borderline retarded , it didn't help in the atmosphere in which he was brought up by his adoptive care givers with the fixation with guns in the home
Why can't you get me out of your head, you pathetic bigoted racist? Do I scare you? Hopefully, you'll suffer a long and painful death, taking all your
hate, bigotry and racism with it.
There are millions and millions and millions of "gun lusters," (as you call them) who have not, and won't, shoot anyone.
You seem to group all gun owners as potential killers, when in fact, they aren't. This society has had firearms as a part of
our culture since the birth of this nation. Yet, only in the last few years, one particular firearm has been blasted all over the
media as the "go to" gun for idiots to use to kill innocent people. You keep screaming guns are easier to get today than they
were years ago, but that is a lie. No one needed to go through a background check when I bought the bulk of my firearms
years ago, and no one used them to shoot up schools. That is on you and your ilk for not providing the education we received
as young adults. You anti-gun and PETA fanatics have driven reasonable firearm safety and hunting classes from schools It's you...
you are potential killers. When you have a gun in your home, your family is in more danger of being shot than if there was no gun.
Everyone claims their guns are safe and everyone is trained until one of the family gets shot or the kid takes the gun to shoot and tell. Your ilkness say the same things. It gets old as you claim you're special and everyone is safe. Then some innocent people die.
Our lax gun laws result in thousands of people getting shot every year. Almost 50,000 people die from American guns. 64,000 died in all of Viet Nam. That took several years and we were alarmed. But you are blase and uninterested in 50,000 a year.
I am not screaming. You are weeping at the thought that your gun lust is wrong and dangerous.
you are potential killers. When you have a gun in your home, your family is in more danger of being shot than if there was no gun.
Everyone claims their guns are safe and everyone is trained until one of the family gets shot or the kid takes the gun to shoot and tell. Your ilkness say the same things. It gets old as you claim you're special and everyone is safe. Then some innocent people die.
Our lax gun laws result in thousands of people getting shot every year. Almost 50,000 people die from American guns. 64,000 died in all of Viet Nam. That took several years and we were alarmed. But you are blase and uninterested in 50,000 a year.
I am not screaming. You are weeping at the thought that your gun lust is wrong and dangerous.
You are so full of shit, it runs out of your ears.
you are potential killers. When you have a gun in your home, your family is in more danger of being shot than if there was no gun.
Everyone claims their guns are safe and everyone is trained until one of the family gets shot or the kid takes the gun to shoot and tell. Your ilkness say the same things. It gets old as you claim you're special and everyone is safe. Then some innocent people die.
Our lax gun laws result in thousands of people getting shot every year. Almost 50,000 people die from American guns. 64,000 died in all of Viet Nam. That took several years and we were alarmed. But you are blase and uninterested in 50,000 a year.
I am not screaming. You are weeping at the thought that your gun lust is wrong and dangerous.
Arby the boareline retard stated growing up there were many guns on the walls in his home ,his adoptive father seems to have been a weird fuck
Kamala is fine. She is intelligent, speaks well, and seems level-headed. It is Trump who talks about violence, and hate and does it with outrageous hyperbole. He lies and speaks with anger and fury. Who past the age of 10 says so many things are the worst in history, the best ever, nobody has ever seen such an (amazing or terrible) thing like this. whatever it is. Trump is not well. Neither are his followers.
Arby the boareline retard stated growing up there were many guns on the walls in his home ,his adoptive father seems to have been a weird fuck
Just like the cowardly bigoted racist trash you are, resorting to attacks on other's family members. Get back to the pussy posse where you belong.
Why can't you get me out of your head, you pathetic bigoted racist? Do I scare you? Hopefully, you'll suffer a long and painful death, taking all your
hate, bigotry and racism with it.
So Arby how was your consult about libel suit 😂

Did he pat you on your head and suggested The national association old retardz might be interested in your case
If only you weren't suffering a long and painful death. Die, you slimy bigoted racist scum.
Now now stop, lashing out in your borderline retarded fury
