Fact Checking Kamala

We will also Fact Check the moderators

On aborted babies being born alive but being allowed to die instead of being medically supported and encouraged to live. Here is what a man that knows the truth said. The mother gets to decide if the baby that is born alive gets to continue to live or die. Ralph Northam MD is a pediatric neurologist he has undoubtedly participated in on cases where and infant abortion results in a live baby that will die unless the mother chooses to let it be resuscitated. Trump said executed yes that is a bit hyperbolic no one give the baby a blindfold and a cigarette but the results are the same. We rate this MOSTLY TRUE.

The ABC moderators said there is no state where it is legal to kill a live baby.

Denying life saving care when it is readily available is killing a living baby. So I rate the moderator's push back MOSTLY FALSE.

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Kamala lied about what Trump said about Charlottesville. She said Trump praised White Supremacists and Nazis (Again no push back Fact Check on Kamala by the ABC moderators).


No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

On Aug. 15, 2017, then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, "very fine people."

My wife and I were having coffee this morning and she asked, why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence, an income over $100,000, and a lick of common sense, vote for Heels Up and Tampon Tim. Neither of them have a sound platform and both of them are just for more government spending and higher taxes?

I could not give her one reason to disagree.
Kamala accused Trump of saying there would be a blood bath if he wasn't elected. Of course this was taken out of context. Trump was talking about China's economic effect if they were allowed to build auto plants, as they are currently building, and sell cars into the US . (Again there was ZERO fact checking by the ABC moderators)

We rate this statement by Kamala as MOSTLY FALSE and out of context.

We will also Fact Check the moderators

On aborted babies being born alive but being allowed to die instead of being medically supported and encouraged to live. Here is what a man that knows the truth said. The mother gets to decide if the baby that is born alive gets to continue to live or die. Ralph Northam MD is a pediatric neurologist he has undoubtedly participated in on cases where and infant abortion results in a live baby that will die unless the mother chooses to let it be resuscitated. Trump said executed yes that is a bit hyperbolic no one give the baby a blindfold and a cigarette but the results are the same. We rate this MOSTLY TRUE.

The ABC moderators said there is no state where it is legal to kill a live baby.

Denying life saving care when it is readily available is killing a living baby. So I rate the moderator's push back MOSTLY FALSE.

Thanks for the link that proved Trump lied.
No state allows abortions after the baby is born.
My wife and I were having coffee this morning and she asked, why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence, an income over $100,000, and a lick of common sense, vote for Heels Up and Tampon Tim. Neither of them have a sound platform and both of them are just for more government spending and higher taxes?

I could not give her one reason to disagree.
But the Not So Swifties love her :laugh:
Kamala accused Trump of saying there would be a blood bath if he wasn't elected. Of course this was taken out of context. Trump was talking about China's economic effect if they were allowed to build auto plants, as they are currently building, and sell cars into the US . (Again there was ZERO fact checking by the ABC moderators)

We rate this statement by Kamala as MOSTLY FALSE and out of context.

Now it's a lie when she uses his words exactly as he said them?
I guess I need to watch my pets when you are around.
If a baby is born alive during a botched abortion procedure the allow the mom to decide if the baby is allowed to dies or if the medical staff resuscitates the baby. Governor Northam an MD confirmed that.
Wow.. You are a complete moron.
Allowing someone to die and not giving them medical care to keep them alive happens every day, probably hundreds of times each day, and in no instance is the person killed by that process.
Wow.. You are a complete moron.
Allowing someone to die and not giving them medical care to keep them alive happens every day, probably hundreds of times each day, and in no instance is the person killed by that process.
So you would be OK with allowing an alive infant to die by leaving it in a cold stainless steel pan when it could be resuscitated and live a full productive life. What kind of monster are you? What the hell is wrong with you?
Who examined and diagnosed President Biden with dementia?

When did this supposedly happen?
Two seconds after his debate with Trump and the VP with the lowest popularity rating in history was forced upon the democrat party as his successor without a whimper or vote from anyone.
Two seconds after his debate with Trump and the VP with the lowest popularity rating in history was forced upon the democrat party as his successor without a whimper or vote from anyone.
So IOW, you have no answer because as we all know, President Biden has never been diagnosed as having dementia because he doesn't have dementia.

Being a little bit slower than one once was is not the equivalent of dementia.

As I recall, the rabid, slobbering right never said a word about Ronald Reagan's obvious mental decline during his second term.

Fucking hypocrites.
Who examined and diagnosed President Biden with dementia?

When did this supposedly happen?
I have been trained in medical school on how to identify dementia. I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia. To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results. Which in itself is a STRONG sign he has dementia. Because if he could have taken a cognitive exam and prove he does not have dementia and save his political career he would have done it already. And a neurologist making MULTIPLE visits to the White House is another clue.