APP - Exclusive: IRS hires "hundreds" for new wealth unit

The middle class is the only real threat to an oligarchy. The target of the IRS "special investigators" will ultimately weaken this group...and I don't think that's coincidental. The middle class are who make up the majority of conservative voters.

the middle class are dumbasses and deserve the IRS on their backs. The rich payoff congress of course they don't have to worry.
Oh, please. If completing ones tax return is so complicated I suggest they get professional help. The "average" person's deductions are reasonably straightforward.

Of course, there is always, always, always someone who'll try to sneak something in there. Like an individual who'll claim part of their house expense as a business expense because they claim they're using a portion of their home as an office. The reality is they sell a bottle of floor soap once a month! Or some other sneaky, underhanded, greedy deduction they are not entitled to.

Those people are literally taking food out of the mouth of others. I hope they're nailed to the cross.

(Doth I protest too much?) ;)

come on now, Ice dancer is not that bright you should go easy on her.
She has a GED and an ex-boyfried
Like it didn't happen in the previous administration, or the one before that, or the one before that, ad infinitum. :rolleyes:

I say better late than never, investigate them all and let the chips fall where they may.

a white house cabinet member is discovered to owe big money to the IRS (that he/she has tried to hide for a few years), gets an opportunity to pay it with a small penalty, then moves in to big comfy office with big government paycheck.

an average citizen is discovered to owe medium money to the IRS (that he/she has tried to hide for a few years), gets an opportunity to move in to 6x9 cell for 10 years with no government paycheck.

you don't see the obvious double standard created there?
If people want to hoard their own fucking money...let 'em! The fact of the matter is you don't know what people would do. Saving money in times of down turns is not hoarding either, its being wise.

Fine, after they pay their fair share of taxes on it no one cares what they do with their money.

That's the problem with tax free money. The taxes from that money is taken out of circulation until it is spent. What's needed is less sales tax. Less consumption tax and a tax the moment the person receives the money.
Being a citizen of a country is like being a member of a club. One is expected to contribute. Unfortunately, we can not throw a citizen out so we must enforce contributions.

The fairest way is through Income Tax. One does not have to pay any tax unless they receive money first. What could be fairer?

And if I hear that trite expression "hard earned money" one more time I'm going to scream!:blowup:

Someone, somewhere must be making "easy earned money". Considering most people's income is derived through interaction with others it is logically impossible for everyone's money to be hard earned.

Of course, our society promotes such ideas. You know, like Joe the Plumber complaining about an overall increase of 1/4 of one percent raise in taxes on an income of $275,000/yr. That's 25 cents on a hundred dollar bill, BTW.

Being a citizen of this country means the individual is more important than the club. Hence our Bill of Rights and republican form of government. If we were talking about subjects of an autocracy, then yes, the club would be all-important.
It is being co-ordinated with other countries. That means other countries are also going after tax cheats. That means other countries are aware there are tax cheats.

It sounds like you want to protect tax cheats.
If Obama was to help a little old lady change a flat tire by the side of the road Meme would call it a carjacking. She's just another know noting partisan nitwit.
The middle class is the only real threat to an oligarchy. The target of the IRS "special investigators" will ultimately weaken this group...and I don't think that's coincidental. The middle class are who make up the majority of conservative voters.
Well that was a stupid comment ID. The Middle Class also make up the majority of liberals.....that's because the Middle Class are who make up the majority of America...PERIOD!!
How the fuck is someone taking food out of the mouth of others by trying to hang onto thier own fucking money? The fact of the matter is we are paying tax dollars to hire tax thugs to go after peoples hard earned money. The rich can afford to hire tax consultants the majority of the middle class muddle through it.
Translation, it's not the governments job to prosecute criminals.
Income tax is not the "fair way" a flat rate sales tax is the fair way. That way everyone pays the same amount. Easy money, unearned and undeserved, is the money given to welfare recipients, politicians, and Tort attorney's.
YOu don't have the foggiest clue of what you're talking about. Regressive taxation scheme's like flat tax alwasy...repeate ALWAYS, shift the burdon of taxation from the wealthy to the working and middle classes. There's only so many bottle of beers, cars, homes and cigerettes you can buy if your wealthy. Progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation. Apple is right, you are quite wrong.
If Obama was to help a little old lady change a flat tire by the side of the road Meme would call it a carjacking. She's just another know noting partisan nitwit.

