APP - Exclusive: IRS hires "hundreds" for new wealth unit

Why should overseas revenue be tax deferred?

Any neocon moron wanna rationalize that one?

Don't tax the multinationals or they will go away?

Fine. we don't need them. if they left, we could just bootstrap our own economy with all brand new domestically owned businesses.

Fuck em.
They benifit from the economy our country provides but bail on us when it comes time to share their load in supporting it.

Then the right patts them on the back and tries to get them tax cuts

who are you talking about? the tax cheats in Obama admin?
Fuck you, idiot
They benifit from the economy our country provides but bail on us when it comes time to share their load in supporting it.

Then the right patts them on the back and tries to get them tax cuts

Of COURSE! They are all free market capitalists when the economy is good, but socialists the instant business gets a little slow.
I'm thinking oligarchy?

The middle class is the only real threat to an oligarchy. The target of the IRS "special investigators" will ultimately weaken this group...and I don't think that's coincidental. The middle class are who make up the majority of conservative voters.
The middle class is the only real threat to an oligarchy. The target of the IRS "special investigators" will ultimately weaken this group...and I don't think that's coincidental. The middle class are who make up the majority of conservative voters.

The middle class is and has been in the cross hairs.
The middle class is the only real threat to an oligarchy. The target of the IRS "special investigators" will ultimately weaken this group...and I don't think that's coincidental. The middle class are who make up the majority of conservative voters.

The majority of tax cheats?
The majority of tax cheats?

The tax code is unbelievabley complex. The majority of tax filers are middle class citizens. Making a mistake and being a deliberate tax cheat will not be a consideration...ask anyone who's been audited. The point being it will be the middle class who are harmed not the wealthy...just ask any of the several Obama appointee's who skated.
The tax code is unbelievabley complex. The majority of tax filers are middle class citizens. Making a mistake and being a deliberate tax cheat will not be a consideration...ask anyone who's been audited. The point being it will be the middle class who are harmed not the wealthy...just ask any of the several Obama appointee's who skated.

Oh, please. If completing ones tax return is so complicated I suggest they get professional help. The "average" person's deductions are reasonably straightforward.

Of course, there is always, always, always someone who'll try to sneak something in there. Like an individual who'll claim part of their house expense as a business expense because they claim they're using a portion of their home as an office. The reality is they sell a bottle of floor soap once a month! Or some other sneaky, underhanded, greedy deduction they are not entitled to.

Those people are literally taking food out of the mouth of others. I hope they're nailed to the cross.

(Doth I protest too much?) ;)
Oh, please. If completing ones tax return is so complicated I suggest they get professional help. The "average" person's deductions are reasonably straightforward.

Of course, there is always, always, always someone who'll try to sneak something in there. Like an individual who'll claim part of their house expense as a business expense because they claim they're using a portion of their home as an office. The reality is they sell a bottle of floor soap once a month! Or some other sneaky, underhanded, greedy deduction they are not entitled to.

Those people are literally taking food out of the mouth of others. I hope they're nailed to the cross.

(Doth I protest too much?) ;)

How the fuck is someone taking food out of the mouth of others by trying to hang onto thier own fucking money? The fact of the matter is we are paying tax dollars to hire tax thugs to go after peoples hard earned money. The rich can afford to hire tax consultants the majority of the middle class muddle through it.
Of course, there is always, always, always someone who'll try to sneak something in there. Like an individual who'll claim part of their house expense as a business expense because they claim they're using a portion of their home as an office. The reality is they sell a bottle of floor soap once a month! Or some other sneaky, underhanded, greedy deduction they are not entitled to.

Those people are literally taking food out of the mouth of others. I hope they're nailed to the cross.

(Doth I protest too much?) ;)

are you talking about half of the current white house cabinet???????
How the fuck is someone taking food out of the mouth of others by trying to hang onto thier own fucking money? The fact of the matter is we are paying tax dollars to hire tax thugs to go after peoples hard earned money. The rich can afford to hire tax consultants the majority of the middle class muddle through it.

Being a citizen of a country is like being a member of a club. One is expected to contribute. Unfortunately, we can not throw a citizen out so we must enforce contributions.

The fairest way is through Income Tax. One does not have to pay any tax unless they receive money first. What could be fairer?

And if I hear that trite expression "hard earned money" one more time I'm going to scream!:blowup:

Someone, somewhere must be making "easy earned money". Considering most people's income is derived through interaction with others it is logically impossible for everyone's money to be hard earned.

Of course, our society promotes such ideas. You know, like Joe the Plumber complaining about an overall increase of 1/4 of one percent raise in taxes on an income of $275,000/yr. That's 25 cents on a hundred dollar bill, BTW.
Being a citizen of a country is like being a member of a club. One is expected to contribute. Unfortunately, we can not throw a citizen out so we must enforce contributions.

