Fact: Same sex unions are way inferior to heterosexual unions

Oh, your definition.
That's not my definition. Marriage was defined that way long before I ever existed.

Not the legal.
False Authority Fallacy. Also remember that not too long ago, it WAS the legal definition.

Not the real one,
Appeal to Purity Fallacy.

just yours.
See first response.

Nope, marriage was always about financial needs.
Marriage has absolutely nothing to do with financial needs.

Part of it is to make sure women and children are not left poor when the man moves on.
If "move on" means "death", then that's what life insurance is for. If "move on" means "divorce", then that's what child support is for. This is irrelevant to defining marriage.

That was, of course, more painful in the old days, but we made laws and regulations to make it fairer.
Financial needs are irrelevant to defining marriage.

You may not know it, but married or unmarried you can have sex,.

One body? What a silly abstraction that is.
... in spirit... in purpose... Yes. Two physical bodies become one spiritual body, in purpose. This mirrors the relationship between Jesus Christ (husband) and The Church (bride). Additionally, a child is the physical embodiment of this "joining together", as two bodies (the parents) become one body (the child). Given that only male/female relations can create such a child, marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman.

However, gays feel like you do.

They want to have a family unit and raise kids.
This is where it is realized that gays/lesbians cannot procreate, and that a man and a woman are necessary for such procreation.

You should welcome them since over half of theses unions you seek end up in divorce,
Divorce rates are irrelevant to defining marriage.

There is nothing particularly holy or special about doing a ceremony.
Yes there is.

So you see marriage as an institution for breeding people.
We'd be fucked as a species if we didn't procreate, correct?
The only idea in all this is people with the same genetic equipment don't produce young together.
Not the only idea, but the main one.

Big deal!
You do realize the logical conclusion to not procreating, correct?

There seems never to have been any lack of human young, has there? Not even in classical Athens at its civilised height! :)
Nope, because humans (through male/female relations) have been procreating.
That we even exist is thanks to exclusively heterosexual unions which is the very factual evidence that proves beyond any shadow of doubt that homosexual unions or any other kind of union doesn't even come close to comparing to heterosexual unions. Heterosexual unions stand alone.

If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles and where is there any honour in that?!!

To this day not one person (I have even been in contact with tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions in recent years on this very subject) has contested with even so much as a shred of validity the fact that thousands of years since created marriage honours the one sexual union to which we all owe our existence and that one and only sexual unions are exclusively heterosexual unions again as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt.

I say federal conservatives need to dump their sick lie supporting liberally retarded leader and LGBT lies and deceptions need to be removed from schools and legislation for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Never give up the fight on marriage until marriage is permanently restored to a respectable state far from the sick filthy and soon to be short lived mockery that the LGBT has made of it. Scheer wants to lie for these sickos, shame, get rid of him and the sooner the better I say.

Oh and pride parade such sick liars call their sickly disgusting and offensive parade that yet not one of these sick and filthy liars gives one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman which is yet another fine example of the sick and filthy liars the LGBT proves to be.

I'll never quit until the is destroyed permanently and globally and my pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.

To you homosexuals / lesbians dumb enough to support the LGBT, according to LGBT logic, you being homosexual male born with a penis describes you for having sex with a woman aka born with a vagina with her vagina ripped out of her body. You being lesbian born with a vagina means you have sex with those born with a penis aka male surgically mutilated and stuffed inside a cut next to his anus.

Time for you to grow up. Officials even considering forcing lies through legislation reveals how incompetent they are let alone allowing such sick and filthy lies ad deceptions to pass through legislation and into schools is shameful, sick, offensive and inexcusable. There is no excuse for such sick behavior.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

with all due respect, jeffrey, conservatives need to let the gay stuff go. it would be more beneficial to families to get the economy to where a family can make it on one income.
Marriage started as a union between wealthy families or heads of state. Love was not considered. Arranged marriages have been the norm in most societies until this century. In a sense it still is. The wealthy marry other wealthy. It is rare to marry up . Marriages are and were a financial and political institutions. Religion had nothing to do with it except you were forced to marry inside your cult. That is not love, but business.
No matter how far f@ggots drag the government into their bedrooms, they're still mentally ill perverts, whose perversion is useless to society, or worse.
JDS is an expert on all sex. What's his stand on beastialty. Does he like it? Is it the best kind of sex? Does he prefer moose?
Since you claim to be Straight,how would you know why anyone is lesbian or gay.Let alone one size fits all.

Sexual retardation is the answer you most desperately seek obviously ;) and one size fits all, sounds to me someone has a small dick and this is your way of compensating, really???
That we even exist is thanks to exclusively heterosexual unions which is the very factual evidence that proves beyond any shadow of doubt that homosexual unions or any other kind of union doesn't even come close to comparing to heterosexual unions. Heterosexual unions stand alone.

If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles and where is there any honour in that?!!

To this day not one person (I have even been in contact with tens of thousands of elected appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions in recent years on this very subject) has contested with even so much as a shred of validity the fact that thousands of years since created marriage honours the one sexual union to which we all owe our existence and that one and only sexual unions are exclusively heterosexual unions again as thousands of years already proves beyond any shadow of doubt.

I say federal conservatives need to dump their sick lie supporting liberally retarded leader and LGBT lies and deceptions need to be removed from schools and legislation for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Never give up the fight on marriage until marriage is permanently restored to a respectable state far from the sick filthy and soon to be short lived mockery that the LGBT has made of it. Scheer wants to lie for these sickos, shame, get rid of him and the sooner the better I say.

Oh and pride parade such sick liars call their sickly disgusting and offensive parade that yet not one of these sick and filthy liars gives one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman which is yet another fine example of the sick and filthy liars the LGBT proves to be.

I'll never quit until the is destroyed permanently and globally and my pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.

To you homosexuals / lesbians dumb enough to support the LGBT, according to LGBT logic, you being homosexual male born with a penis describes you for having sex with a woman aka born with a vagina with her vagina ripped out of her body. You being lesbian born with a vagina means you have sex with those born with a penis aka male surgically mutilated and stuffed inside a cut next to his anus.

Time for you to grow up. Officials even considering forcing lies through legislation reveals how incompetent they are let alone allowing such sick and filthy lies ad deceptions to pass through legislation and into schools is shameful, sick, offensive and inexcusable. There is no excuse for such sick behavior.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

you are mentally diseased