And if Obama was to tear the Constitution up and roll a joint in it; you'ld call it support for drug leagalization. You're just another know nothing partisan hack.
And if Obama was to tear the Constitution up and roll a joint in it; you'ld call it support for drug leagalization. You're just another know nothing partisan hack.
Shit son I was a Republican probably longer than you've been alive. If you think I'm a partisan because I detest the far right wing reactionaries who've destroyed the Republican party that I was proudly a member of for over 20 years.....then you've got a screw loose.
Shit son I was a Republican probably longer than you've been alive. If you think I'm a partisan because I detest the far right wing reactionaries who've destroyed the Republican party that I was proudly a member of for over 20 years.....then you've got a screw loose.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!! :good4u:
Bout damn time they started doing something about tax cheats. Catch a few of these criminals and put them in prison for a few years and I bet some other cheats and criminals will start living up to their duties as a citizen.

The problem is...its all bullshit....these people STILL owe and its been going on for years...
Now, all of a sudden...they just want to go after "the rich"...

Federal employees owe $3 billion in taxes

Federal workers owed more than $3 billion in income taxes in 2008, according to the Internal Revenue Service, a figure down slightly from the year before.

The agency reported that 276,300 current and retired federal employees owed $3,042,200,000 in 2008, down from $3,586,784,725 in unpaid taxes in 2007. The list includes White House and Congressional staffers and current and former active-duty and reserve members of the military.
a white house cabinet member is discovered to owe big money to the IRS (that he/she has tried to hide for a few years), gets an opportunity to pay it with a small penalty, then moves in to big comfy office with big government paycheck.

an average citizen is discovered to owe medium money to the IRS (that he/she has tried to hide for a few years), gets an opportunity to move in to 6x9 cell for 10 years with no government paycheck.

you don't see the obvious double standard created there?

Who was the last small-time tax cheat you heard of who went to jail? Most cases are civil proceedings and the cheater pays the back taxes plus penalties, no matter how much money is involved. Look at the chart from the IRS:,,id=106791,00.html

Your "6x9 cell for 10 years" is hyperbole. Even the big-time cheaters rarely go to prison. I know two small-timers who got caught through a routine audit and were fined. In fact, the IRS bent over backward (IMO) to give these guys plenty of time to pay everything they owed plus penalties.
The problem is...its all bullshit....these people STILL owe and its been going on for years...
Now, all of a sudden...they just want to go after "the rich"...

Federal employees owe $3 billion in taxes

Federal workers owed more than $3 billion in income taxes in 2008, according to the Internal Revenue Service, a figure down slightly from the year before.

The agency reported that 276,300 current and retired federal employees owed $3,042,200,000 in 2008, down from $3,586,784,725 in unpaid taxes in 2007. The list includes White House and Congressional staffers and current and former active-duty and reserve members of the military.

It's like the fox in charge of the hen house for cripey sakes! Yeah the job will get done and all those crooks in the White House, past and present will be called to task.

Hold your breath Mott.
It's like the fox in charge of the hen house for cripey sakes! Yeah the job will get done and all those crooks in the White House, past and present will be called to task.

Hold your breath Mott.
Yea, yea, ya'll keep coming up with empty rhetoric and won't answer the question. What's wrong with this administration enforcing the law? You're claims of an imaginary double standard is just plain stupid hackery. Aren't you the same morons who complained when Obama closed off shore loopholes to fore corporations who's actions bordered on the criminal and treasonous to uphold their civic duty?