Exposing the fake Bin Laden

US destroys its best men to keep the secret?

Quote, "'Copter tragedy marks deadliest US day'

Tue Aug 9, 2011 6:37PM GMT
Interview with Finian Cunningham from Global Research

Press TV has conducted an interview with Finian Cunningham, Global Research to further talk over the issue. The following is a rough transcript of the interview.

Press TV interviewed Finian Cunningham, Global Research, from Belfast, on this issue.

Press TV: Dead Men Don't talk, that is the title of your article. Correct me if I'm wrong, you are trying to say that the US has destroyed its own men, the navy seals, who seemingly took part in Washington's bin Laden execution hoax, and presumably would testify about that operation? How can this argument to be proven?

Cunningham: Well, admittedly I do not have the answers to that but I think what I am trying to do in the article is to raise relevant speculative questions about the whole Bin Laden affair.

This is just one more hole in Washington's argument or allegation that they killed Bin Laden on the second of May. Their story is full of holes and contradictions - the nature of his death, how his body was disposed of, lack of evidence.

And now recently on Pakistani television, you have local people giving a version of events that happened in Abbottabad that completely contradicts what the Washington version of that incident was.

People were saying one of three US helicopters exploded, killing everybody on board. So how can Bin Laden's body be recovered and dumped at see if that helicopter did in fact blow up, according to the residents of Abbottabad?

The whole Washington story in my view is very dubious. There's a lot of contradictions in it. The people who could shed light on this will actually be the people that were involved; this team of six navy seals. And a whole cohort of them was wiped off this past Saturday in a rocket attack on their helicopter.

It just raises the question, is Washington hiding from something, are they trying to cover something up by this alleged assassination of Bin Laden in May, because a lot of informed sources will tell you that Bin Laden died ten years ago from natural causes, kidney failure.

The whole sag is becoming increasingly incredulous in my view and for other people. It would appear that Washington is trying to cover up or delete possible evidence or witnesses to the actual event on the second of May in Abbottabad.

Press TV: Suppose your story comes out true. What effects would this story have on the morale of other US troops if they know that the government would betray them all along?

Cunningham: Devastating. The whole war in Afghanistan is going from one quagmire into a deeper quagmire. This year alone, 274 US personnel have been killed including the latest victims of the Chinook crash. And we are only halfway through the year.

The whole mission of Afghanistan is turning into an endless relentless war with no real purpose to it.

If the American government is correct that they killed Bin Laden, he is the reason they went into Afghanistan. If they killed their guy, their number one terrorist, why are they still in Afghanistan?

The whole mission seems to be ridden with very obscure and amorphous objectives. There is no purpose to missions, so I am sure for a lot of the GIs and the American personal on the ground seeing all their comrades being cut down there, with no clear purpose or objective to this terrible bloody war, it's going to be a very soul-sapping and demoralizing experience.

Press TV:The original purpose of US invading Afghanistan was bringing down the Taliban. Some stories of diverting pentagon money and arms to the Taliban or secret negotiations with the Taliban contradicting that. In the long run, what effect will this have on the Afghanistan mission?

Cunningham: I haven't been following what you just mentioned there but this comes as no surprise giving the origins of the Taliban being in Afghanistan. After all, they were set up and funded by the Americans and the British secret intelligences to fight the soviets.

The connections are well grinded there for this covert seeding of money, arms, personnel and double agents or what have you. So it would come to no surprise given the origins of the insurgence, Mujahedeen, Taliban in Afghanistan. They were the foot soldiers of the US Empire 30-40 years ago.

The latest news is that Dick Cheney, Barry Obama and Osama Bin Laden have been caught in a weird sex orgy at the Bohemian Grove.

The next morning all three were seen eating breakfast at the local waffle house with Elvis.
The latest news is that Dick Cheney, Barry Obama and Osama Bin Laden have been caught in a weird sex orgy at the Bohemian Grove.

The next morning all three were seen eating breakfast at the local waffle house with Elvis.

I Knew Elvis was still alive!