Fact Checking Kamala

Wow.. You are a complete moron.
Allowing someone to die and not giving them medical care to keep them alive happens every day, probably hundreds of times each day, and in no instance is the person killed by that process.
She has been pretending to be a physician in order to spread COVID misinformation. An actual physician would know this.

Some mothers choose to go to term even after learning that the fetus has a lethal defect. (And some are forced to.) Some choose abortion or induced labor. In either instance, the fetus/baby is not "murdered" by health care providers after leaving the uterine environment. A full term infant with a lethal anomaly is bathed and wrapped and given to the parents just as a healthy infant is. They may choose to hold their child until he/she passes. This gives them comfort and closure in a horrific tragic situation. Medical and psych staff are nearby to help comfort the grieving parents.

Only MAGAT forced birthers believe otherwise. And only the most despicable of them would attempt to use such a tragedy to score political points.
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I have been trained in medical school on how to identify dementia. I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia.
:rofl2: :lolup:

What a load of 🐴💩!!! :palm:
To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results.
His doctor has avowed publicly that he gets examined multiple times per year and that there is nothing wrong with him mentally or physically.

Trumpers just lie like the shit they are.
Which in itself is a STRONG sign he has dementia. Because if he could have taken a cognitive exam and prove he does not have dementia and save his political career he would have done it already.
Typical half-assed Trumper attempt at logic.

Your posts are a STRONG sign that YOU have dementia.
And a neurologist making MULTIPLE visits to the White House is another clue.
No, it just means he is being well looked after.
I have been trained in medical school on how to identify dementia. I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia. To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results. Which in itself is a STRONG sign he has dementia. Because if he could have taken a cognitive exam and prove he does not have dementia and save his political career he would have done it already. And a neurologist making MULTIPLE visits to the White House is another clue.
No real professional would attempt to diagnosis someone they have never met in real life, from a distance. What was your "training," sweeping up a brochure under a table from the Alzheimer's Association?
:rofl2: :lolup:

What a load of 🐴💩!!! :palm:

His doctor has avowed publicly that he gets examined multiple times per year and that there is nothing wrong with him mentally or physically.

Trumpers just lie like the shit they are.

Typical half-assed Trumper attempt at logic.

Your posts are a STRONG sign that YOU have dementia.

No, it just means he is being well looked after.
100% agree. Plus he isn't running for POTUS. If the Quackter and her MAGAT cohort think Biden is unfit to serve, why aren't they clamoring for their elected derps to invoke the 25th Amendment? The silence from DC is rather deafening.
Kamala Harris said Trump would enact a national sales tax.

Trump has never said he would sign a national sales tax. Trump has used tarrifs as a measure to improve trade imbalances with China. China was subsidizing their steel industry and dumping cheap steel on the US market. It almost totally destroyed our steel industry. Trump put tariffs on cheap Chinese steel to make American steel more competitive and bring back more steel worker jobs. HARRIS/Biden have not removed those tariffs even though they have been quick to reverse other Trump EOs on things like the Keystone XL Pipeline and Stay in Mexico etc.

We rate this as FALSE
No real professional would attempt to diagnosis someone they have never met in real life, from a distance. What was your "training," sweeping up a brochure under a table from the Alzheimer's Association?
I took a course on Gerontology in Medical School. The considered of lectures and treating patients in the office environment. I administered cognitive exams to patients during their office visits. I said: "I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia. To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results."

I have seen neurologist on TV saying essentially the same thing. That isn't a 100% diagnosis as I said because it needs a full cognitive exam and likely a MRI to 100% confirm.

If you had crushing chest pain radiating down your left arm and into your left jaw with shortness of breath and faintness. I would say you are having signs of a MI but need a EKG to confirm it. I'm pretty sure most doctors would agree with me
Now it's a lie when she uses his words exactly as he said them?
I guess I need to watch my pets when you are around.
Yes if you take them out of context and misapply them it is a lie.

That is called a lie of omission

Lies of omission fit the second definition. Omissions are not necessarily untrue, but they are misleading.

BTW: When studying the Bible there is a saying. "A text used out of context is a pretext for error. That holds true here too.
So IOW, you have no answer because as we all know, President Biden has never been diagnosed as having dementia because he doesn't have dementia.

Being a little bit slower than one once was is not the equivalent of dementia.

As I recall, the rabid, slobbering right never said a word about Ronald Reagan's obvious mental decline during his second term.

Fucking hypocrites.
Denying what's right in front of you won't work, idiot.
She has been pretending to be a physician in order to spread COVID misinformation. An actual physician would know this.