The fairest way is through Income Tax. One does not have to pay any tax unless they receive money first. What could be fairer?

And if I hear that trite expression "hard earned money" one more time I'm going to scream!:blowup:

Someone, somewhere must be making "easy earned money". Considering most people's income is derived through interaction with others it is logically impossible for everyone's money to be hard earned.

Of course, our society promotes such ideas. You know, like Joe the Plumber complaining about an overall increase of 1/4 of one percent raise in taxes on an income of $275,000/yr. That's 25 cents on a hundred dollar bill, BTW.

Income tax is not the "fair way" a flat rate sales tax is the fair way. That way everyone pays the same amount. Easy money, unearned and undeserved, is the money given to welfare recipients, politicians, and Tort attorney's.
Income tax is not the "fair way" a flat rate sales tax is the fair way. That way everyone pays the same amount. Easy money, unearned and undeserved, is the money given to welfare recipients, politicians, and Tort attorney's.

Easy money is the money thousands made by flipping Real Estate or simply selling a few holdings. What effort went in to a rising housing market?

I know. I made money that way. A friend said I must be upset I had to pay capital gains tax. I asked him why I would be upset paying tax on money (income) from selling rental property that increased in value due to absolutely no effort on my part? Furthermore, the tenant's rents paid the mortgage so I didn't even pay for the buildings!

By being taxed when spending money (sales tax) but not when receiving it (income tax) leads to people hoarding money. It takes it out of circulation.

My good fortune was not due to hard work. You can bet on that!:lol: I just happened to buy at the right time and at the right place. Coupled with the general rise in Real Estate developers moved into the area a few years after I purchased and converted a lot of older places into upscale condos thereby further increasing the value of the buildings I held.

How many other "little" people like me made money? How many other BIG people made money? Did the guy who bought a small store in the main shopping district work so hard that his store increased in value 300% in less than five years?

What about the person who didn't have a stellar credit record or the one who was short a few dollars for a down payment? Were they lazier than me?
Do they deserve to pay rent the rest of their life and never have the opportunity to build up equity in a home?

This gross misconception about Socialism and wanting everyone to be equal is nothing but a made-up lie. People just want a chance.

When sufficient social policies are in place people do not have to worry about a calamity happening. How many older people have "medical nest eggs", just in case? 20, 30, 50 thousand dollars, probably more. Money that could be used to send their children or grand children to university or put a down payment on a home. But they can't use that money because they may contract an illness and we can't blame them for wanting to be prepared. Think of the good that money could be used for if there was government medical.

How can we expect people to share and help others when they know there is no assurance they will be helped?

Change. It's long overdue.
If people want to hoard their own fucking money...let 'em! The fact of the matter is you don't know what people would do. Saving money in times of down turns is not hoarding either, its being wise.

Easy money is the money thousands made by flipping Real Estate or simply selling a few holdings. What effort went in to a rising housing market?

I know. I made money that way. A friend said I must be upset I had to pay capital gains tax. I asked him why I would be upset paying tax on money (income) from selling rental property that increased in value due to absolutely no effort on my part? Furthermore, the tenant's rents paid the mortgage so I didn't even pay for the buildings!

By being taxed when spending money (sales tax) but not when receiving it (income tax) leads to people hoarding money. It takes it out of circulation.

My good fortune was not due to hard work. You can bet on that!:lol: I just happened to buy at the right time and at the right place. Coupled with the general rise in Real Estate developers moved into the area a few years after I purchased and converted a lot of older places into upscale condos thereby further increasing the value of the buildings I held.

How many other "little" people like me made money? How many other BIG people made money? Did the guy who bought a small store in the main shopping district work so hard that his store increased in value 300% in less than five years?

What about the person who didn't have a stellar credit record or the one who was short a few dollars for a down payment? Were they lazier than me?
Do they deserve to pay rent the rest of their life and never have the opportunity to build up equity in a home?

This gross misconception about Socialism and wanting everyone to be equal is nothing but a made-up lie. People just want a chance.

When sufficient social policies are in place people do not have to worry about a calamity happening. How many older people have "medical nest eggs", just in case? 20, 30, 50 thousand dollars, probably more. Money that could be used to send their children or grand children to university or put a down payment on a home. But they can't use that money because they may contract an illness and we can't blame them for wanting to be prepared. Think of the good that money could be used for if there was government medical.

How can we expect people to share and help others when they know there is no assurance they will be helped?

Change. It's long overdue.
i was wondering that myself. It's ridiculously ironic that a cabinet full of people who didn't pay taxes for various reasons are now tasking the IRS to go after people who don't pay their taxes for various reasons.

talk about the 'rules for thee, none for me' crowd. Elitism at it's finest.

I'm sure the libs will give them quite a pass on all that though.

Like it didn't happen in the previous administration, or the one before that, or the one before that, ad infinitum. :rolleyes:

I say better late than never, investigate them all and let the chips fall where they may.