Exposing the fake Bin Laden

Did I say top priority? Why don't you just admit Shrub failed and Obama picked up the ball?

Right, he didn't quite destroy our credit rating, and Obama picked up that football and is sprinting full speed towards that goal... Superb :rolleyes:

What happened took over six years of intel collection, that it culminated during Obama's tenure doesn't make him "the winner"... it was a relay race with a huge amount of team members, giving one guy all the credit for it is as baseless as saying only GWB caused our credit crisis. It's flat false.
Right, he didn't quite destroy our credit rating, and Obama picked up that football and is sprinting full speed towards that goal... Superb :rolleyes:

What happened took over six years of intel collection, that it culminated during Obama's tenure doesn't make him "the winner"... it was a relay race with a huge amount of team members, giving one guy all the credit for it is as baseless as saying only GWB caused our credit crisis. It's flat false.

So you deny that Bush II stopped pursuing Bin Laden?
So you deny that Bush II stopped pursuing Bin Laden?

I say that he stopped saying it was our only priority, not that he stopped pursuing him at all, considering every story that speaks of how he was found includes intel gathered during Bush's tenure.

It's like saying a building was put up without a foundation, an architect, the construction crew, etc. and that only the plumber should get credit because he put the faucets in just before the building opened.
Why? I think he's come up with a brilliant method to reveal you as a political hack and not much else. I've chosen to adopt it as my own. :)

Why? It is easier to show you as a fool than him. Your adoption of his rhetoric is an admission of weakness.
Why? It is easier to show you as a fool than him. Your adoption of his rhetoric is an admission of weakness.
No. I wise man listens to other wise men. I used this philosophy to gain knowledge and graduate college. Perhaps you should try it instead of blindly following Bush III, waiting for a hand-out. :)
You need to learn how to spell first, graduate college next, then maybe you can call yourself a wise man. Until then you're just another loser Democrat looking for a hand-out.

You need to learn the difference between a typo and a spelling error. Next, become human, finaly humane.
I had a buddy on the Carl Vinson who claimed that there was a body that was buried at sea that day. He was not part of that detail and did not see the body, but he said that the SEALs were present. He also said that one of the guys that was on the detail said that it looked like Osama. At the time I didn't ask if the body had freezer burn.

Personally I think that if the body was in our possession during Bush's presidency, he would have had another "Mission Accomplished" moment. Also, I think it was May 6, AQ confirmed OBL's death and swore vengeance. I don't know if they would wait for years while the body sat in a freezer. In my opinion, secrets that big are difficult to keep and the simplest explanation is probably the correct one: that there was an attack, OBL was killed, and then he was buried at sea. I'm not denying he was just a figurehead at that point and had been almost completely marginalized.
If he's Bush III you should be a lot nicer toward him.

Why start being nice to the spendthrift B-Grade Horror film trilogy? Part of their allure is how much you can trash them... too bad these aren't the kind that become cultural icons due to their unintentional humor. It will be a looong time before we'll be able to laugh at the mangled state of affairs that trilogy has led us to...
Where the bomb came from?

"CIA spy" Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda, says report
By ANI | ANI – Sun, Feb 20,

London, Feb 20(ANI): Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing Al-Qaeda terrorists with "nuclear fissile material" and "biological agents," according to a report.

When the media reported that Seals team 6 died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan, compare to the following news from Pakistan about 5/1 "kill Bin Laden" operation, what's your thinking?

Quote, "Full And Complete Translation Of The Pakistani News Video
This is a translation of the video linked at the bottom and was translated by my friend Khan Taashk. THANK YOU my dear friend. I wish there were a way for ALL Americans to read this translation.

Anchor: Welcome back, Mohammad Bashir is a resident of Abboottabad’s Bilal Town. Muhammad Bashir might seem an ordinary guy but he is no ordinary guy. Muhammad Bashir lives in front of Osama Ben Laden’s house in Bilal Town Abbottabad. On 2nd of May, Muhammad Bashir was present on his rooftop from where he saw the whole American operation against Osama Ben Laden with his own eyes. Yesterday when our team was present In Bilal Town, Abbottabad, near Osama Ben Laden’s hose, Muhammad Bashir came to us and said, “Sister, I need to tell you something, something that is a burden on my heart and soul”, just listen to what he said.


Anchor: Muhammad Bashir told us something that no one said before. So we checked his identity card, we also confirmed that he really lives there, we asked from the senior fellows about him. We were very astonished by his story just see and listen what he said.

Bashir: We were awake, not asleep, a helicopter came, some men came down from that, into that house, then that helicopter went away

Reporter: How many men?

