Fact Checking Kamala

You seem to know a lot about how determine something is a lie. I wonder why you are unable to use your knowledge.
Let's look at some lies
Trump claimed he was responsible for the biggest tax cut in history. (Is that a lie?)
Trump claimed Harris is a Marxist. (Is that a lie?)
Trump claimed there were no wars when he was President. (Is that a lie? Why did he have troops in Afghanistan?)
Kamala pushed equity. (Not to be confused with equality.)

Here is what at Georgia State University says about equity.

That’s basically what equity is: Marxist redistributionism writ large.

Marx’s other main goal was, as he put it, “the ruthless criticism of all that exists.” He wanted to tear down every long-standing system and replace it with something that, in his view, would be more just. We know how that worked out.

Nevertheless, for today’s Marxists, that remains a key objective—one they believe they can achieve, in large part, by pushing “equity.” For if we truly understand what that means, it’s easy to see where we’re headed.

Eventually, if the equity czars get their way, we will have doctors whose main qualification is not ability but rather membership in an “oppressed” group. Ditto for scientists, engineers, lawyers, professors, computer programmers, managers, police officers, and bureaucrats.


Yes Trump misspoke but he did reach a peace agreement with the Taliban and he withdrew more troops than Joe Biden did.

Kamala said there were no more troops in war zone . Yet we have troops in Syria and some recently got wounded fighting ISIS.
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So you would be OK with allowing an alive infant to die by leaving it in a cold stainless steel pan when it could be resuscitated and live a full productive life. What kind of monster are you? What the hell is wrong with you?
You would require parents to force a hospital to try to keep alive an infant that can't breathe on its own, has no brain stem, and is missing limbs. What kind of monster are you? What the hell is wrong with you?
I have been trained in medical school on how to identify dementia. I can tell you that the signs that Joe Biden is displaying in public is consistent with advancing dementia. To 100% diagnose Joe Biden he needs a cognitive exam which he will not take or has taken but will not reveal the results. Which in itself is a STRONG sign he has dementia. Because if he could have taken a cognitive exam and prove he does not have dementia and save his political career he would have done it already. And a neurologist making MULTIPLE visits to the White House is another clue.
When is Trump going to take his cognitive exam and release the results?

Believing neighbors are taking pets and eating them is a sign someone doesn't have all their faculties. Continuing to believe it even after being told it is not true is another sign of not having all his faculties.
Exaggeration. Trump is very prone to that. If you don't know the difference, you have a problem.

Another exaggeration. Harris IS a radical Leftist. She is a fringe Progressive. Marxist is hyperbolic (over-the-top), but it isn't a "lie."

Afghanistan was an occupation of another country at that time, like the occupation of say Germany or Japan in 1946 and on. That doesn't make it a "war."
I guess, you should have a conversation with ExpressLane because he claims those are lies when done by a Democrat. A standard is a standard or it proves you have no standard.

If a simple omission is a lie, then why is an exaggeration not a lie?
Kamala Harris said Trump would enact a national sales tax.

Trump has never said he would sign a national sales tax. Trump has used tarrifs as a measure to improve trade imbalances with China. China was subsidizing their steel industry and dumping cheap steel on the US market. It almost totally destroyed our steel industry. Trump put tariffs on cheap Chinese steel to make American steel more competitive and bring back more steel worker jobs. HARRIS/Biden have not removed those tariffs even though they have been quick to reverse other Trump EOs on things like the Keystone XL Pipeline and Stay in Mexico etc.

We rate this as FALSE
I worked for a steel company that moved to China for cheap unprotected labor and no environmental regulation. Once the manufacturing is gone. it does not come back over a tariff. Building a steel manufacturing company is very expensive and takes time. Innovation is made by the company that makes a product. So China passes us up in that too.
You mean this guy.....?


Oh wait, that was the "doctor" who scribbled out a statement saying Trump was the healthiest person in the history of the human race while a limo sent and paid for by Trump was waiting for him outside his office.


I'm pretty sure the same doctor that treated Biden for years also gave Trump a clean bill of health.