Some mothers choose to go to term even after learning that the fetus has a lethal defect. (And some are forced to.) Some choose abortion or induced labor. In either instance, the fetus/baby is not "murdered" by health care providers after leaving the uterine environment. A full term infant with a lethal anomaly is bathed and wrapped and given to the parents just as a healthy infant is. They may choose to hold their child until he/she passes. This gives them comfort and closure in a horrific tragic situation. Medical and psych staff are nearby to help comfort the grieving parents.

Only MAGAT forced birthers believe otherwise. And only the most despicable of them would attempt to use such a tragedy to score political points.
Murdering your offspring for convenience is still murder.
Wow.. You are a complete moron.
Allowing someone to die and not giving them medical care to keep them alive happens every day, probably hundreds of times each day, and in no instance is the person killed by that process.
I know of a patient at the Dallas VA and he spent weeks in the SICU because he was ventilator dependent. They were trying to wean him from the ventilator to a T bar. A hose carrying moist oxygen attached to his trach tube. He would usually be seated on the T bar and after a few minutes he would become exhausted and clap his hands to indicate he needs to go back on the ventilator. One day the surgery resident in charge of his care ( A nephew of Dan Blocker) refused to allow the nurses to reattach him to the ventilator and said: "He is going to fly or die" He continued frantically clapping so the resident pulled the curtain to his room closed. He DID NOT FLY. Was he killed by denying him medical care. I think so . Others did too.
My wife and I were having coffee this morning and she asked, why would anyone with a modicum of intelligence, an income over $100,000, and a lick of common sense, vote for Heels Up and Tampon Tim.

I can answer that. I make more than $100K and my wife is similarly situated. Our 401k's are skyrocketing. Now, I'm pretty sure it's all going to evaporate before I get to access it, but really that part of the economy seems to be doing well.

I will freely admit to being quite privileged. My wife and I are DINKS (double income, no kids) so we live pretty well anyway.

Probably the BIGGER reason I'm voting for Kamala is that the DNC adheres to more of my beliefs than MAGA. I value social progressive issues being addressed.

Neither of them have a sound platform and both of them are just for more government spending and higher taxes?

There was almost nothing "policy" related last night. It was as I expected just a battle for the base. Just firming up what their own teams believe. It was hilarious that Trump couldn't avoid some of the more unhinged stuff like Haitians eating cats in Ohio, but generally no one offered anything meaningful.

But then there's no real need to do so. There's one choice that is rational in this election and one choice that is bizarre and stupid.
Yes if you take them out of context and misapply them it is a lie.

That is called a lie of omission

Lies of omission fit the second definition. Omissions are not necessarily untrue, but they are misleading.

BTW: When studying the Bible there is a saying. "A text used out of context is a pretext for error. That holds true here too.
You seem to know a lot about how determine something is a lie. I wonder why you are unable to use your knowledge.
Let's look at some lies
Trump claimed he was responsible for the biggest tax cut in history. (Is that a lie?)
Trump claimed Harris is a Marxist. (Is that a lie?)
Trump claimed there were no wars when he was President. (Is that a lie? Why did he have troops in Afghanistan?)
:rofl2: :lolup:

What a load of 🐴💩!!! :palm:

His doctor has avowed publicly that he gets examined multiple times per year and that there is nothing wrong with him mentally or physically.

Trumpers just lie like the shit they are.

Typical half-assed Trumper attempt at logic.

Your posts are a STRONG sign that YOU have dementia.

No, it just means he is being well looked after.
You mean that his doctor that vacations with Joe and Jill and is intertwined with Biden family ventures is saying his claim to fame is "just fine" I'm shocked .

You seem to know a lot about how determine something is a lie. I wonder why you are unable to use your knowledge.
Let's look at some lies
Trump claimed he was responsible for the biggest tax cut in history. (Is that a lie?)

Exaggeration. Trump is very prone to that. If you don't know the difference, you have a problem.
Trump claimed Harris is a Marxist. (Is that a lie?)

Another exaggeration. Harris IS a radical Leftist. She is a fringe Progressive. Marxist is hyperbolic (over-the-top), but it isn't a "lie."
Trump claimed there were no wars when he was President. (Is that a lie? Why did he have troops in Afghanistan?)
Afghanistan was an occupation of another country at that time, like the occupation of say Germany or Japan in 1946 and on. That doesn't make it a "war."
You mean that his doctor that vacations with Joe and Jill and is intertwined with Biden family ventures is saying his claim to fame is "just fine" I'm shocked .

You mean this guy.....?


Oh wait, that was the "doctor" who scribbled out a statement saying Trump was the healthiest person in the history of the human race while a limo sent and paid for by Trump was waiting for him outside his office.