Bashir: 10-12, then that helicopter took rounds of those rear hills, then he came bac…k and when he came bach, two more helicopters arrived, one from the west and other from the north, there was a blast in the first helicopter and it was on fire, we immediately came out, when we reached there, the helicopter was burning, then after about 20 minutes the army and police arrived, they pushed us back, now we are asking that if oama was here then who took him to america because all those men that came in the helicopter died in the blast, now if Osama was in that helicopter he must have died and got burnt in that helicopter too, then how they took him? this is a question of serious concern. America claims they they killed him and picked him up. How they picked him up? This is what we are thinking

Reporter: Was there only one helicopter?

Bashir? Yes the other that came flew away to Mansehra, there was only one that landed the men and came back to pick them but as he was picking them up, it blew away and caught fire.

Reporter: Then were in it when it blew?

Bashir: Yes They were.

Reporter : How you know?

Bashir: We saw it with our own eyes

Reporter: You saw dead man?

Bashir: Yes, dead men,

Reporter: How many?

Bashir: I couldnt count them because then the compound was on fire. The gate was open, we went in, the army and police hadnt arrived then, there were some people but they werent stopping them. The whole neighborhood has seen that but they are silent now.

Bashir: We saw the helicopter burning, we saw the dead bodies, then everything was removed and now there is nothing

Reporter: How many dead bodies you saw?

Bashir: We couldn’t count them because they were blown into pieces.

The reporter asked Bashir to narrate the story again.

Bashir said we could see the faces of those men but they were speaking pashto. I dont know whether they were Pakistani or American army or people of agencies, as you know that agency people can speak many languages.

May be they were speaking Pashto so that we consider them Pakistani.

They knocked and banged at our doors and told us not to come out.

I laid down on my rooftop and was watching them.

My kids were calling me, I told them to go to their rooms and let me check whats going on.

The reporter asks Bashir, that when he saw that the helicopter was American what was he thinking then?

Bashir said that he got afraid. He didn’t had in his mind that they will attack that house. He thought that they might have come to attack the Pakistan Army.

The reporter asked so when was your cousin Shamraiz taken away?

Bashir: Shamrez was at our home, as the helicopter exploded, me and many others went out of our homes to see what happened. Shamrez also came out and the gate of the compound was open, we went in, every thing was lying scattered, as it is a huge compound, some body parts were lying here, some there, legs, arms, heads, broken and torn body parts, during that time some part of the helicopter inside, may be the engine or other fuel related part had an explosion so we rushed out. During that time Shamrez was taken away, he is in his home now, but no one is allowed to meet him and i couldn’t get a chance to talk to him later.

Then the anchor says that they had vegetations inside the compound and Shamrez was their gardener. We know that two men Arshad and Tariq used to live there. They had good relations with the neighbours, they used to buy things from the local store. Sometimes imported dates and used to send many things to their neighbours.

Then the reporter is at Abdullah Ben Zubair Mosque, which is the nearest to compound of Osama.

She asks a guy: do you think people would have been glad and happy if they would have ever met osama?

The guy : Yes, possibly. Because he was a muslim and he believed in God.

This is the whole story! Every aspect and point translated.

The gentleman being interviewed lives across from the compound. His cousin Sahab Jamrez Khan used to grow vegetables in the compound. He was taken away in all the hullabaloo on tape @10.29 Bashir says he did not see when they wisked his cousin away.

Interviewer asks “Have you spoken to your cousin?”

Bashir “No, I have not seen him yet he in in the house. “They will not let him get out” “They will not let me get in.”

2 other men Arshad Sahib and Tariq Sahib used to go to market to shop for that compound and bought international brand items. Dates, dried meat found in compound. Also food used to come from compound to Bashir’s house Kabulu Pilau and things like that used to be presented to Bashir. They will follow up with more information. In the end the lady is standing in front of Abdullah Bin Zubair mosque. The mosque was with in walking distance of the compound. She asks people if Osama did attend this mosque people would have be happy? The one answered maybe. The other said Osama did “not” live here but he was muslim and believed in God. Interview ends.

Another thing to note is that Bashir mentioned that we are very “sharif” meaning law abiding honest people. His town was a peaceful place no excitement no murders, fights, and he is unhappy how they have made his town so frightful with all this news. One thing is very clear in this video. Two helicopters hovered never landed. One landed dropped Pashto speaking poeple on the roof 10-12 of them Helicopter left fo 20 minutes returned to load people in and small blast engine failure fire helicopter parts all over. Body parts arms, legs, head, all over. Pakistani Army/Police came in dispersed crowd. The whole scene is cleaned up totally now. No evidence left to examine.

Link to original Pakistani News video:

