I've been reading a book about populism that argues that although the best educated are seldom populist, the populists aren't the worst - they are often people who couldn't afford the cost of higher education, but, on the whole, they aren't the very poorest either. They are, so the book argues, those who feel their communities are threatened by immigration and the advance of minorities, and they get more determined the more the 'elite' look down on them. As one who certainly looks down on them, I pass this on, for what it may be worth.

We know you're lying now. You can't read.
Here are some interesting facts that should be considered in any discussion of Trump:

America’s 12 Highest income states: Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Washington, Virginia, Colorado, Utah.

Trump won only 2 of those states.

Proving that Democrat voters are the filthy rich Wall Street crooks we all know they are Frank!

America’s 12 Lowest income states: West Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri

Trump won 11 of those states.

Proving that the folks that believe in the Gospel and second Amendment rights were sick of Obama and Democrats anti-Christianity and gun grabbing ideology.

America’s 12 most educated states: Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Utah, Washington, New Jersey, New York.

Trump won only 1 of those states.

Proving that leftist communist teachers and professors have infiltrated the American education system just as America’s patriots have been warning Frank!

America’s 12 least educated states: Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas.

Trump won 10 of those states.

Proving that common sense beats a leftist education every day in the week and twice on Sunday Frank.

Some may not see any significance to the distribution. But they are worth considering. So...

...have a go at them.

We can discuss any significance or lack of significance.


Considered and the significance revealed by Robo!

Thanks Frank!
Proving that Democrat voters are the filthy rich Wall Street crooks we all know they are Frank!

Proving that the folks that believe in the Gospel and second Amendment rights were sick of Obama and Democrats anti-Christianity and gun grabbing ideology.

Proving that leftist communist teachers and professors have infiltrated the American education system just as America’s patriots have been warning Frank!

Proving that common sense beats a leftist education every day in the week and twice on Sunday Frank.

Considered and the significance revealed by Robo!

Thanks Frank!

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Lol way to funny. You demonrats win by enslaving the masses in welfare that you know will cause them to support the ones who pay their Bill's. You win by allowing future voters across our borders knowing that once they are made citizens they will support you demonrats. You win by attacking your opponent with the charges that you are guilty of. In this case seeking foreign assistance in our 2016 election. Hillary did it with the steele dossier and Schiff was duped by a DJ pretending to have naked pictures of trump (was so excited to accept those lol). You win by filling the courts with radical justices who shit on the constitution and instead rule based on their or in this case your agenda. You win by cheating. In my state 20k votes we found after a recount was triggered that only had one vote cast and it happened to be for the demonrat that was slightly behind. Votes that should have been spoiled. Dept of agriculture check it out.

You know something. I have never seen a recount that had the republican gain votes. Always the demonrat and always in a demonrat district. Incompetent and corrupt.

Great post. How can you get everything wrong?
Welfare enslaves nobody. There are no Dems delivering help. It comes from the government.
Steele is an Englishman. An ally . He worked for Cambridge not the Dems.
Only rightys are talking about naked pictures of Trump.
The dems are not court-packing. It is the Repubs who are doing that and many of their picks are rejected by the Barr Assoc, as utterly unqualified.
Trump got real help in the election from Russia. The first half of the Mueller report delineated that simply and clearly. 6 Trumpies are in jail for it.
You are living in an alternate reality.
With help and assistance from the Russians and the FBI

Lol dumbest crap I've heard in a long time. The FBI lied to get the FISA warrant to spy on trump. Then they did all possible to start a coup.

Russia, no matter how dumb you Libs are on the issue, would NEVER want a president who's policy reduces the price of oil, increases America's military capacity, and facilitates our economic explosion.

Hillary was anti fossil fuel, going to cut the military even more, and would have continued the Obamanations lack luster economic performance.

Yeah the russians wanted trump lol. Idiots.
She got more votes even with vote repression. She did that because you were dumb enough to thing a reality TV show host was qualified for the presidency.

More votes means what? TRUMP won more states so nah.

BTW only in your bizarro world would you not see the absolute success of this tv reality show host. I guess you judge a president by food stamp usage.
Not true! That is an opinion based upon none other than your Hatred directed towards Hillary and Democrats.

It wouldn't have mattered who the Democrats nominated to be our president, you would have said the same thing about them.

This is all part of the same mentality of the Trump Supporters that say- "Because of Obama- you democrats created Donald Trump"!

And the Trump Supporters would have also said that about anyone they selected to replace OBAMA!

This is nothing more than the usual Democrat bashing and Swift-Boat attacking of Democrats that comes right out of the Republican playbook.

Let's try it this way. Hillary was so bad that Donald Trump and unknown and offensive blowhard could be the lesser of two evils. Many myself included pinched our noses and voted for him.

Now unfortunately for you guys he has done amazingly. He has shown that his word is golden and he keeps his promises. He has shown a willingness to tackle issues BOTH parties have kicked down the road at America's children's expense. None had the balls or stomach to address those issues like trump has. So he is now a known commodity a successful one.

Now I cant wait to vote for him. I've never felt this strongly about a candidate or election. I've never seen the amount of typically demonrat voters going for my guy. Cant wait to see the demonrat heads exploding in November.
She won by three million.

It could have been 50 million and she still lost. The us map of states was almost all red save for a few highly populated shit hole states.


President Trump. Wow that sounds so good. 4 more years sounds even better.
Calling them walmart shoppers, low iq, and deplorables doesn't help make your side look very intelligent.

