We spend a lot of time discussing what a disgusting piece of shit Trump is.
That's true. That's obvious. But that's not our biggest problem.
63,000,000 equally disgusting pieces of shit voted for him. That's 63,000,000 malignant tumors on our population.
Any decent and respectable Social Democrat or progressive liberal who still has a Trumpanzee "friend" or hasn't completely disowned a Trumpanzee relative is exacerbating the existential threat to our Republic. There is no way that we should allow the notion to exist that a Trump supporter can coexist with morally and mentally healthy people and not be loathed and ostracized. These people, Trumpanzees, are the lowest form of life on the planet. What they did is irredeemable. They are not to be forgiven. They cannot be rehabilitated. They're the most foul kind of garbage imaginable. They deserve noting in the way of respect or accommodation. They don't even deserve to die peacefully.
We decent people were taught to forgive and to give aide and comfort to the lesser among us. That's true. That has not changed.
But Trumpanzees are not to be included in that dynamic. They are a different case altogether. They were unimaginable to the prophets. Our forefathers could not have predicted them. Lower people had not before existed. Lower people were never meant by nature to exist. Trumpanzees are an obscenity that humanity was never meant to endure.
This is the most frightening part of all: the longer we tolerate them, the more we are likely to become more like them. The more likely we are to lose our humanity. Our own instincts to be kind and charitable threaten to be our demise if we think that Trumpanzees also deserve kindness and charity. They deserve nothing but the very worst pains of hell. If you don't realize that, think about it a little harder.