explain the supposed benefits of single payer health care

LMFAO @ Physicians for a National Health Program.

The argument that single payer managed by Government buffoons can be well managed and cost effective is for the realm of low information lunatics on the left. This is why the DNC needs low information twits to stay in power.

Best example to date:

VA Hospitals: Why Single-Payer Systems Fail

The VA is a perfect example of why government-run health care fails. Like any single payer system, Tanner explains, the VA cuts and controls its costs with a budget that limits the amount that it can spend on care. Funding is determined not by what consumers are willing to spend, but by whatever budget Congress sets.

Demand for VA care has increased as soldiers return home from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. From 2007 to 2012, enrollment in VA services rose by 13 percent. An additional $24 billion -- a 76 percent increase -- was poured into the program over those five years, but the agency still has budget problems. And because the VA lacks the resources to provide all of the care that is demanded, it rations care -- just as every other single-payer system does. Moreover, it takes an average 160 days simply for a veteran to gain access to his health benefits, and the case-processing backlog within the VA currently sits in excess of 344,000 claims. Appealing a VA decision is lengthy as well, requiring an average wait time of 1,598 days.

Tanner cites Medicaid as a similar example: Medicaid patients are six times as likely to be denied a doctor's appointment as the privately insured, and when they do manage to get an appointment, they wait an average of 42 days to see a doctor -- twice as long as a privately insured individual would wait. Promising health care does not mean that the government will actually deliver more health care, writes Tanner. Americans should take note of the problems within the VA as the federal government continues to exert greater control over our health system.

See more at: http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/index.php?Article_ID=24455#sthash.P1meuwVJ.dpuf

No, that is a perfect example of fat old men such as yourself sending boys to war and then refusing to be responsible for the damage you inflicted upon them.
just out of curiosity, but how long do you think insurance companies will deign to do business with the US government if they are not allowed to make the profits they deem necessary?

I hope they refuse ASAP, they are evil and should be driven out!
That's hilarious! It takes government at least 10 administrators to do the same job one does in private industry.:rofl2::cof1:

If that were true why would the cost of administering Medicare be 80% lower than private insurance?
I hope they refuse ASAP, they are evil and should be driven out!

so you prefer to have 100s of millions of americans go without health insurance of any type because you think they are evil? why did you support a program that specifically funnels more money to them then?
The Interstate Highway System
Putting a man on the moon

Some of the great success stories of the Federal Government.
volumes written on it? it sounds like the benefactors of single payer are trying to inundate the public with tons of useless info in order to hide the one true negative of single payer, which is enriching insurance companies.

Do you have any clue what single payer even means?
just out of curiosity, but how long do you think insurance companies will deign to do business with the US government if they are not allowed to make the profits they deem necessary?

Change your name to Dumber than Most please.
There are no private insurers in a sigle payer stystem.
That alone is where most of the savings are.
The libs answer is that the VA just wasn't funded enough. Nothing is ever funded enough to their liking

When you send a boy to war and he comes back injured you are obligated to fund his recovery regardless of cost.
Double dumb of you to not think of that before starting the wars idiot.
All the VA proves is that the right is underfunding it.
typical liberal answer is throw more money at the issue. it's too bad you sought fit to ban me in your other threads, since we seem to agree on at least 75% of other issues.

That would be because despite your howling to the contrary you are a rightie.
Birds of a feather flock together Dumbas.
For your information genius, the government is the world's unchallenged champion of financial waste, fraud and abuse simply because it doesn't give a flying fuck about MAKING A PROFIT. We'll all understand if you can't mentally process that truth!:rofl2::cof1:
For your information the Gov runs Medicare for6%
versus private insurers at 30%.
That is a lot of savings.
I think if you removed the gross profits made by hospitals, pharma and some doctors, as well as insurance companies that medicine in the USA would look and operate very differently. It is hard to attract doctors to either the VA or Medicare when profit is involved.

There you have it; in Liberal loony land one attracts the best doctors by not having any profit and telling them they should all be making the same LOW amount of money.

The best Doctors are not those who are out to make the most money, they are those who care the most for their client.s
I'm someone who expects intelligent people to back up their statements.

Wrong; you're a simple minded low information unemployed forum troll who has the intelligence of a gnat and never substantiates anything he bloviates about but demands it from everyone else.

That's why I didn't think you could.

You don't "think"; you "emote."

Thanks for confirming it.

No; thank you!

Still waiting for your solution to the mess in the ME; I'll understand if you don't have one.