Saying, "Jimmy Breslin referred to them as them as the Low IQ states"...is not calling THEM Walmart shoppers, low IQ or deplorables.

In fact, it is a comment about some STATES...not about people.

And mixing that up...does not make you look very intelligent.
Lol dumbest crap I've heard in a long time. The FBI lied to get the FISA warrant to spy on trump. Then they did all possible to start a coup.

Russia, no matter how dumb you Libs are on the issue, would NEVER want a president who's policy reduces the price of oil, increases America's military capacity, and facilitates our economic explosion.

Hillary was anti fossil fuel, going to cut the military even more, and would have continued the Obamanations lack luster economic performance.

Yeah the russians wanted trump lol. Idiots.

Barely 2 weeks before the election, the FBI made a statement that Hillary would be under further investigation. Hows that for timing.
Every single one of our intelligence agencies told us that Russia interfered in our elections. They wanted Trump in office, and now you can see why.
FAKE NEWS FROM THE LIBERAL MEDIA AS USUAL LOL (.../sarc, like so totally /sarc it actually is laughable...)

They forgot about the GREAT American State of Trumpmania, which exists everywhere, and in the case of Trumpmania, Trump always wins.
Let's try it this way. Hillary was so bad that Donald Trump and unknown and offensive blowhard could be the lesser of two evils. Many myself included pinched our noses and voted for him.

Now unfortunately for you guys he has done amazingly. He has shown that his word is golden and he keeps his promises. He has shown a willingness to tackle issues BOTH parties have kicked down the road at America's children's expense. None had the balls or stomach to address those issues like trump has. So he is now a known commodity a successful one.

Now I cant wait to vote for him. I've never felt this strongly about a candidate or election. I've never seen the amount of typically demonrat voters going for my guy. Cant wait to see the demonrat heads exploding in November.

15000 lies compiled by daffy so far and you claim his word is golden. You turn black to white and white to black in that right wing brain.
Hello evince,

only about 80,000 voters in a few states gave trump the electoral win

republicans keep winning with fewer votes

the only way Democratic party candidates win anymore is by FLOODING the nation with votes

everyone needs to vote

Oh, absolutely. We have to make a statement loud and clear that the immorality of Trump and fans is unacceptable. Not to mention that unless Trump is beaten resoundingly, he will refuse to accept the results and turn it into a long drawn-out court battle, possibly refuse to hold an inauguration or leave the WH. He is delusional and lives in a fantasy world. We know how unpredictable he is and how resistant he is to anything that can be seen as him losing face...

Everyone must not only vote, but actively insist that everyone they know also vote. Impress upon everyone the importance of it, that he must not only be beaten, but beaten by a large indisputable margin. And there must also be enough votes to overcome the Russian meddling. He must be absolutely crushed on election day. Election day in November is the beginning of the end of Trump, the day most of America has been looking forward to. That is the day America gets to have their say about Trump. His first official job review. Keep him or toss him? Personally, I say we toss him OUT. DUMP TRUMP. Liar, conman, immoral greedy racist. Power junkie, bully, misogynist, xenophobe, womanizer. And he is insulting, disrespectful and irresponsible, too! HE is actually less than a zero. Trump is a negative for our country.

Climate change alone is reason enough. Fighting Climate Change is now the one most important issue for any human. Since Trump actually fights against dealing with Climate Change, he is making matters worse. Other countries see the USA backing down on it's commitments and they are asking why they should bother? And this is occurring at a time when time is running out on taking action. We already have a certain amount of warming locked in. Can't change it even if we ended carbon emissions. We are now fighting to ensure we don't have extreme changes. It could not be more serious. Getting rid of President Trump now is absolutely imperative for all human beings.
Great post. How can you get everything wrong?
Welfare enslaves nobody. There are no Dems delivering help. It comes from the government.
Steele is an Englishman. An ally . He worked for Cambridge not the Dems.
Only rightys are talking about naked pictures of Trump.
The dems are not court-packing. It is the Repubs who are doing that and many of their picks are rejected by the Barr Assoc, as utterly unqualified.
Trump got real help in the election from Russia. The first half of the Mueller report delineated that simply and clearly. 6 Trumpies are in jail for it.
You are living in an alternate reality.

Horse shit. I wont bother educating you on the rest as it's a waste of energy and you have proven not to get facts. I will explain welfare being an enslaving proposition.

Accepting welfare you are essentially being told what type of life style you will live. You are told what you will be given and have little or no say in changing it. When you accept welfare, especially long term, it takes away desire to get better and promotes laziness.

Like it or not you are being paid for by government. That is a slave. You just dont have to work for the money.
Here are some interesting facts that should be considered in any discussion of Trump:

America’s 12 Highest income states: Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, New Hampshire, Alaska, Washington, Virginia, Colorado, Utah.

Trump won only 2 of those states.

America’s 12 Lowest income states: West Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri

Trump won 11 of those states.

America’s 12 most educated states: Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Utah, Washington, New Jersey, New York.

Trump won only 1 of those states.

America’s 12 least educated states: Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Alaska, Kentucky, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas.

Trump won 10 of those states.

Some may not see any significance to the distribution. But they are worth considering. So...

...have a go at them.

We can discuss any significance or lack of significance.


Cost of living is what you're leaving out. The highest income states usually have the highest taxes. High income also doesn't necessarily mean highest quality of life. California has one of the highest poverty rates of any state, mostly because of just how expensive so much of the state is to live in.

So you really have to look at things as income vs. taxation vs. cost of living. The ideal is to live in a state with a low cost of living, low taxes, and at least decent income. One of the better states for this is Texas.