Fairness Doctrine

right lets just keep going with the brainwashing of american idiots doctrine.
As long as profit is involved.
you really think forcing people to carry liberal talk radio will get people to listen to it?
It will be a balance of liberal and cons on the sme show both presenting their views and opinions.
Rush gets 30 min and then NoamChomsky gets 30 min. Present both sides and let the listeners/viewers decide.

MIght make a good surreality show out of it.
LOL... I love how its "brainwashing" when a show has different political views than your own.
CAW you and I agree on just a few things (like how bad the trojans suck) but this Doubleplusun"Fairness" Doctrine is one of the most unamerican things I have ever heard endorsed by Liberals.
CAW you and I agree on just a few things (like how bad the trojans suck) but this Doubleplusun"Fairness" Doctrine is one of the most unamerican things I have ever heard endorsed by Liberals.

Hating the Trojans is unamerican. Are you sure you voted legally on Tuesday? Comments like the one you made above usually only come from foreigners who are unaware of the USC Cheerleaders.

When the Trojans win the BCS title this year you are going to go Jonestown like Rush and Hannity the day after the election.
Totalitarians always have ways to justify the fact they have us bent over while they apply the big green pickle.

"Fairness" doctrine is nothing less than unmitigated totalitarianism. And it is censorship. Those who claim otherwise are ignorant fools. A person pays for the broadcast of 45 minutes worth of their show, and raises the capital to pay for those 45 minutes by renting out the other 15 minutes of their "hour" to advertisers. The fairness doctrine will TAKE 22.5 minutes of that time away from them. They cannot talk their ideas for 45 minutes anymore, gotta split it with free loading mindless assholes who have no other way to get their message out.

How would YOU like to be told STFU for 50% of what you would like to say, so I can have my say? Fucking fascist totalitarian assholes, the fucking bunch who support "fairness" doctrines. You can hang the president in effigy. You can burn the flag. You can say what you want, when you want as long as it is not inciting violence against others. I spent a 40 year career defending your rights to free speech. And the first fucking thing you want to do when you get power is take free speech away from others? I will not call anyone unAmerican for opposing the government - that is both your right, and duty if you believe the government to be in the wrong. But I WILL call anyone who supports anti-constitutional concepts like "fairness doctrine" unAmerican, because what you support is about as anti-American as you can get.
Totalitarians always have ways to justify the fact they have us bent over while they apply the big green pickle.

"Fairness" doctrine is nothing less than unmitigated totalitarianism. And it is censorship. Those who claim otherwise are ignorant fools. A person pays for the broadcast of 45 minutes worth of their show, and raises the capital to pay for those 45 minutes by renting out the other 15 minutes of their "hour" to advertisers. The fairness doctrine will TAKE 22.5 minutes of that time away from them. They cannot talk their ideas for 45 minutes anymore, gotta split it with free loading mindless assholes who have no other way to get their message out.

How would YOU like to be told STFU for 50% of what you would like to say, so I can have my say? Fucking fascist totalitarian assholes, the fucking bunch who support "fairness" doctrines. You can hang the president in effigy. You can burn the flag. You can say what you want, when you want as long as it is not inciting violence against others. I spent a 40 year career defending your rights to free speech. And the first fucking thing you want to do when you get power is take free speech away from others? I will not call anyone unAmerican for opposing the government - that is both your right, and duty if you believe the government to be in the wrong. But I WILL call anyone who supports anti-constitutional concepts like "fairness doctrine" unAmerican, because what you support is about as anti-American as you can get.

It is corporations who are censoring and taking free speech away from average Americans. They need to be told that they have certain standards of decency when broadcasting over OUR airwaves. Good Luck, this is like you arguing that telling Rush Limbaugh that he can't cover central park in New York with campaign signs is against free speech. It's a stupid argument.

I support the fairness "doctrine" for the same reason I support America and you despise every good thing about it.
It is corporations who are censoring and taking free speech away from average Americans. They need to be told that they have certain standards of decency when broadcasting over OUR airwaves. Good Luck, this is like you arguing that telling Rush Limbaugh that he can't cover central park in New York with campaign signs is against free speech. It's a stupid argument.

I support the fairness "doctrine" for the same reason I support America and you despise every good thing about it.

can you imagine the screaming here if Damo decided to make this a "fair" place to post and puts limits on how much one side or the other can post? It is the same concept.
It is corporations who are censoring and taking free speech away from average Americans. They need to be told that they have certain standards of decency when broadcasting over OUR airwaves. Good Luck, this is like you arguing that telling Rush Limbaugh that he can't cover central park in New York with campaign signs is against free speech. It's a stupid argument.