I can answer that. I make more than $100K and my wife is similarly situated. Our 401k's are skyrocketing. Now, I'm pretty sure it's all going to evaporate before I get to access it, but really that part of the economy seems to be doing well.
Your 401k better be up over 30% in the last three years because that is what your buying power has lost.
I will freely admit to being quite privileged. My wife and I are DINKS (double income, no kids) so we live pretty well anyway.

Probably the BIGGER reason I'm voting for Kamala is that the DNC adheres to more of my beliefs than MAGA. I value social progressive issues being addressed.

Dual income no kkida explains a lot. Try byouing your first house and having the necessary income to qualify, double over the last three years.
There was almost nothing "policy" related last night. It was as I expected just a battle for the base. Just firming up what their own teams believe. It was hilarious that Trump couldn't avoid some of the more unhinged stuff like Haitians eating cats in Ohio, but generally no one offered anything meaningful.

But then there's no real need to do so.

You are wrong. Currently, there are over 10 million illegals in this country and towns and cities cannot absorb the impact of these "newcomers". Guess what happens to your taxes? Right, when you finally pull your 401k be it Rothed or not, you WILL pay taxes on that income.
Forget the "cats" and look at the impact on Springfield Ohio a town of 58,000 and within three years another 20,000 no income "newcomers" get dumped in your lap.
Heels Up wants to add homes for them. Who do you think will pay for that? You don't have kids so no worry for you but others think of their legacy and what will become of it if this does not stop.

There's one choice that is rational in this election and one choice that is bizarre and stupid.
Correct, and voting for what has happened to America in the last few years is flat out stupid.
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You are wrong. Currently, there are over 10 million illegals in this country and towns and cities cannot absorb the impact of these "newcomers". Guess what happens to your taxes? Right, when you finally pull your 401k be it Rothed or not, you WILL pay taxes on that income.
Forget the "cats" and look at the impact on Springfield Ohio a town of 58,000 and within three years another 20,000 no income "newcomers" get dumped in your lap.
Heels Up wants to add homes for them. Who do you think will pay for that? You don't have kids so no worry for you but others think of their legacy and what will become of it if this does not stop.

The Haitians in Columbus, OH are largely LEGALLY HERE.

But they ARE brown people so it's probably why the Trumpists got confused and just demonized them as well.
I guess, you should have a conversation with ExpressLane because he claims those are lies when done by a Democrat. A standard is a standard or it proves you have no standard.

If a simple omission is a lie, then why is an exaggeration not a lie?
You talk to him. I point that sort of thing out equally across the board. Words have meaning, and we shouldn't accept Humpty Dumpty's definitions.
Infants with no brain stems are NEVER born alive. Infants frequently need a ventilator for awhile. My grandson was premature and was on a ventilator for a week. Would you have killed him because he needed help? You are a monster. Kids are born with missing limbs every day and they become productive citizens. I went college with a beautiful girl that was missing half of her left arm from a amniotic band. She is social worker and a wonderful person. You would have denied her care too I guess. You are heartless animal.
Exaggeration. Trump is very prone to that. If you don't know the difference, you have a problem.

Another exaggeration. Harris IS a radical Leftist. She is a fringe Progressive. Marxist is hyperbolic (over-the-top), but it isn't a "lie."

Afghanistan was an occupation of another country at that time, like the occupation of say Germany or Japan in 1946 and on. That doesn't make it a "war."
Marxist isn't "over the top". Kamala is Marxist. She is a fascist and a communist.
I worked for a steel company that moved to China for cheap unprotected labor and no environmental regulation. Once the manufacturing is gone. it does not come back over a tariff. Building a steel manufacturing company is very expensive and takes time. Innovation is made by the company that makes a product. So China passes us up in that too.
Tell that to the Japanese auto industry...
The Haitians in Columbus, OH are largely LEGALLY HERE.

But they ARE brown people so it's probably why the Trumpists got confused and just demonized them as well.
Or they are until their immigration cases get heard. When the federal government dumps 20,000 Haitians in a Town of 60,000 what could possibly go wrong? :dunno: I'm sure they will all find good jobs :palm: