Fact Check: Posts Claim Contents of ‘Ashley Biden’s Diary’ Have Been Verified. Here are the Facts


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Fact Check: Posts Claim Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Have Been Verified. Here Are the Facts​

Alex Kasprak
Updated May 14, 2024·5 min read
Twitter / Getty Images

Twitter / Getty Images
  • Claim:
A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."
Rating: True
Rating: True

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."

Fact Check: Posts Claim Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Have Been Verified. Here Are the Facts​

Alex Kasprak
Updated May 14, 2024·5 min read
Twitter / Getty Images

Twitter / Getty Images
  • Claim:
A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."
Rating: True
Rating: True

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."
Fake News

Nothing in your post offers and evidence anything was “true” other than a diary was stolen, and the Snopes reference is irrelevant to your point. Even funnier that then other fellow red hat comrades just jumped right in swallowing the lies as facts, typical

Fake News

Nothing in your post offers and evidence anything was “true” other than a diary was stolen, and the Snopes reference is irrelevant to your point. Even funnier that then other fellow red hat comrades just jumped right in swallowing the lies as facts, typical

Snopes lied, Anchovies?

Snopes? It’s run by two far left liberals.

The diary speaks of “inappropriate showers” with her father. Her father is Joe.

She is a basket case now. Her father should face prosecution…it wasn’t an “official act.” He was a senator then.
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Inappropriate in this day and age? Sure. Just like how taking pictures of your kids bathing might be considered inappropriate in this day and age, and yet that's something that happened to a lot of people. How many shows or movies had jokes about parents showing friends or potential love interests baby bathing photos?
An often cited page from that "leaked diary," which chronicled its author's addiction recovery in intimate detail, makes reference to sexual trauma and poses questions in search of an explanation for being "hyper-sexualized @ a young age." Along with mentions of not liking to visit a certain family's house, "being sexualized" with a female friend, and "having sex with friends @ a young age," the author noted taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."

On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True"

the author noted taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."

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