I support the fairness "doctrine" for the same reason I support America and you despise every good thing about it.
"OUR" airwaves? Now there is the epitome of the brain dead liberal though pattern. As far as I know, mankind (let alone the United States of America) did not invent the electromagnetic spectrum. The idea that the medium through which television and radios information is broadcast is "public" domain is absolutely ludicrous. But people still parrot that mindless idea as if it were God's truth.

The FCC was created so broadcast companies did not accidentally (or on purpose) set their frequencies to interfere with another broadcast company. That necessary system of assigned frequencies does not, nor has it ever meant the medium is "public". The "airwaves" as you so erroneously label them are nothing more than nature.

However, the equipment that takes information and creates an electromagnetic signal of it so people hundreds of miles away can use their equipment to gather the signal and translate it back into visual and audio information, is owned by individuals - NOT the public. We have no right, nor constitutional authority, to tell those who own the broadcast equipment what kinds of information they must provide. (with the exception of EBS)

However, let's say the "airwaves" are public, just for a ridiculous, mind-numbingly stupid moment. The federal highway system is public. (Unlike the Em spectrum which simply exists) Are you saying the federal government has the right to tell you who you must transport in your privately owned vehicle, if you are to be allowed use of the federal highways?

It's very simple. You want to hear ideas counter to those of Limbaugh or Hannity? Then buy some broadcasting equipment, buy a broadcast license and get your assigned frequency, hire some people to run the equipment, hire some broadcast personalities to express the message you want expressed, and put on a show. If you are successful more power to you. I'd even listen in for a while, just to give you support. If your show is WORTH listening to, I'll keep listening. If it is not, then I will stop after a month. But you get your own political show, and I will promise to listen every time it is on for one full month, minimum. How's that?

But take your "fairness" doctrine and shove it. If you can't compete with mindnumbingly idiotic pundits like Rush without big government horning in, then maybe your ideas aren't so hot to begin with.
"OUR" airwaves? Now there is the epitome of the brain dead liberal though pattern. As far as I know, mankind (let alone the United States of America) did not invent the electromagnetic spectrum. The idea that the medium through which television and radios information is broadcast is "public" domain is absolutely ludicrous. But people still parrot that mindless idea as if it were God's truth.

The FCC was created so broadcast companies did not accidentally (or on purpose) set their frequencies to interfere with another broadcast company. That necessary system of assigned frequencies does not, nor has it ever meant the medium is "public". The "airwaves" as you so erroneously label them are nothing more than nature.

However, the equipment that takes information and creates an electromagnetic signal of it so people hundreds of miles away can use their equipment to gather the signal and translate it back into visual and audio information, is owned by individuals - NOT the public. We have no right, nor constitutional authority, to tell those who own the broadcast equipment what kinds of information they must provide. (with the exception of EBS)

However, let's say the "airwaves" are public, just for a ridiculous, mind-numbingly stupid moment. The federal highway system is public. (Unlike the Em spectrum which simply exists) Are you saying the federal government has the right to tell you who you must transport in your privately owned vehicle, if you are to be allowed use of the federal highways?

It's very simple. You want to hear ideas counter to those of Limbaugh or Hannity? Then buy some broadcasting equipment, buy a broadcast license and get your assigned frequency, hire some people to run the equipment, hire some broadcast personalities to express the message you want expressed, and put on a show. If you are successful more power to you. I'd even listen in for a while, just to give you support. If your show is WORTH listening to, I'll keep listening. If it is not, then I will stop after a month. But you get your own political show, and I will promise to listen every time it is on for one full month, minimum. How's that?

But take your "fairness" doctrine and shove it. If you can't compete with mindnumbingly idiotic pundits like Rush without big government horning in, then maybe your ideas aren't so hot to begin with.

They tried to compete with the conservatives on the airwaves. Air America was started to do just that. And it has been a commercial failure.
They tried to compete with the conservatives on the airwaves. Air America was started to do just that. And it has been a commercial failure.
So Air America didn't take. Lots of shows don't take. Let them try again, in a slightly different format. They're absolutely free to try as many times as they want to try. I honestly hope they do get a workable liberal radio talk show going - if nothing else so they'll STFU about their totalitarian bullshit fascist ideas.

(Or at least this one. They have a number of others that need to be tramped down, too.)
The simple soloution to all of this. Pass a law where the pundits of all types face legal responsibility for what they say. They can be legally punish for saying lies and distortions.
Personal accountability and responsibility.

And not with just piddly fines but banishment from broadcasting for a period of time.
For broadcasting lies.
The simple soloution to all of this. Pass a law where the pundits of all types face legal responsibility for what they say. They can be legally punish for saying lies and distortions.
Personal accountability and responsibility.

And not with just piddly fines but banishment from broadcasting for a period of time.
For broadcasting lies.

So all fiction would be outlawed?

These conservative talk shows do not claim to be news stations. They are giving their opinions. Its not as outrageous as it seems.