Fair Immigration VS Free Immigration

Where would you even deport a US citizen of Hispanic ancestry too? Mexico is a sovereign nation, it doesn't have any responsibility to accept non-citizens who may be Hispanic that a racist US government just wishes to dump on them.

Well one way would be to use neutron bombs to depopulate mexico. Then we could send our "latinos" there. Mexico can take the choice of us sending our mexicans to a populated mexico or a depopulated mexico. If you don't like that idea, how about this. We take a sizeable portion of the South West U.S. and make it a "latino" homeland. In the farther west, this would go up to and include LA. Then, for most of the southern border, if any mexicans wanted to tunnel into the U.S., they would have to dig a very long tunnel.
Where the hell would African Americans go? They've been here longer than most whites.

I would take a sizeable portion of the South East U.S. and make it a negro homeland. Then send all negroes there. Or they could go back to Africa. I wish like hell that Abraham Lincoln would have lived long enough to have his way. Because he wanted to send most of the ex-slaves to Panama.
I would rather end all immigration than to end all immigration for everyone but white countries.

Why. To show that you're not "racist?" This country was founded and mostly populated by White people from White European countries. As a White American, I am not bothered by the idea of White Europeans coming to this country. Just as probably no mexican American is really bothered by the idea of mexicans coming here from mexico.

Also, there are already too many people on this planet for it to sustainably support. But the population levels of White people aren't rising. In some places, they may even be going down a little. Yet every single day, there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before.
Any suggestions on how that could be done??

I do. Bring back the jobs that were sent overseas to third world wage slave countries with very lax environmental laws. Then employ White people at a decent wage that they could think about starting a family with.
I do. Bring back the jobs that were sent overseas to third world wage slave countries with very lax environmental laws. Then employ White people at a decent wage that they could think about starting a family with.

trump says he will bring back those jobs, & especially in the places/areas where they were before, so you can count on a toaster manufacturing company coming to your area soon.... :)
trump says he will bring back those jobs, & especially in the places/areas where they were before, so you can count on a toaster manufacturing company coming to your area soon.... :)

If Trump wins. But by the looks of things, a lot of repiblicans are going to support Hell-ary.